ActiveRecord: Skipping callbacks like after_save or after_update
Active Records provides callbacks, which is great is you want to perform extra business logic after (or before) saving, creating or destroying an instance of that model.
However, there are situations where you can easily fall into the trap of creating an infinite loop.
class Beer < ActiveRecord::Base
def after_save
x = some_magic_method(self)
update_attribute(:my_attribute, x)
The above will give you a nice infinite loop (which doesn’t scale). It’s possible to update your model, without calling the callbacks and without resorting to SQL.
class Beer < ActiveRecord::Base
def after_save
x = some_magic_method(self)
Beer.update_all("my_attribute = #{x}", { :id => })
This is a bit unconventional, but it works nicely. You can use all the following ActiveRecord methods to update your model without calling callbacks:
* decrement
* decrement_counter
* delete
* delete_all
* find_by_sql
* increment
* increment_counter
* toggle
* update_all
* update_counters
An important warning: These methods don’t do all the nice SQL injection protection stuff you’re used to. In the example, the value of x will be inserted straight into the SQL. I recommend you only use these methods if you’re absolutely sure you’ve cleaned the values you’re inserting.
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* previous uint32_t and skipping the intervening bytes. */ bitpos = ((sizeof(uint32_t)-1) & (size_t)bitstream); adjbitstream = adjbitstream - bitpos; bs->start = bs->tail = (uint32_t *) ...
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logger(1, "walktree skipping %s\n" % (pathname)); ``` - **功能**:递归地遍历指定目录下的所有文件和子目录。 - **参数**: - `top`:根目录路径。 - `callback`:回调函数,用于处理遍历到的每个路径。 ##...
Skipping... ``` 解决方案是在MATLAB的偏好设置中更改MAT文件的版本: 1. 打开MATLAB,点击`File > Preferences > General > MAT-Files`。 2. 选择MAT文件版本为7.3。 **6. 处理内存不足问题** 当MATLAB报告“Out ...
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[INFO] Skipping 'EXE 安装程序' because of configuration error '找不到 InnoSetup 编译器 (iscc.exe)。' Advice to fix: 从 下载 InnoSetup 5 或更高版本, 然后将其添加到 PATH。 ...
Skipping incremental backup." fi # 保存当前全备份为上一次备份 cp $BACKUP_DIR/full_backup_$(date +%Y-%m-%d).sql $BACKUP_DIR/full_backup_last.sql ``` 这个脚本可以在计划任务中定时运行,以保持数据库的...
log('ajaxSubmit: skipping submit process - no element selected'); return this; } var method, action, url, $form = this; if (typeof options == 'function') { options = { success: options }; } ...