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domain model sample

public class Department {

	public static void employee(String name, String department) {

public class Kind {
	@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
	public int id = -1;

	public String name;

	public Kind(String name) {
		this.name = name;

	public static Kind create(String name) {
		Kind kind = new Kind(name);
		return kind;

	public void addBatchTaskToUsers(String task) {
		List<User> users = users();
		for (User user : users) {
			Task taskEntity = new Task(task, this);

	public List<User> users() {
		Query query = Context.em
				.createQuery("select distinct u from User as u inner join u.kinds as kind where kind = ?1");
		query.setParameter(1, this);
		return query.getResultList();


public class Task {
	public Task(String task,Kind kind) {
		this.kind = kind;
		this.task = task;

	@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
	public int id = -1;
	public Date startTime;
	public Date endTime;
	public String task;
	public User owner;
	public Kind kind;

	public static Task create(String name, Kind kind) {
		Task task = new Task(name,kind);
		return task;

	private static Date getCurrentMonthBegin()
		Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
		Date begin = calendar.getTime();
		return begin;
	public static Date getCurrentMonthEnd()
		Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
		calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, calendar.getMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
		Date end = calendar.getTime();
		return end;
	public static List<Task> allTask_CurrentMonth() {
		Date begin = getCurrentMonthBegin();
		Date end = getCurrentMonthEnd();
		Query query = Context.em.createQuery("from Task as t where t.startTime >= ?1 and t.startTime <= ?2");
		return query.getResultList();

	public static List<Task> processingTasks_CurrentMonth() {
		Date begin = getCurrentMonthBegin();
		Date end = getCurrentMonthEnd();
		Query query = Context.em.createQuery("from Task as t where t.startTime >= ?1 and t.startTime <= ?2 and t.endTime is null");
		return query.getResultList();

	public static List<Task> processedTasks_CurrentMonth() {
		Date begin = getCurrentMonthBegin();
		Date end = getCurrentMonthEnd();
		Query query = Context.em.createQuery("from Task as t where t.endTime >= ?1 and t.endTime <= ?2 ");
		return query.getResultList();

public class User {
	@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
	public int id = -1;

	public String name;

	public String department;

	public List<Kind> kinds = new ArrayList<Kind>();

	public User(String name, String department) {
		this.name = name;
		this.department = department;

	public Tasks tasks = new Tasks(this);

	class Tasks {
		private User user;

		public Tasks(User user) {
			this.user = user;

		public Task find_by_name(String task) {
			Query query = Context.em
					.createQuery("from Task t where t.owner = ?1 and t.task = ?2");
			query.setParameter(1, user);
			query.setParameter(2, task);
			return (Task) query.getSingleResult();

		public List<Task> processing_tasks() {
			Query query = Context.em
					.createQuery("from Task t where t.startTime <= ?1 and t.owner = ?2 and t.endTime is null");
			query.setParameter(1, new Date());
			query.setParameter(2, user);
			return query.getResultList();

		public boolean detectProcessingTask(String task) {
			for(Task taskEntity:processing_tasks())
					return true;
			return false;

	public static User find_By_Name_And_Department(String name,
			String department) {
		Query query = Context.em
				.createQuery("from User u where u.name = ?1 and u.department = ?2");
		query.setParameter(1, name);
		query.setParameter(2, department);
		return (User) query.getSingleResult();

	public static User create(String name, String department) {
		User user = new User(name, department);
		return user;

	public void applyTask(Task task) {
		task.owner = this;
		task.startTime = new Date();

	public static List<Task> all_processing_tasks() {
		Query query = Context.em
				.createQuery("from Task t where t.startTime <= ?1  and t.endTime is null");
		query.setParameter(1, new Date());
		return query.getResultList();

	public void endTask(Task task) {
		task.endTime = new Date();

2 楼 black_angle 2008-05-31  
Tasks 的设计真是经典啊 哈啊哈
1 楼 black_angle 2008-05-31  



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