A Simple Day
To wake up in the morning, knowing I am still alive
To konw I have a choice each day, starting afresh
To find joy in every day, acknowledging simple pleasures
To live in the present moment, eagaging my awareness
To count the blessing in life, believing abundance abounds
To enjoy the work I do, following my passion
To make a little difference, adding to the universe
To be what I am, listenning to my inner being
To give away love, rejoicing in the chance to give
To receive love with gratitude, feeling good about it
To simle at strangers, seeing how infections it can be
To speak words of kindness, spreading a litte warmth
To understand with compassion, openning up my mind
To play with children, nurturing my inner child
To appreciate the nature, soaking up all the beauty
To feel the warmth of the sun, glowing upon my skin
To listen to the falling rain, pattering on the grounds
To taste the richness of food, sliding down my throat
To smell the freshness of air, filling up my lungs
To see the falling night, concluding a well-lived day
That is life, that is living
That is the core of what really matters...
And if I have missed out anything
Please let love make up for all of it.
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it has a fresh view on the language and the examples in the later chapters are usable in your day-to-day work as a programmer. — Frank Buss, Lisp Programmer and Slashdot Contributor If you’re ...
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