In this excerpt from Flex on Java we're going to explore how to add security to your Flex applications. We'll not only discuss simple authentication, but we'll touch on adding authorization to specific parts of your Flex application through the use of the @Security annotations provided by the Spring Security framework.
We'll take an iterative approach to adding security to our sample application. We'll start by adding simple login and logout functionality. Following that we'll build upon that and add some security constraints to the services and lock down the destructive method calls to only users belonging to specific roles, while still allowing anonymous access to be able to view the data in our application.
This chapter covers:
Authentication and Authorization with Flex and Spring Security
This chapter is excerpted from Flex on Java (early access edition). It is being reproduced here by permission from Manning Publications. Manning early access books and ebooks are sold exclusively through Manning. Visit the book's page for more information.
Adobe Developer Connection readers can now get 35% off any version of Flex on Java (print book or ebook) when using the checkout code "adobe35" at www.manning.com/allmon.
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