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Linus和GNOME之间似乎一直有着说不清的怨 - 其实许多大牛都对GNOME差劲的用户体验和丑陋的UI设计进行过鄙视,不仅仅是Linus,还有比如老夫我。。。

Linus甚至曾经放出话说,Linux的用户都应该使用KDE,而不是GNOME,因为GNOME的用户都是白痴~~ 说这种话需要什么样的勇气?Linus简直就是那手执长矛的骑士,要以一人之力单挑一陀人啊。现在他干出了件更牛的事情,直接向GNOME提交了几个patch,以帮助GNOME变得更美好(当然是Linus同志觉得的那种美好)。

整件事情的起因是邮件列表上的一场口水仗。Linus他老人家也是艺高人胆大,单枪匹马杀进Desktop Architects邮件列表和GNOME开发者们打了起来。最后一名GNOME帮众说,你整天说GNOME这里不好那里不好,你到底有没有认真用过它一段时间呢?如果你能提出一些建设性的意见不是比在这里喷口水更好?

I've sent out patches. The code is actually _cleaner_ after my patches, and the end result is more capable. We'll see what happens.

THAT is constructive.

What I find unconstructive is how the GNOME people always make *excuses*. It took me a few hours to actually do the patches. It wasn't that hard. So why didn't I do it years ago?

I'll tell you why: because GNOME apologists don't say "please send us patches". No. They basically make it clear that they aren't even *interested* in fixing things, because their dear old Mum isn't interested in the feature.

Do you think that's "constructive"?

So let's see what happens to my patches. I guarantee you that they actually improve the code (not just add a feature). I also guarantee that they actually make things *more* logical rather than less (with my patches, double-clicking on the title bar isn't a special event: it's configurable along with right- and middle-clicking, and with the exact same syntax for all).

But why, oh, why, have GNOME people not just said "please fix it then"?

Instead, I _still_ (now after I sent out the patch) hear more of your kvetching about how you actually do everything right, and it's somehow *my* fault that I find things limiting.

Here's a damn big clue: the reason I find GNOME limiting is BECAUSE IT IS.

Now the question is, will people take the patches, or will they keep their heads up their arses and claim that configurability is bad, even when it makes things more logical, and code more readable.




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