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Eclipse RCP WorkbenchAdvisor

An RCP application should declare a subclass of WorkbenchAdvisor and override methods to configure the workbench to suit the needs of the particular application.

The following advisor methods are called at strategic points in the workbench's lifecycle (all occur within the dynamic scope of the call to  PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench):

initialize - called first; before any windows; use to register things
preStartup - called second; after initialize but before first window is opened; use to temporarily disable things during startup or restore
postStartup - called third; after first window is opened; use to reenable things temporarily disabled in previous step
postRestore - called after the workbench and its windows has been recreated from a previously saved state; use to adjust the restored workbench
preWindowOpen - called as each window is being opened; use to configure aspects of the window other than actions bars
fillActionBars - called after preWindowOpen to configure a window's action bars
postWindowRestore - called after a window has been recreated from a previously saved state; use to adjust the restored window
postWindowCreate - called after a window has been created, either from an initial state or from a restored state; used to adjust the window
openIntro - called immediately before a window is opened in order to create the introduction component, if any.
postWindowOpen - called after a window has been opened; use to hook window listeners, etc.
preWindowShellClose - called when a window's shell is closed by the user; use to pre-screen window closings
eventLoopException - called to handle the case where the event loop has crashed; use to inform the user that things are not well
eventLoopIdle - called when there are currently no more events to be processed; use to perform other work or to yield until new events enter the queue
preShutdown - called immediately prior to workbench shutdown before any windows have been closed; allows the advisor to veto the shutdown
postShutdown - called last; after event loop has terminated and all windows have been closed; use to deregister things registered during initialize



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    5. 创建一个主类,继承自 `org.eclipse.ui.application.WorkbenchAdvisor` 和 `org.eclipse.ui.application.WorkbenchWindowAdvisor`,这两个类负责启动工作台和窗口的初始化。 四、编写测试代码 在 "test2" 这个...


    3. **创建启动类**:在插件项目中,你需要创建一个启动类,继承自`org.eclipse.ui.application.WorkbenchAdvisor`,并覆盖其中的方法以初始化你的应用。 4. **配置运行时**:在项目的`.product`文件中,你可以定义...

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    - **作用**:作为RCP应用的入口点,负责创建`Workbench`并添加`WorkbenchAdvisor`。 - **实现接口**:通常实现`IPlatformRunnable`接口。 - **主要功能**:启动RCP应用,管理应用程序生命周期。 2. **Advisor类*...


    在新创建的项目中,编写你的主程序类,继承自`org.eclipse.ui.application.WorkbenchAdvisor`。这个类将定义你的应用程序入口点。 5. **添加依赖** RCP程序可能依赖于其他的库或插件,你需要在MANIFEST.MF文件中...



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    1. **启动类**: 这通常是一个扩展自`org.eclipse.ui.application.WorkbenchAdvisor`的类,用于启动GEF应用。 2. **编辑领域类**: 实现`org.eclipse.gef.editparts.AbstractGraphicalEditPart`,它是图形编辑的基本...

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