MIDlet Signing process steps can be summarized into :
1. Generate public/private key pairs.
2. Generate Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and submit it to CA .
3. Sign the MIDLet with the certificate.
Software requirements
1. Sun java 2 SDK or JRE
2. Sun Wireless Tool Kit (WTK)
The steps are:
1. Generate public/private key pairs
a. Create a Keystore:
From command line Navigate to java 2 SDK bin directory and type the below command :
keytool -genkey -keyalg rsa -keystore <keystore_filename> -alias <alias_name>
it prompts you to enter a password for your keystore, your name, organization, and address.
b. List the generated keypairs
To see your generated keypairs entry ,type the below command :
keytool -keystore <keystore_filename> -list
2. Generate Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and submit it to CA :
You need to generate a (CSR) for the enrollment process.
a. generate CSR
Type the below command to create a CSR for the key pair in the keystore:
keytool –certreq –file <certreq_filename.csr> –keystore <keystore_filename> -alias <alias_name>
b. submit the generated CSR to CA
3. Sign the MIDLet with the certificate:
Once the CA has approved your request, you will receive the certificate, the steps are:
a. Import the certificate to your Keystore
Use the below command
keytool –import –trustcacerts –keystore <keystore_filename> -alias <alias_name> -file <cert_filename>
b. Sign the JAD file
Use JadTool utility to signs a JAR file by adding both of the certificate and the JAR file’s digital signature to the Java Application Descriptor (JAD) file, the process will be :
b.a. Adding the certificate to JAD
use JadTool.jar tadd the certificate as the value of an attribute named MIDlet-Certificate-m-n, where m is the number of the certificate chain, and n is an integer that, for new certificates, begins at one and increments by one each time you add a new certificate to the JAD file.
Java -jar %WTK_HOME%\bin\JadTool.jar -addcert -keystore <keystorename> -alias <aliasname> -storepass <password> -inputjad <input_jadfile> -outputjad <output_jadfile>
You should see the below attributes added to your output jad file
b.b. Adding JAR’s digital signature to the JAD
Gets the JAR’ digital signature, stores it as the value of the MIDlet-Jar-RSA-SHA1 attribute of the output JAD file.
java -jar %WTK_HOME%\bin\jadtool.jar -addjarsig -jarfile <jar_file> -keystore <keystorename> -alias <aliasname> -storepass <password> -keypass <password> -inputjad <input_jadfile> -outputjad <output_jadfile>
Where The default value for -jarfile is the MIDlet-Jar-URL property in the JAD file.
本教程将带你入门J2ME MIDlet(Mobile Information Device Profile)的手机游戏开发,以制作经典的“贪吃蛇”游戏为例。MIDlet是J2ME中的一个核心概念,它是一种轻量级的Java应用程序,专门设计用于移动电话和其他...
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Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) 是一种用于开发小型设备和嵌入式系统的...在《How-to-Digitally-Sign-a-J2ME-Midlet.pdf》这个文档中,你应该能找到更详细的步骤和实例,帮助你更好地理解和实践 J2ME Midlet 的数字签名。
与前一款扫雷比较,这个游戏多了一个 类,用来显示动画,也是蛇要吃的物品类, 也有了代码包,图片包,结构清晰,代码量500行,地图生成的简单算法,和播放动画的简单算法!有矩形碰撞,升级就是增加蛇的移动速度,...
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贪吃蛇升级版本,与前一款扫雷比较,这个游戏多了一个 类,用来显示动画,也是蛇要吃的物品类, 也有了代码包,图片包,结构清晰,代码量500行,地图生成的简单算法,和播放动画的简单算法!有矩形碰撞,升级就是...
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扫雷(3)是在扫雷(1.2)的基础上增加 完善了部分代码基本逻辑不变! 增加绘图,线程,时间等,使得游戏更好玩了,代码400行,比较适合初学者,可读性强,有详尽的代码注释。 数字键1标红旗,不确定,取消...
【elechat: j2me midlet-开源】 `elechat` 是一个开源项目,它创建了一个J2ME(Java 2 Micro Edition)平台上的MIDlet应用,专门用于实现移动设备上的即时通讯功能。MIDlet是J2ME中的一种应用程序类型,主要用于...
我的Blog的文章源代码及工程 JAVA游戏编程之二----j2me MIDlet 手机游戏入门开发 --扫雷(1)-不含线程 <br>可以参看这篇文章<br>
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### Midlet程序签名机制详解 #### 一、引言 Midlet(Mobile Information Device Profile Application)是基于Java ME平台的应用程序。为了确保Midlet的安全性和可靠性,Java ME平台引入了程序签名机制。本文将详细...
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2. 调试与运行:在主类上右键选择Run As > Emulated J2ME Midlet或Debug As > Emulated J2ME Midlet,即可进行运行和调试。 3. 打包:要打包应用,右键点击工程目录,选择J2ME > Create Package,这将生成可以在...
1. 选择运行或调试项目的菜单项,如“Run as” -> “Emulated J2ME MIDlet” 或 “Debug as” -> “Emulated J2ME MIDlet”。 2. 选择合适的仿真器运行项目,观察运行结果。 #### 总结 本文详细介绍了如何在 ...
- `<midlet>`和`<midlets>`:Midlet配置。 - `<iappli>`:针对特定平台的附加配置。 - `<resources>`:资源文件管理。 - `<filter>`子元素:资源过滤。 - `<fileset>`子元素:文件集处理。 - `<localization>`子元素...
【标题】"Midlet2.rar_midlet_simple" 涉及的是Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) 平台中的MIDlet应用开发,利用Lightweight User Interface Toolkit (LWUIT) 库来创建一个简单的用户界面。MIDlet是J2ME中的一个核心概念...
在提供的向导中,选择"J2ME Midlet Suite",这将是你的J2ME应用的基础。设置项目名称,如"HelloWorld",并选择保存位置。接着,选择你要支持的MIDP版本,通常是J2ME Wireless Toolkit 2.1,对应MIDP 1.0,以确保广泛...