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例子 private static function init():void{ myVBox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,startDragging); myVBox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging); } // 按下鼠标按键时会调用此函数。 private static function startDragging(event:MouseEvent):void { event.currentTarget.startDrag(); } // 松开鼠标按键时会调用此函数。 private static function stopDragging(event:MouseEvent):void { event.currentTarget.stopDrag(); }
例子 private function init():void { a.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler); c.addEventListener(DragEvent.DRAG_ENTER,dragEnterHandler); c.addEventListener(DragEvent.DRAG_DROP,dragDropHandler); } private static function mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { var dragInitiator:UIComponent=UIComponent(event.currentTarget); var ds:DragSource = new DragSource(); ds.addData(dragInitiator, "myRule"); DragManager.doDrag(dragInitiator, ds, event); } private static function dragEnterHandler(event:DragEvent):void { if (event.dragSource.hasFormat("myRule ")) { DragManager.acceptDragDrop(event.currentTarget); } } private static function dragDropHandler(event:DragEvent):void { var dragObject:UIComponent=UIComponent(event.dragInitiator); dragObject.x = Container(event.currentTarget).mouseX; dragObject.y =Container(event.currentTarget).mouseY; if(dragObject.parent!=event.currentTarget){ Container(event.currentTarget).addChild(dragObject); } } 以上的例子中,c只接受带有“myRule”格式文字的拖动对象
thanks:http://blog.csdn.net/twobowl/archive/2009/04/16/4075877.aspx 挺好的总结
next stone : 更加丰富的信息介绍flex拖拽
Adding drag-and-drop support
Visual development environments typically let you manipulate objects in an application by selecting them with a mouse and moving them around the screen. The Adobe® Flex™ Drag and Drop Manager lets you select an object, such as an item in a List control, or a Flex control, such as an Image control, and then drag it over another component to add it to that component. All Flex components support the drag-and-drop operation. Flex also includes additional support for the drag-and-drop operation for certain controls, such as List, Tree, and DataGrid.
The drag-and-drop operation has three main stages: initiation, dragging, and dropping.
A user initiates a drag-and-drop operation by using the mouse to select a Flex component or an item in a Flex component, and then moving the component or item while holding down the mouse button. For example, a user selects an item in a List control with the mouse and, while holding down the mouse button, moves the mouse several pixels. The selected component is called the drag initiator .
While holding down the mouse button, the user moves the mouse around the Flex application. Flex displays an image during the drag, which is the drag proxy . The drag source (a DragSource object) contains the data being dragged.
When a user moves the drag proxy over another Flex component, that component becomes a possible drop target . The drop target can inspect the drag source to determine whether the data is in a format that the target accepts and, if so, let the user drop the data onto it. If the drop target determines that the data is not in an acceptable format, the drop target can disallow the drop operation.
Upon a successful drop operation, Flex adds the data to the target and, optionally, deletes it from its original location.
This Quick Start describes several ways of implementing the drag-and-drop operation in your Flex applications.
Using drag-and-drop with List controls
Several Flex controls include built-in support for the drag-and-drop operation. These are the DataGrid, HorizontalList, List, Menu, PrintDataGrid, TileList, and Tree controls.
You can make these controls drag initiators by setting the
property to true
. Similarly, you can make
these controls drop targets by setting the dropEnabled
property to
. Flex lets you move items by dragging them from a drag-enabled
control to a drop-enabled control, or copy them by dragging while pressing the
Control key.
Copying items by using the drag-and-drop operation
The following example lets you copy items from one List control to another by dragging them. You can copy the same item multiple times from the drag initiator to the drop target.
Example <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" width="365" height="225" creationComplete="creationCompleteHandler();" > <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ private function creationCompleteHandler():void { srclist.dataProvider = ['Reading', 'Skating', 'Movies']; destlist.dataProvider = []; } ]]> </mx:Script> <mx:Panel title="Select activities" layout="horizontal"> <mx:VBox width="50%"> <mx:Label text="Available activities"/> <!-- Drag initiator --> <mx:List id="srclist" width="100%" height="100" allowMultipleSelection="true" dragEnabled="true" /> </mx:VBox> <mx:VBox width="50%"> <mx:Label text="Activities I enjoy"/> <!-- Drop target --> <mx:List id="destlist" width="100%" height="100" dropEnabled="true" /> </mx:VBox> </mx:Panel> </mx:Application>
To view the full source, right-click the Flex application and select View Source from the context menu.
Moving items by using the drag-and drop operation
The default value of the dragMoveEnabled
property is
, which only lets you copy items from one List control to the
other. If you modify the previous example and add the
property set to true
in the source
List control, you can move and copy elements, as the following example
The default action is to move the item. To copy an item, hold down the Control key during the drop operation.
Example <!-- Drag initiator --> <mx:List id="srclist" width="100%" height="100" allowMultipleSelection="true" dragEnabled="true" dragMoveEnabled="true" />
To view the full source, right-click the Flex application and select View Source from the context menu.
Two-way drag-and drop support
You can allow two-way dragging and dropping by setting the
property and the dropEnabled
property to
on both List controls, as follows:
Example <!-- Both drag initiator and drop target --> <mx:List id="srclist" width="100%" height="100" allowMultipleSelection="true" dragEnabled="true" dropEnabled="true" dragMoveEnabled="true" /> <!-- . . . --> <!-- Both drag initiator and drop target --> <mx:List id="destlist" width="100%" height="100" allowMultipleSelection="true" dragEnabled="true" dropEnabled="true" dragMoveEnabled="true" />
To view the full source, right-click the Flex application and select View Source from the context menu.
Manually adding drag-and-drop support
To support drag-and-drop operations with non-list-based controls, or with containers, you must explicitly add support by using a series of special classes and events. You use the DragManager, DragSource, and DragEvent classes to implement the drag-and-drop operation.
Flex applications use events to control drag-and-drop operations.
Drag initiator events
When you set a control to act as a drag initiator, you can use the
, mouseMove
, and dragComplete
events to manage the drag-and-drop operation.
The mouseDown and mouseMove events
The mouseDown
event is dispatched when a user selects a control
with the mouse and holds down the mouse button. The mouseMove
is dispatched when the mouse moves.
The following example embeds the images of four Euro coins
cent, 2 cent, 5 cent, and 10 cent) and displays them using Image controls. In
each of the Image controls, you listen for the mouseMove
event and
define an event handler method called dragIt()
to handle this
event. In the dragIt()
method, you obtain a reference to the coin
image that the event originated on by using the currentTarget
property of the event
object and save this reference in a local
variable called dragInitiator
Next, you create a DragSource
instance and call its
method to store the value
argument that was
passed to the dragIt()
method. You describe the format of the value
argument by using the String "value"
. You use this string later,
when creating your drop target, to check whether you should allow an item to be
dropped on it.
Because you want to display an image of the coin as the user drags it around,
you create an Image
instance and set its source to the same coin
image that the drag initiator has. You save this image in a local variable
called dragProxy
Finally, you call the static doDrag()
method on the DragManager
class and pass it references to the drag initiator, drag source, the event
object, and the drag proxy to start the drag operation.
You can drag the coins around but you cannot drop them anywhere because you haven't defined a drop target. The following section describes how to define a drop target.
Example <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" viewSourceURL="src/DragAndDropDragInitiatorEvents/index.html" width="500" height="160" > <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ import mx.managers.DragManager; import mx.core.DragSource; // Embed the various Euro coin images. Images originally // from Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euro_coins) [Embed("assets/1c.png")] [Bindable] public var OneCent:Class; [Embed("assets/2c.png")] [Bindable] public var TwoCents:Class; [Embed("assets/5c.png")] [Bindable] public var FiveCents:Class; [Embed("assets/10c.png")] [Bindable] public var TenCents:Class; private function dragIt(event:MouseEvent, value:uint):void { // Get the drag initiator component from the event object. var dragInitiator:Image = event.currentTarget as Image; // Create a DragSource object. var dragSource:DragSource = new DragSource(); // Add the data to the object. dragSource.addData(value, 'value'); // Create a copy of the coin image to use as a drag proxy. var dragProxy:Image = new Image(); dragProxy.source = event.currentTarget.source; // Call the DragManager doDrag() method to start the drag. DragManager.doDrag(dragInitiator, dragSource, event, dragProxy); } ]]> </mx:Script> <mx:HBox> <mx:Image id="oneCent" source="{OneCent}" mouseMove="dragIt(event, 1);" /> <mx:Image id="twoCents" source="{TwoCents}" mouseMove="dragIt(event, 2);" /> <mx:Image id="fiveCents" source="{FiveCents}" mouseMove="dragIt(event, 5);" /> <mx:Image id="tenCents" source="{TenCents}" mouseMove="dragIt(event, 10);" /> </mx:HBox> </mx:Application>
To view the full source, right-click the Flex application and select View Source from the context menu.
Drop target events
The drop target can use various events, the most important of which are the
, dragDrop
, and dragExit
The dragEnter
The dragEnter
event is dispatched when a drag proxy moves over
the drop target from outside the drop target. A component must
an event listener for this event to be a drop target. In the listener, you can
change the appearance of the drop target to provide visual feedback to the user
that the component can accept the drag operation. For example, you can draw a
border around the drop target, or give focus to the drop target.
The dragExit
The dragExit
event is dispatched when the user drags outside the
drop target, but does not drop the data onto the target. You can use this event
to restore the drop target to its normal appearance if you modified its
appearance in response to a dragEnter event or other event.
The dragDrop
The dragDrop
event is dispatched when the user releases the
mouse over the drop target. You can use this event listener to add the drag data
to the drop target.
In the following example you create a Box container to act as the drop target and define handlers to listen for the dragEnter, dragExit and dragDrop events. The Box container has a Label control inside it that you use to display the total of the coins dropped onto the Box.
In the event handler for the dragEnter
event, you check that the
drag source contains the "value"
format. Only objects that contain
this format (i.e., coins in this example) may be dropped on the drop target. If
it does, you visually indicate to the user that she may drop the item on the Box
by increasing the thickness of the Box container's border. You also inform the
DragManager that the Box container will accept the drag initiator by calling its
In the event handler for the dragExit
event, you restore the
visual appearance of the Box container to indicate that the drag proxy is no
longer over it.
Finally, in the event handler for the dragDrop
event, which gets
called after the user has dropped a coin onto the drop target, you increase the
value of the totalValue
counter by the value of the coin that was
dropped on to the Box and revert the Box container to indicate that the drop
operation is complete.
Example <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" width="525" height="270" viewSourceURL="src/DragAndDropDragDropTargetEvents/index.html" > <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ import mx.events.DragEvent; import mx.containers.Box; import mx.managers.DragManager; import mx.core.DragSource; // Embed the various Euro coin images. Images originally // from Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euro_coins) [Embed("assets/1c.png")] [Bindable] public var OneCent:Class; [Embed("assets/2c.png")] [Bindable] public var TwoCents:Class; [Embed("assets/5c.png")] [Bindable] public var FiveCents:Class; [Embed("assets/10c.png")] [Bindable] public var TenCents:Class; [Bindable] private var totalValue:uint; private function dragIt(event:MouseEvent, value:uint):void { // Get the drag initiator component from the event object. var dragInitiator:Image = event.currentTarget as Image; // Create a DragSource object. var dragSource:DragSource = new DragSource(); // Add the data to the object. dragSource.addData(value, 'value'); // Create a copy of the coin image to use as a drag proxy. var dragProxy:Image = new Image(); dragProxy.source = event.currentTarget.source; // Call the DragManager doDrag() method to start the drag. DragManager.doDrag(dragInitiator, dragSource, event, dragProxy); } // Called if the user drags a drag proxy onto the drop target. private function dragEnterHandler(event:DragEvent):void { // Get the drop target component from the event object. var dropTarget:Box=event.currentTarget as Box; // Accept the drag only if the user is dragging data // identified by the 'value' format value. if (event.dragSource.hasFormat('value')) { // Make the border of the Box thicker to // visually signal to the user that they can // drop the coin there. dropTarget.setStyle("borderThickness", 5); // Accept the drop. DragManager.acceptDragDrop(dropTarget); } } // Called if the user drags the drag proxy away from the drop target. private function dragExitHandler(event:DragEvent):void { // Get the drop target component from the event object. var dropTarget:Box=event.currentTarget as Box; // Set the border of the Box to its default value // to visually indicate that the user is no longer // over the drop target. revertBoxBorder(); } // Called if the target accepts the dragged object and the user // releases the mouse button while over the drop target. private function dragDropHandler(event:DragEvent):void { // Get the data identified by the color format from the drag source. var value:uint = event.dragSource.dataForFormat('value') as uint; // Add the value to the total totalValue += value; // Set the border of the Box to its default value revertBoxBorder(); } // Helper method to revert the Box's border to a 1 pixel outline. private function revertBoxBorder():void { amountDisplay.setStyle("borderThickness", 1); } ]]> </mx:Script> <mx:HBox> <mx:Image id="oneCent" source="{OneCent}" mouseMove="dragIt(event, 1);" /> <mx:Image id="twoCents" source="{TwoCents}" mouseMove="dragIt(event, 2);" /> <mx:Image id="fiveCents" source="{FiveCents}" mouseMove="dragIt(event, 5);" /> <mx:Image id="tenCents" source="{TenCents}" mouseMove="dragIt(event, 10);" /> </mx:HBox> <mx:Box id="amountDisplay" borderStyle="solid" borderColor="#000000" backgroundColor="#FFFFFF" width="100%" height="100" horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" dragEnter="dragEnterHandler(event);" dragExit="dragExitHandler(event);" dragDrop="dragDropHandler(event);" > <mx:Label text="{totalValue + ' pence'}" fontSize="48"/> </mx:Box> </mx:Application>
To view the full source, right-click the Flex application and select View Source from the context menu.
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在这个场景中,我们关注的是Flex实现的拖拽控件,这是一种交互式UI元素,允许用户通过鼠标操作移动元素,提供了丰富的用户体验。 拖拽功能在Flex中可以通过使用内置的DragManager类和Event类来实现。DragManager类...
拖放操作在Flex中分为两个主要部分:拖动源(Drag Source)和放置目标(Drop Target)。拖动源是用户开始拖动操作的对象,而放置目标是用户可以放下该对象的目标区域。Flex提供了DragManager类来处理这些操作,并且...
在IT行业中,尤其是在Web开发领域,"flex 图片画线,拖动"是一个常见的交互功能需求,用于增强用户体验。这个功能通常涉及到HTML5、CSS3和JavaScript等技术,特别是Flex布局和SVG图形技术。让我们详细探讨一下这个...