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Resin实现JavaEE 6的规范(译文)


Resin实现JavaEE 6的规范
在了解Java EE6规范前,它是以难以去理解resin里的这些概念。选择真正的从在创造一个轻量级应用服务器或者目标是遵从全部服务从标准中分离开来。Resin从历史上看,选择了轻量级实现路线,沿着一个普通Servlet容器,也提供像JPA和EJB3的APIS,也提供像一个高性能JTA相容事务管理器、数据连接池、权限提供者、安全、集群和管理控制台等等特性,这样一个路线来前进。
随着CDI和Web规范,我们感到自信我们能递交一个遵从全部标准Resin版本,那是说到点子上,就特性和可用性而言,必要的为Java EE经受得住时间的考验。我们相信全貌能使得我们去创造一个轻量级实现,适合为一个全新Java应用服务器种类,也许比其它有着很大开发经验的服务端Java开发项更引人注目。除了GlassFish和JBoss外,我们目的是为了提供一个为JavaEE 6最早固定实现。实际上,Resin是仅是一个仅仅专注于Web规范的重要应用服务器。
Resin 4是一个围绕我们的CDI,Servlet 3和EJB3.1轻量级实现。另外Web规范APIS,像JSF2,Servlet 3,CDI,EJB3.1轻量级,JPA2和Bean校验,我们看见在增加支持调度、异步和、消息、消息驱动Beans和基于远程的Hessian。
有许多的扩展以CanDI为中心正在被开发,我们独立的CDI下一代注入依赖标准实现,实现Resin它本身的基础。这包括整合了流行的第三方的APIs,像struts2、Wicket、iBATIS、Quartz等等更多东东。CanDI能用于EJB注解,像@TransactionAttribute, @Schedule, @Asynchronous, @RolesAllowed, @RunAs, @Lock, @Startup和在EJBs以外的@Remote。CanDI现在也包括优秀的容器外的为JUnit和TestNG的测试支持
这篇Blog论述了Resin的Java EE 6 Web规范实现,非常详细包括更多Web规范,我们的关系到JavaEE(过去,现在和未来),我们在Servlet容器远景,也特定实现细节和代码示例:http://blog.caucho.com/?p=384.

Resin to implement Java EE 6 Web Profile

Posted by: Reza Rahman on ?? 17, 2010 DIGG
The Resin team has always focused on delivering a lightweight, fast, reliable and easy-to-use application server. We are as proud of our lightweight heritage as we are of our small, independent and personal nature as an organization that treats engineering as a craft. We have also always respected the value in standardization, developer choice, multilateral collaboration and having competing but compatible products.

Before the Java EE 6 Web Profile, it was difficult to reconcile these concepts in Resin. The choices were really split between either creating a lightweight application server or aiming for full standards compliance. Resin has historically chosen the lightweight implementation route along the same lines as a plain Servlet container while still offering APIs like JPA and EJB 3 as well as features like a high performance JTA compatible transaction manager, database connection pooling, authentication providers, security, clustering and an administration console.

With CDI and the Web Profile, we feel confident that we can deliver a fully standards compliant version of Resin that is on the mark in terms of the features and usability necessary for Java EE to stand the test of time. We believe the Web Profile enables us to create a lightweight implementation fit for a new breed of Java EE application servers that are perhaps more compelling than any other server-side Java development option with a great development experience. Along with GlassFish and JBoss, we are aiming to provide one of the earliest solid implementations for Java EE 6. In fact, Resin is the only major application server focused solely on just the Web Profile.

Resin 4 is centered around our CDI, Servlet 3 and EJB 3.1 Lite implementations. In addition to Web Profile APIs like JSF 2, Servlet 3, CDI, EJB 3.1 Lite, JPA 2 and bean validation, we see value in adding support for scheduling, asynchronous processing, messaging, message driven beans and Hessian based remoting.

There are a number of extensions being developed that are centered on CanDI, our independent implementation of the CDI standard for next generation dependency injection that forms the basis for Resin itself. This includes integration with popular third-party APIs like Struts 2, Wicket, iBATIS, Quartz and many more. CanDI enables the use of EJB annotations like @TransactionAttribute, @Schedule, @Asynchronous, @RolesAllowed, @RunAs, @Lock, @Startup and @Remote outside EJBs. CanDI now also includes excellent out-of-container testing support for both JUnit and TestNG.

This blog entry discusses the Resin Java EE 6 Web Profile implementation in greater detail including more on the Web Profile, our relationship to Java EE (past, present and future), our perspectives on Servlet containers as well as specific implementation details and code examples: http://blog.caucho.com/?p=384.

We look forward to your support, feedback and comments in driving these efforts as we work through the next few months of a promising new year for Resin.




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