今日把在家里做的一个小项目拿到公司的电脑准备连接数据库时,有这样一个异常,“Error while performing database login with the mysql Driver:null...”,我百思不得其解,Driver怎么可能会是null的呢。因为公司机子的ip是另外分配的,以为不能用"localhost",就用回分配的地址(cmd->ipconfig查看没有错),还是同样的错(这个地址平时部署其他项目是可以正常连Oracle数据库并可正常被别的机子访问)。我想了一下,自己机子的主机名是改了的,平时自己访问自己机子上部署的项目的话,用改了的主机名或者那个分配的ip都可以正常访问,而别的机子有的既可以通过我改了的主机名又可以通过那个分配的ip访问我的机子,有的则只能同过那个分配的ip访问(大家都在同一个局域网内,奇怪。)。所以我又用回我改了的主机名,还是同样的错,在网上搜了一下,很多人都说是URL的错。最终,我还是用回最原始的"localhost"作为地址才可以。
Performing Other Tasks with SQLite. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528 xvii CONTENTS Appendix GGetting Help. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535 PHP Resources. . . . ....
In addition, while providing the familiar properties, methods and events of the built-in objects (TDatabase, TQuery, etc.) VDB provides additional simplified methods for performing common tasks....
Furthermore, this book explains the PHP functionality in detail, including the vastly improved object-oriented capabilities and the new MySQL database extension. PHP and MySQL Recipes will be a useful...
Over the last six years, long-time Sports Illustrated associate editor Don Yaeger has been invited by some of the greatest companies in the world to speak about the habits of high-performing ...
Interacting with the Database Section 2.9. Calling Stored Programs from Stored Programs Section 2.10. Putting It All Together Section 2.11. Stored Functions Section 2.12. Triggers Section ...
Source Code for Hello World with Pygame ................................................................................ 7 Setting Up a Pygame Program ....................................................
可能会遇到“Error while performing database login with the oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver driver: Io exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection”的错误。这个问题可能是由多种...
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In this thesis, MySQL is adopted as the backend database on the server side, tightly integrating the Web with the database. During the design process, emphasis was placed on ensuring the readability...
Create a usable and attractive login form using Bootstrap's styles, while ensuring the database table backing it is secure using Postgres' check constraints. See how creating an advanced Postgres ...
pdf修改 Fixed a crash issue which occurs when closing any palette of the five image toolbars within the Image Editor window, or closing the “Select Shading Style” box in the Shading Editor window. ...
The reputation that MySQL has earned as a fast- performing database is one that has come from both independent performance tests as well as daily serving as the backend database for high-volume ...
With Microsoft HDInsight, business professionals and data analysts can rapidly leverage the power of Hadoop on a flexible, scalable cloud-based platform, using Microsoft's accessible business ...
Percona XtraDB Cluster is a database clustering solution for MySQL. It ensures high availability, prevents downtime and data loss, and provides linear scalability for a growing environment. Features ...
Module 1: Overview of the Microsoft .NET Platform Overview.................................................................................................................1 What Is the Microsoft ...