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1. In your rails project, install the plugin by following command:
./script/plugin install http://qrcode-rails.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/plugins/qrcode
2. Add javascript include tag in HTML header:
<%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>
3. Add following funtion to where you want to generate QRCode.
<%= qrcode('http://www.google.com/', 2) %>
* The first parameter is URL
* The second optional parameter is pixel size.
4. Done!
For details, please check the QRCode project page.
Sample Code
<%= qrcode('http://www.google.com/', 8 ) %>
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如果你的应用需要根据用户操作实时生成新的二维码,只需调用`generate`方法并传入新内容即可: ```javascript $("#qrcode").qrcode("新内容"); ``` 总结起来,“前端qrcode.min.js”为前端开发者提供了一个简单、...
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QRCode qrCode = generator.generate("你的信息", ErrorCorrectionLevel.H); BufferedImage image = qrCode.toImage(); ``` 5. **读取二维码**:读取二维码则通常涉及捕获图像,然后使用库的方法来解析其中的信息:...
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