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Future Pattern

Future Pattern


    Future Patter 改进了一点点的代码

    对结城浩的Future Pattern的代码做了一点儿小小的改进(见blog)。

    JAVA并发编程实践 EN(全)

    6. **并发编程模式**:介绍如双检锁/双重校验锁(DCL)、生产者消费者模式、读写锁、未来的值(Future Pattern)等并发编程模式,帮助开发者解决实际问题。 7. **线程通信**:讲解wait()、notify()和notifyAll()...

    Pattern Recognition using Neural and Functional Networks(Springer2009新书)

    - Potential future applications and implications for the field of pattern recognition. #### Conclusion *Pattern Recognition Using Neural and Functional Networks* offers a detailed exploration of ...

    Pattern Oriented Software Architecture Volume 3 - Patterns for Resource

    10. **第8章 - 模式的过去、现在与未来**(Chapter 8 - The Past, Present, and Future of Patterns): - 分析了设计模式的发展历程、当前状态以及未来趋势。这部分内容有助于读者了解设计模式的历史背景及其在...

    Nine Algorithms That Changed the Future

    Search Engine Indexing, PageRank, Public Key Cryptography, Error-Correcting Codes, Pattern Recognition, Data Compression, Databases, Digital Signatures, What is Computable? 计算机和非计算机人士都可以...

    Signal Processing,Image Processing,and Pattern Recognition

    英文 pdf 参考资料 International Conference, SIP 2009 Held as Part of the Future Generation Information Technology Conference, FGIT 2009 Jeju Island, Korea, December 10-12, 2009 Proceedings


    As future generation information technology (FGIT) becomes specialized and fragmented, it is easy to lose sight that many topics in FGIT have common threads and, because of this, advances in one ...


    良葛格的《Design Pattern学习笔记》不仅涵盖了经典的GOF设计模式,还额外介绍了几种多线程模式,这使得这份学习笔记成为了一个宝贵的学习资源。下面将对其中的部分设计模式进行详细介绍。 #### 二、GOF设计模式 ...

    Thinning methodologies-a comprehensive survey

    The comprehensive nature of the survey makes it a valuable resource for anyone interested in understanding the current state and future prospects of thinning methodologies in the realm of pattern ...

    The hub network design problem


    A survey on face detection in the wild-Past, present and future

    常见的特征提取方法包括Haar特征、LBP(Local Binary Pattern)、HOG(Histogram of Oriented Gradients)等。这些特征能够捕捉到图像中的局部信息,为后续的分类提供支持。 ##### 3.2 Boosting算法 Boosting算法是一...

    Perspectives on Spatial Data Analysis-Arthur Getis-空间数据分析-英文原版

    methods developed to deal with problems of spatial pattern recognition, spatial autocorrelation, and spatial heterogeneity have seen greatly increased adoption, in part due to the availability of user...


    I will use this text as a resource in future cloud designs and architectural considerations.” –Dr. Nancy M. Landreville, CEO/CISO, NML Computer Consulting The authors address topics covering ...

    Effective Akka

    The book also includes examples of actor application types and two primary patterns of actor usage, the Extra Pattern and Cameo Pattern., Allen, the Director of Consulting for Typesafe—creator of ...

    Professional ASP.NET Design Patterns

    A sample application used throughout the book is an enterprise level ASP.NET website with multi-tiered, SOA design techniques that can be applied to your future ASP.NET projects. Read about each ...

    DDR package

    These packages feature a predefined ball-out pattern and a straightforward addressing scheme that simplifies the design process for future memory upgrades. The use of FBGA packages ensures ...


    -Changed: Enhanced the "Automatic license update" pattern to ensure it will not clash with something else in future releases. 2.70U2 KCNTRL(Control): -New: Added a new patch for Kerio Control 7.4 ...

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