
anonymous class

  • java

anonymous classes

A type of inner class that has no name that you define right in the middle of a method (where static init blocks and instance init blocks count as methods). You define it, and create an object of that type as a parameter all in one line. Used for creating simple delegate callback objects. The syntax is strange. It does not use the keywords class , implements or extends . You can refer to this of the outer class via MyOuterClass . this . You can refer to the outer class’s methods by MyOuterClass . this . myOuterInstanceMethod (), MyOuterClass . myOuterInstanceMethod () or simply myOuterInstanceMethod () if there is no ambiguity. Anonymous inner classes are often used in setting up listeners.

These anonymous inner classes can access the static and instance variables of the enclosing outer class. They can also, believe it or not, access a snapshot of the local variables in the method that created the inner class object. To remind you this you are accessing an immutable snapshot, Java insists that the local variables you reference be final . When the class is created, a copy of all the local variables is bundled along with the object for all future references. So in a sense these classes act like closures, taking a little of the environment in which they were created along with them.

Instead of passing arguments to a constructor, your inner class methods can reach out and grab what they need directly from local variables in the enclosing method. The other technique is to use an instance initialiser block. You are only allowed one per anonymous inner class.

The requirement that the enclosing local variables that you access in your anonymous inner class be final is not quite as onerous as it first seems. Just create a new block and create new final local variables in it that copy the non-final ones of the outer block. You can also declare a local variable final inside a loop so long as the value does not change for the rest of the current iteration, even though it will change on the next iteration.

The inner class object may live beyond that of the method that invoked it, so you could not very well have the inner class modifying local variables in the caller that no longer exist. That is why you may only access final local variables. I repeat, you are not really accessing the local variables but a snapshot of them taken at the time the inner class object was instantiated. Anonymous classes are one of the bailing wire constructs in Java .

If you want to baffle those maintaining your code, wags have discovered javac.exe will permit anonymous classes inside static init code and static methods, even though the language spec says than anonymous classes are never static . These anonymous classes, of course, have no access to the instance fields of the object. I don’t recommend doing this. The feature could be pulled at any time.

The big drawback with anonymous classes is they can’t have explicit constructors. You can’t pass them any parameters when they are instantiated. You must rely on the somewhat goofy access to the frozen values of the final temporaries in the invoking method.

Typical Use




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    System.out.println("Message from anonymous class."); } }); } // 输出:Message from anonymous class. } ``` 4. **静态内部类**:静态内部类与实例内部类不同,它不需要外部类的实例就可以被创建。静态内部...


    3. **匿名类(Anonymous Class)**:匿名类是在需要创建新类型实例,但不需要为该类型命名时使用的。它没有类名,通常用于实现接口或继承父类。匿名类也可以访问其封闭范围内的局部变量,但必须是final的。 ```java...

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    4. **匿名类 (Anonymous class)**:没有名字的类,通常用于一次性创建对象,特别是当只需要实现一个接口或继承一个类时。 5. **匿名内部类 (Anonymous inner class)**:没有名称的局部内部类,常用于实现接口或继承...


    System.out.println("Method in anonymous class."); } }.someMethod(); ``` #### 三、静态内部类与非静态内部类 **题目描述:** `StaticNestedClass` 与 `InnerClass` 的区别。 **解答:** 在Java中,内部类...

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    4. **匿名类(Anonymous class)**:在不需要为类命名且仅使用一次的情况下,可以创建匿名类。通常用于实现接口或继承其他类,并在定义时直接实例化。 5. **匿名内部类(Anonymous inner class)**:这是一种特殊的...


    3. **Anonymous class**:没有名称的类,通常用于创建临时的、一次性的实现,尤其是作为参数传递给方法。 4. **Anonymous inner class**:匿名内部类,是嵌套在另一个类中的无名类,常用来实现接口或继承其他类。 ...


    Anonymous class,即匿名类,当需要创建和使用一个类,但不需要给出它的名字或再次使用时,可以使用匿名类。Anonymous inner classes,即匿名内部类,是没有类名的局部内部类。 API,即应用程序接口,提供特定功能...

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    4. **匿名类 (Anonymous class)**:匿名类是在编写代码时没有名称的类,通常用于一次性使用的场合,它可以实现一个接口或继承一个类,但不能同时实现接口和继承类。 5. **匿名内部类 (Anonymous inner class)**:这...


    5. 匿名类(Anonymous Class):当需要创建一个类但不关心其名称或不再使用时,可以使用匿名类。匿名类可以在单个语句中定义并实例化,无需显式声明类名。 6. 匿名内部类(Anonymous Inner Classes):这是局部内部...


    5. **匿名内部类 (Anonymous inner class)**:这是没有名称的局部内部类,通常用于实现接口或继承其他类,并且可以在定义时直接初始化。 6. **API (应用程序接口)**:API 是一组预先定义好的类和方法,开发者可以...

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