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前辈,您好, 使用PDFbox 提取内容遇到一个问题,想请教您 ...
java进行pdf解析-----pdfbox -
danga的MemcachedClient的几个缺陷 -
牛B啊。。。我觉得 这种 回答。。。阿里的的CTO 都 HOL ...
怎样才是一个好的架构? -
今天知道了一个线程创建时会给stack分配1M内存?一个线程默 ...
jvm线程的stack -
真空算法 这就是zip压缩算法的正向算法部分 /* * @(#)DeflaterOutputStream.java 1.35 06/04/03 * * Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package java.util.zip; import java.io.FilterOutputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.IOException; /** * This class implements an output stream filter for compressing data in * the "deflate" compression format. It is also used as the basis for other * types of compression filters, such as GZIPOutputStream. * * @see Deflater * @version 1.35, 04/03/06 * @author David Connelly */ public class DeflaterOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream { /** * Compressor for this stream. */ protected Deflater def; /** * Output buffer for writing compressed data. */ protected byte[] buf; /** * Indicates that the stream has been closed. */ private boolean closed = false; /** * Creates a new output stream with the specified compressor and * buffer size. * @param out the output stream * @param def the compressor ("deflater") * @param size the output buffer size * @exception IllegalArgumentException if size is <= 0 */ public DeflaterOutputStream(OutputStream out, Deflater def, int size) { super(out); if (out == null || def == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } else if (size <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("buffer size <= 0"); } this.def = def; buf = new byte[size]; } /** * Creates a new output stream with the specified compressor and * a default buffer size. * @param out the output stream * @param def the compressor ("deflater") */ public DeflaterOutputStream(OutputStream out, Deflater def) { this(out, def, 512); } boolean usesDefaultDeflater = false; /** * Creates a new output stream with a default compressor and buffer size. * @param out the output stream */ public DeflaterOutputStream(OutputStream out) { this(out, new Deflater()); usesDefaultDeflater = true; } /** * Writes a byte to the compressed output stream. This method will * block until the byte can be written. * @param b the byte to be written * @exception IOException if an I/O error has occurred */ public void write(int b) throws IOException { byte[] buf = new byte[1]; buf[0] = (byte)(b & 0xff); write(buf, 0, 1); } /** * Writes an array of bytes to the compressed output stream. This * method will block until all the bytes are written. * @param b the data to be written * @param off the start offset of the data * @param len the length of the data * @exception IOException if an I/O error has occurred */ public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { if (def.finished()) { throw new IOException("write beyond end of stream"); } if ((off | len | (off + len) | (b.length - (off + len))) < 0) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } else if (len == 0) { return; } if (!def.finished()) { // Deflate no more than stride bytes at a time. This avoids // excess copying in deflateBytes (see Deflater.c) int stride = buf.length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i+= stride) { def.setInput(b, off + i, Math.min(stride, len - i)); while (!def.needsInput()) { deflate(); } } } } /** * Finishes writing compressed data to the output stream without closing * the underlying stream. Use this method when applying multiple filters * in succession to the same output stream. * @exception IOException if an I/O error has occurred */ public void finish() throws IOException { if (!def.finished()) { def.finish(); while (!def.finished()) { deflate(); } } } /** * Writes remaining compressed data to the output stream and closes the * underlying stream. * @exception IOException if an I/O error has occurred */ public void close() throws IOException { if (!closed) { finish(); if (usesDefaultDeflater) def.end(); out.close(); closed = true; } } /** * Writes next block of compressed data to the output stream. * @throws IOException if an I/O error has occurred */ protected void deflate() throws IOException { int len = def.deflate(buf, 0, buf.length); if (len > 0) { out.write(buf, 0, len); } } } 。
Ruby API代码技巧
2012-05-23 21:53 1142http://www.slideshare.net/ihowe ... -
2012-05-18 17:37 3808关于软件设计的抽象思想 曾经被阿里的某CTO问过一个问题 ... -
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10 Core Architecture Pattern Variations for Achieving Scalability
2011-11-20 22:00 1115【转载】:http://highscalability.com ... -
wowza doc of multi-bitrate streaming
2011-11-06 11:49 2415http://www.wowza.com/forums/con ... -
2011-09-01 22:13 1320突然发觉很久不上javaeye了,仿佛生活中遗忘了这一块。 每 ... -
2010-11-30 20:37 1153最近在注册系统中使用邮件激活,用公司的邮箱服务器发送帐号激活邮 ... -
2010-11-24 22:47 1561曾经被mongodb的特性所吸引,没想到map/reduce却 ... -
2010-08-12 22:13 910TeracMiracle反编译成功 TM:中国人写 ... -
[老博迁移2005-11-09] 越是官大,越是懒
2010-08-12 22:11 1224越是官大,越是懒 小小的公司里就有官僚了,真 ... -
2010-08-11 16:19 17447最近实际用起来我发现,java版danga的memcached ... -
2010-06-27 00:27 1248这次是RubyConfChina的 ... -
2010-04-15 21:20 1197为了连https web services,初步选择以前用得还 ... -
2010-02-11 12:04 2926昨天遇到一个诡异的问题,吓出一身冷汗。 20几个300k ... -
2010-02-11 12:03 1247javascript技巧:(function(){})() ... -
2010-02-11 12:02 1298还用lucene架了个搜索引擎,对pdf进行全文搜索(联合 ... -
2010-02-11 11:58 10623对pdf解析有不少成熟技术,经过选型,我最后选定用pdfb ... -
2010-02-11 11:52 1214用flash写了一个动态的文件上传功能,当然也用了jque ... -
2010-02-11 11:21 1189话说我开始逐渐脱离群众,开发得越来越少。还好最近做了 ... -
【转】Getting real
2010-02-11 11:18 940【转】Getting real 刚才偶然看到的, ...
正向最大匹配分词算法(Forward Maximum Matching, FMM)是自然语言处理(NLP)领域中常用的一种中文分词方法。它的工作原理是从待分词的文本的起始位置开始,每次尝试匹配尽可能长的词语,直到文本末尾。在匹配过程...
六轴机械臂的正向运动学算法通常采用DH参数(Denavit-Hartenberg Parameters)法,这是一种标准化的方法,可以为每个关节定义旋转和翻译参数。这些参数包括关节轴之间的夹角α_i,关节轴相对于前一关节轴的偏移d_i,...
本压缩包“Python实现BP神经网络算法.zip”显然聚焦于如何利用Python来实现反向传播(Backpropagation, BP)神经网络算法。BP神经网络是一种在机器学习领域广泛应用的多层前馈神经网络,其核心在于通过反向传播误差...
在深度学习领域,反向传播算法(Backpropagation Algorithm)是一种用于训练神经网络的核心方法,尤其是在TensorFlow这样的深度学习框架中。本章我们将深入探讨反向传播算法的原理及其在TensorFlow中的应用。 反向...
这个压缩包“数学建模-BP神经网络算法.zip”内包含的文档“数学建模-BP神经网络算法.doc”,很可能是详细介绍了如何在数学建模中应用BP神经网络算法。 BP神经网络是由多层非线性变换构成的前馈神经网络,其主要特点...
在这个名为"Topsis算法综合评价代码.zip"的压缩包中,包含了使用MATLAB编程实现Topsis算法的代码。 MATLAB是一种强大的数值计算和编程环境,特别适合于科学计算和工程应用。在Topsis算法的实现中,MATLAB可以轻松地...
在给定的"BP model.zip"压缩包文件中,包含了一个名为"BP model.docx"的文档,很可能是BP算法在MATLAB环境下的具体实现代码或详细说明。MATLAB是一种广泛应用于数值计算和科学计算的编程语言,它的矩阵和数组运算...
本资料包“人工神经网络反向传播算法学习.zip”可能包含深入讲解该算法的文章、教程或代码示例。 反向传播的核心在于梯度下降,这是一种优化方法,用于寻找使损失函数最小化的权重值。在神经网络中,损失函数衡量了...
本资源“MATLAB源码集锦-Topsis算法综合评价代码.zip”包含了一个利用MATLAB实现的Topsis算法综合评价的源代码。TOPSIS(Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution)是一种多准则决策分析...
1. **机械臂运动学**:包括正向运动学(从关节变量到末端执行器位置的映射)和逆向运动学(从目标位置到关节变量的映射)。理解这些概念对于设计路径规划算法至关重要。 2. **笛卡尔空间路径规划**:以三维空间中的...
1.版本:matlab2014/2019a/2021a 2.附赠案例数据可直接运行matlab程序。 3.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。 4.适用对象:计算机,电子信息工程、数学等专业的大学生课程...
例如,当用户输入部分动物特征后,系统可以先用正向推理推测出可能的动物类别,然后根据用户的进一步需求或问题,采用逆向推理来完善或验证结果。这种方式结合了两种推理的优点,提高了问题解决的效率和准确性。 五...
6. **详细设计**:在高层架构基础上,进行详细设计,包括接口设计、数据结构设计和算法选择。这一阶段会具体阐述每个模块如何实现其策略,以及如何与其他模块协作。 7. **编码与实现**:遵循详细设计,程序员编写...