This is a major bug in Apple's iTunesConnect website. Occasionally, when you see this error message, it is actually the correct message. For most people, though, it's completely the wrong error message - and there is *no way* for you to find out what the real error message should be.
Here are the *known* errors that can cause this message, but have no error message of their own:
- Your binary has an icon that is named something other than "Icon.png" (exact spelling + case sensitive) (How do I set the Icon for my application?)
- Your binary has an icon with the correct name, but it is not precisely 57 pixels wide and 57 pixels high (How do I set the Icon for my application?)
- Your binary has no provisioning profile, please add a provisioning profile (FAQ for this not written yet)
- The application ID inside your build is incorrect, please change it be identical to the App ID you created in the iPhone Developer Program (FAQ for this not written yet)
- You built your binary on a non-standard hard drive, please re-build on a standard hard drive (FAQ for this not written yet)
- XCode corrupted your provisioning profile and included an invalid provisioning profile, please fix your provisioning profile and start again (FAQ for this not written yet)
amoeba-mysql-binary-2.2.0.tar.gz amoeba-mysql-binary-2.2.0.tar.gz amoeba-mysql-binary-2.2.0.tar.gz amoeba-mysql-binary-2.2.0.tar.gzamoeba-mysql-binary-2.2.0.tar.gz amoeba-mysql-binary-2.2.0.tar.gz ...
Introduction ........ ....Appendix E: The ELF Binary Format ..... . . . . 1241 Appendix F: The Kernel Development Process .... . . 1267 Bibliography ........ . 1289 Index ........1293
From this version, we change package data format to binary. Editor version 3.9.0 with 'binary format' option checked in publish dialog is required to generating this kind of format. Old XML format is ...
cef_binary_3.2623.1401.gb90a3be_windows32.7z cef_binary_3.2623.1401.gb90a3be_windows32.7z cef_binary_3.2623.1401.gb90a3be_windows32.7z
标题中的"cef_binary_3.2623.1395.g3034273_windows32"指的是Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) 的一个特定版本,这是一个开源项目,它允许开发者将Google Chromium浏览器引擎嵌入到他们的应用程序中。这个版本号3....
这个“cef_binary_3.1547.1412_windows32.7z”文件,正如其名,是CEF的一个特定版本(3.1547.1412)针对Windows 32位系统的二进制包,以7z的压缩格式提供。 CEF的核心价值在于为开发者提供了一个轻量级、高效的框架...
标题“cef_binary_3.1650.1503_windows32.7z”表明这是一款针对Windows 32位操作系统的CEF(Chromium Embedded Framework)二进制文件的压缩包。CEF是一个开源框架,它允许开发人员在他们的应用程序中嵌入Chromium...
1) Huge binary SEG-Y files convert 2) output the progress into a logfile 3) fast converting to text files (7 seconds for 18M, 3hours10minutes for 24.5G) 4) output the converted text file into split ...
cef_binary_3.3029.1619.geeeb5d7_windows32 windows cef二进制文件包
ERROR Shell: Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path Could not locate executable null\bin\winutils.exe in the Hadoop binaries. at org.apache.hadoop.util....
解决UE4 WebBrowser无法播放视频问题,亲测有效 UE4 CEF3 添加H264支持 ...2. 把解压后的\Release\libcef.lib替换 \Engine\Source\ThirdParty\CEF3\cef_binary_3.3071.1611.g4a19305_windows64\libcef.lib
CEF最小构建二进制库,不包含test工厂。信息如下: 1.平台:Win32 2.VS编译器版本:VS2022 3. CEF版本:115.2.3 4. Chromiun版本:115 5. 构建分支:5790 6. 编译配置:debug 和 release
cef_binary_3.2357.1271.g8e0674e_windows32_官方版本.zip 这个版本官方已经无法下载 这里做个备份,这个版本也是CEF支持 npapi 的最高版本 ,最新的都不支持。
这个"cef_binary_3.3071.1649.g98725e6"是CEF的一个特定版本,用于集成到软件开发中,以提供强大的Web渲染和网络功能。 首先,版本号"3.3071.1649.g98725e6"包含了CEF的三个主要组成部分:主版本号、次版本号和Git...
在这个特定的场景中,`cef_binary_3.2623.1401` 是CEF3的一个特定版本,已经针对MP3和MP4媒体格式进行了重编译,这意味着它可以处理这两种常见的音频和视频格式。 MP3是一种广泛使用的音频编码格式,以其高质量和...