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andLinux is configured with two network interfaces by default, eth0 and eth1. The eth1 is used to communicate to the Windows host via the TAP-Colinux network interface.
The Windows interface is configured with ip address, and the Linux eth1 adapter is configured with The TAP-Colinux interface operates as a router, so from the Windows host you can ping the eth1 interface and access the various network services you have configured.
What needs to be changed?
In order to change the network ip addresses you need to modify the following configuration items:
- andLinux eth1 ip address and subnet
- andLinux /etc/hosts file
- andLinux /etc/profile configuration file
- TAP-Colinux ip address and subnet
- andLinux launcher registry configuration
- add the new ip address to the Xming allowed hosts file
In this example we will change the network to be The Windows host will keep the host address 1, andLinux eth1 will retain the host id 150.
andLinux eth1 ip address configuration
The eth1 static ip configuration is stored in the '/etc/network/interfaces' config file. So we are going to edit this file to reflect the following information:
iface eth1 inet static address netmask
andLinux /etc/hosts file
The hosts file is used to resolve windows-host used in mounting the host smb share. windows-host
andLinux /etc/profile configuration
In order to ensure that the andLinux components interact properly with their Windows counterpart we need to edit the /etc/profile files content as shown here:
# set DISPLAY env variable export DISPLAY= export ESPEAKER= export PULSE_SERVER=
TAP-Colinux ip address configuration
Change the TAP-Colinux network interface from to
andLinux launcher configuration
Add the following registry key, which is not present by default:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\andLinux\Launcher] "IP"="" "Port"=dword:00000821
Note: In andLinux Beta 2 the default launcher port changed from 81 (hex: 51) to 2081 (hex: 821). So, if you are using older versions of andLinux, you'll need 51 instead of 821 in the registry setting above.
Xming Configuration on the windows host
Edit the X0.hosts file located in the Xming directory of your andLinux installation. Within the directory you'll find the X0.hosts file. This file controls which hosts on the network will able to connect to the Xming server so we need to tell it about the new ip address we've assigned. Open it and add the ip address you've assigned andLinux. You can remove the existing ip address as it is no longer required.
After restarting andLinux your launcher will connect to the network services providing access to binary files.
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Linux Howto 中文版完整版.zip
《Linux HOWTO 中文版(全)》是一个包含多种Linux技术指南的综合资源,对于Linux用户和管理员来说,这是一个极具价值的学习和参考材料。这些HOWTO文档覆盖了从基础操作到高级配置的各种主题,旨在帮助用户更好地理解...
这篇文档“Linux高级路由和流量控制HOWTO中文版”由牛老师翻译,为读者提供了深入理解这些概念的宝贵资源。以下是对其中核心知识点的详细解读: 1. **基本路由**:在Linux中,路由是指指导数据包通过网络到达目的地...
Linux HOWTO 中文版是一份全面的指南,旨在帮助初学者和有经验的用户更好地理解和操作Linux操作系统。这份文档详细地介绍了Linux系统的基础知识、安装过程、常用命令、系统管理以及一些高级主题。以下是这份资源中...
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