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Oracle ASM 进程之ASMB


在ASM alert日志看到一段话
Fri Mar  5 00:03:10 2010
Starting background process ASMB
ASMB started with pid=13, OS id=42068
Fri Mar  5 00:06:19 2010
NOTE: ASMB process exiting due to lack of ASM file activity

Every database instance that uses ASM for file storage will also need two new processes. The Rebalancer background process (RBAL) handles global opens of all ASM disks in the ASM Disk Groups, while the ASM Bridge process (ASMB) connects as a foreground process into the ASM instance when the regular database instance starts. ASMB facilitates communication between the ASM instance and the regular database, including handling physical file changes like data file creation and deletion.

ASMB exchanges messages between both servers for statistics update and instance health validation. These two processes are automatically started by the database instance when a new Oracle file type - for example, a tablespace's datafile -- is created on an ASM disk group. When an ASM instance mounts a disk group, it registers the disk group and connect string with Group Services. The database instance knows the name of the disk group, and can therefore use it to locate connect information for the correct ASM instance.

附rdbms、asm instance的后台进程
$ ps -ef|grep asmdb
  oracle  7534     1   0 00:03:16      -  0:00 ora_rbal_asmdb
  oracle 14186     1   0 00:44:53      -  0:00 ora_o000_asmdb
  oracle 15268     1   0 00:03:12      -  0:00 ora_reco_asmdb
  oracle 16016     1   0 00:03:12      -  0:02 ora_smon_asmdb
  oracle 22202     1   0 00:03:12      -  0:01 ora_mmnl_asmdb
  oracle 22492     1   0 00:03:12      -  0:03 ora_mmon_asmdb
  oracle 23238     1   0 00:03:12      -  0:01 ora_ckpt_asmdb
  oracle 26366     1   0 00:03:13      -  0:00 ora_s000_asmdb
  oracle 26658     1   0 00:03:12      -  0:00 ora_d000_asmdb
  oracle 30206     1   0 00:03:11      -  0:00 ora_dbw0_asmdb
  oracle 30734     1   0 00:03:11      -  0:00 ora_mman_asmdb
  oracle 35138     1   0 00:03:11      -  0:00 ora_psp0_asmdb
  oracle 36398     1   0 00:03:36      -  0:00 ora_qmnc_asmdb
  oracle 36646     1   0 00:03:11      -  0:00 ora_pmon_asmdb
  oracle 38926     1   0 00:03:19      -  0:00 ora_o001_asmdb
  oracle 40296     1   0 00:03:12      -  0:00 ora_lgwr_asmdb
  oracle 41306     1   0 00:03:16      -  0:00 ora_asmb_asmdb
  oracle 41814     1   0 00:03:12      -  0:05 ora_cjq0_asmdb
  oracle 42628 21640   0 00:46:18  pts/2  0:00 grep asmdb
  oracle 43624     1   0 00:03:46      -  0:00 ora_q001_asmdb
  oracle 43864     1   0 00:03:46      -  0:00 ora_q000_asmdb
$ ps -ef|grep asm_
  oracle 10868     1   0 23:47:53      -  0:00 asm_smon_+ASM
  oracle 12690     1   0 23:47:53      -  0:00 asm_rbal_+ASM
  oracle 15494     1   0 23:47:53      -  0:00 asm_dbw0_+ASM
  oracle 17320     1   0 23:47:53      -  0:00 asm_gmon_+ASM
  oracle 29354     1   0 23:47:52      -  0:00 asm_mman_+ASM
  oracle 31422     1   0 23:47:52      -  0:00 asm_psp0_+ASM
  oracle 31506     1   0 23:47:52      -  0:00 asm_pmon_+ASM
  oracle 32776     1   0 23:47:53      -  0:00 asm_lgwr_+ASM
  oracle 34576     1   0 23:47:53      -  0:00 asm_ckpt_+ASM
  oracle 40514     1   0 00:03:10      -  0:00 asm_o000_+ASM
  oracle 42630 21640   0 00:46:24  pts/2  0:00 grep asm_

ARBx These are the slave processes that do the rebalance activity (where x
is a number).
CKPT The CKPT process manages cross-instance calls (in RAC).
DBWR This process manages the SGA buffer cache in the ASM instance.
DBWR writes out dirty buffers (changed metadata buffers) from the ASM
buffer cache to disk.
GMON This process is responsible for managing the disk-level activities
(drop/offline) and advancing diskgroup compatibility.
KATE The Konductor or ASM Temporary Errands (KATE) process is used
to process disks online. This process runs in the ASM instance and is started
only when an offlined disk is onlined.
LGWR The LGWR process maintains the ASM Active Change Directory
(ACD) buffers from the ASM instance and flushes ACD change records to
MARK The Mark Allocation Unit (AU) for Resync Koordinator (MARK)
process coordinates the updates to the Staleness Registry when the disks go
offline. This process runs in the RDBMS instance and is started only when
disks go offline in ASM redundancy diskgroups.
PING The PING process measures network latency and has the same
functionality in RDBMS instances.
PMON This manages processes and process death in the ASM instance.
PSP0 This process spawner process is responsible for creating and
managing other Oracle processes.
PZ9x These processes are parallel slave processes (where x is a number),
used in fetching data on behalf of GV$ queries.
RBAL This opens all device files as part of discovery and coordinates the
rebalance activity.
SMON This process is the system monitor and also acts as a liaison to the
Cluster Synchronization Services (CSS) process (in Oracle Clusterware) for
node monitoring.
VKTM This process is used to maintain the fast timer and has the same
functionality in the RDBMS instances.



    大牛描绘整理的Oracle asm结构图不容错过

    主要的后台进程包括ASMB、RBAL等。 #### 四、关键视图和参数 ##### 1. 视图 ASM提供了一系列动态性能视图(Dynamic Performance Views, DPVs),用于查询ASM实例的状态和性能信息。例如: - `V$ASM_DISKGROUP`: ...


    #/etc/init.d/oracleasm configure 会有相应的提示,回答 oracle, dba, y, y 就可以了分别对应默认用户,默认组和确认信息。 ASM 是一种灵活的存储解决方案,可以提供高效的存储管理和高可用性。

    oracle asm 详解

    Oracle ASM实例是数据库实例与ASM磁盘组之间的桥梁,它包括SGA(System Global Area)和后台进程。SGA主要包含Buffer Cache(缓冲区高速缓存)、Share Pool(共享池)、Large Pool(大池)等部分。Share Pool需要...


    安装完成后,需要进行初始化配置,执行`/etc/init.d/oracleasm configure`命令。 使用ASMLib配置ASM时,数据库实例必须在ASM实例启动后启动,并且两者需保持同步运行,数据库实例关闭前ASM实例不能停止。这样可以...


    ASM实例拥有特定的后台进程(如RBAL)来协调磁盘组的重新平衡,并有两个额外的后台进程(ASMB和RBAL)与数据库实例通信。数据库实例通过ASM实例来获取ASM文件的布局信息。 创建ASM实例通常通过运行Database ...

    Oracle RAC集群之ASM基本操作维护.pdf

    - **ASMB进程**:在每个数据库实例上运行,作为ASM实例和数据库实例之间的通信桥梁,通过CSS获取ASM实例连接,并保持两者之间的信息交换和心跳监控。 - **RBAL进程**:负责磁盘组的重新平衡活动,规划和协调数据分布...


    例如,在Red Hat 4 Update 7上,使用的可能是`oracleasmlib-2.0.4-1.el4.i386.rpm`、`oracleasm-support-2.1.3-1.el4.i386.rpm`和`oracleasm-2.6.9-78.EL-2.0.5-1.el4.i686.rpm`等软件包。安装完成后,ASM实例就能...


    使用ASM存储的数据库实例也有两个新进程,RBAL用于打开并写入磁盘组,而ASMB则作为与ASM实例通信的通道,获取和更新ASM磁盘组的信息。 ASM的体系结构还包括Group Services,它登记ASM实例管理的磁盘组信息和连接...


    - **工具**:如oracleasm、dd、od等,用于配置、创建、查询和管理ASM磁盘设备。 #### INSTANCE - **后台进程**:ASM实例运行一系列后台进程,如ASMB(ASM Background Process)、RBAL(Rebalance Process)等,用于...


    5. **ASMB**:与ASM实例的前端进程通信,检测实例健康,与CSS守护进程交互以获取文件区间映射信息,并提供I/O统计数据。 【CSS集群同步服务】 CSS(Cluster Synchronization Services)是Oracle集群的关键组件,...


    - `oracleasm troubleshooting` **2. Device Discovery (设备发现)** - **定义:** 自动发现ASM可以使用的存储设备的过程。 - **工具:** - `/dev/oracleasm` - `/proc/partitions` - `dd` - `od` - `kfod`...


    - **ASMB、ARB、GMON、KATE、MARK、RBAL**:这些后台进程负责ASM实例的各种功能,如资源平衡、故障检测和恢复等。 ### 监控与视图 - **V$ASM_OPERATION、V$ASM_DISKGROUP、V$ASM_DISK等视图**:提供了ASM实例运行...


    ASM实例与数据库实例之间的通信通过ASMB进程进行,而RBAL进程则负责磁盘组的重新平衡活动。此外,ASM实例还有类似数据库实例的后台进程,如LGWR、SMON、PMON、DBWR和CKPT,以确保正常运行。 管理ASM实例包括创建ASM...


    - **数据库实例与 ASM 实例之间的通信**:每个使用 ASM 的数据库实例都会有两个新的后台进程:ASMB 和 RBAL。ASMB 作为前台进程连接到 ASM 实例,确保两个实例间的通信流畅。 #### 四、创建 ASM 实例 1. **使用 ...


    - **定位与管理**: ASM实例负责定位和管理ASM磁盘,而RDBMS实例通过ASMB进程与ASM实例交互,获取磁盘文件的相关信息。 - **会话建立**: ASMB进程借助服务器进程建立RDBMS实例与ASM实例之间的会话。 - **数据传输**: ...


    ASM的主要概念包括磁盘组、ASM实例、磁盘和ASMB(ASM后台进程)。 5. **OMF(Oracle Managed Files)**:OMF是Oracle的一个特性,允许数据库自动管理数据文件、重做日志文件和控制文件的创建和位置。通过设置系统...


    A、B和C选项都是不正确的,因为ASM_POWER_LIMIT参数直接影响的是ASM实例的重新平衡行为,而不涉及DBWR(数据库写入器)进程、ASMB(ASM背景)进程或DBWR_TO_SLAVES的数量。 以上就是关于OCP考试中回收站操作、增量...

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