Checkbox Text List :: Extension of Iconified Text tutorial
What you will learn:How to create a list of items with Checkboxes
This tutorial grew from another tutorial here which dealt with making lists with icons attached to each list item. (IconifiedTextView tutorial).
1.In order to make a List which includes checkboxes, we need to modify a few things., we made a String to hold the text of our list item. We also need a boolean value to keep track of the status of the checkbox (checked = true, unchecked = false). The constructor will initialize the checkbox to be checked or unchecked.
Java: |
privateStringmText =""; privatebooleanmChecked; publicCheckBoxifiedText(Stringtext,booleanchecked){ /* constructor */ mText = text; mChecked = checked; }
2.Second, we need to look We need to add code to support our checkbox.(src.getChecked()will tell us whether our box is checked or not.
Java: |
publicViewgetView(intposition,ViewconvertView, ViewGroup parent){ CheckBoxifiedTextView btv; if(convertView ==null){ btv =newCheckBoxifiedTextView(mContext, mItems.get(position)); }else{// Reuse/Overwrite the View passed // We are assuming(!) that it is castable! CheckBoxifiedText src = mItems.get(position); btv =(CheckBoxifiedTextView)convertView; btv.setCheckBoxState(src.getChecked()); btv =(CheckBoxifiedTextView)convertView; btv.setText(mItems.get(position).getText()); } returnbtv; }
We also want to add some methods for doing things like getting the state of the checkbox, or selecting all the items.
Java: |
publicvoidselectAll(){ for(CheckBoxifiedText cboxtxt: mItems) cboxtxt.setChecked(true); /* Things have changed, do a redraw. */ this.notifyDataSetInvalidated(); }
3.Open We need to set up where we want the checkbox to be located, the text location, and whether the box is checked or not.
Java: |
publicCheckBoxifiedTextView(Contextcontext, CheckBoxifiedText aCheckBoxifiedText){ super(context);
/* First CheckBox and the Text to the right (horizontal), * not above and below (vertical) */ this.setOrientation(HORIZONTAL); mCheckBoxText = aCheckBoxifiedText; mCheckBox =newCheckBox(context); mCheckBox.setPadding(0,0,20,0);// 5px to the right
/* Set the initial state of the checkbox. */ mCheckBox.setChecked(aCheckBoxifiedText.getChecked());
/* At first, add the CheckBox to ourself * (! we are extending LinearLayout) */ addView(mCheckBox,newLinearLayout.LayoutParams( LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT));
mText =newTextView(context); mText.setText(aCheckBoxifiedText.getText()); //mText.setPadding(0, 0, 15, 0); addView(mText,newLinearLayout.LayoutParams( LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); }
4.Finally, we can look at our ListActivity code which will be using the classes we just made. In the attached source code, this is theCheckbox.javafile. For this example, i am using an array of strings which contain the text we want in each list item. We create a checkboxlist adapter, cbla, first.
Then, we loop through each item in the array and add it to the list adapter (usingcbla.addItem()). I am setting all the checkboxes to initially be unchecked by passing the value of FALSE.
Java: |
publicclassCheckboxextendsListActivity{ /** Called when the activity is first created. */
privateCheckBoxifiedTextListAdapter cbla; // Create CheckBox List Adapter, cbla privateString[]items ={"Box 1","Box 2","Box 3","Box 4"}; // Array of string we want to display in our list
@Override publicvoidonCreate(Bundle icicle){ super.onCreate(icicle); setContentView(R.layout.main);
cbla =newCheckBoxifiedTextListAdapter(this); for(intk=0; klength; k++) { cbla.addItem(newCheckBoxifiedText(items[k],false)); } // Display it setListAdapter(cbla); } }
Thats pretty much it. Not much work! Attached are all the source files you will need for this tutorial. I have also added functions such as select all, and deselect all which will come in handy.
var selectedText = checkBoxList[i].text; var selectedValue = checkBoxList[i].value; // 进行相关操作 } } ``` **全选和取消选中** 在服务器端,可以设置CheckBoxList的所有项为选中或取消选中状态: ```...
### 遍历CheckBoxList,获得选中项的值动态绑定CheckBoxList #### 知识点一:CheckBoxList概述及应用场景 **CheckBoxList** 是ASP.NET Web Forms中一个非常有用的控件,它允许用户选择一个或多个选项。CheckBoxList...
本篇将详细讲解如何在ASP.NET中获取`CheckBoxList`控件选中的`value`和`text`。 首先,我们创建一个`CheckBoxList`控件。在ASP.NET的`.aspx`页面中,你可以这样定义它: ```html <asp:CheckBoxList ID="CheckBox...
### CheckBoxList的用法 #### 一、CheckBoxList概述 `CheckBoxList`是ASP.NET Web Forms框架中的一个控件,它允许用户从一系列复选框中进行选择。这些复选框通常用来收集用户的选择偏好或者多选数据。与普通的单个...
在.NET Web开发中,CheckBoxList控件经常用于呈现一组可多选的选项。然而,有时候我们需要将CheckBoxList的功能限制为只能单选,就像单选按钮(RadioButtonList)那样。本篇将详细介绍如何在C#环境下,针对ASP.NET ...
checkBoxList.DataTextField = "Text"; // 显示的文本字段 checkBoxList.DataValueField = "Value"; // 值字段 checkBoxList.DataBind(); ``` 2. 动态添加项: 如果需要在运行时动态添加项,可以使用Items集合,...
strResults += CheckBoxList1.Items[index].Text + "|"; // 获取已选中的项的文本 } } if (strResults.Length == 0) { strResults = "None"; } // Response.Write(strResults); // 输出结果到页面 this.Label1....
### .NET MVC3 使用 CheckBox List(复选框列表)的简单方法 在.NET MVC3框架中,虽然没有直接提供CheckBox List的功能,但可以通过简单的自定义方法来实现这一功能。下面将详细介绍如何在.NET MVC3中使用CheckBox ...
在.NET框架中,ASP.NET控件集合中有一个名为`CheckBoxList`的组件,它用于在网页上显示一组可选的复选框。标题"CheckBoxList by new form"可能指的是一个基于新表单(可能是Web Form)实现的自定义`CheckBoxList`...
在这个特定的场景中,我们关注的是如何在ListControl中添加复选框(Checkbox)并展示图标(ICON)。下面将详细介绍如何在VC 6.0 MFC环境下实现这一功能。 首先,我们需要理解CListCtrl类的基本结构。CListCtrl是MFC...
这个场景下,我们可以自定义一个控件来实现“CheckBoxList”效果,即用户可以在下拉框中选择多个选项。下面我们将深入探讨如何实现这样一个功能。 首先,我们需要了解Windows Forms中的基本控件。在WinForm中,`...
在某些情况下,我们可能需要在List Control中添加复选框(CheckBox),以便用户可以对列表项进行选择或状态设定。本文将详细介绍如何在MFC的List Control中实现这一功能。 首先,我们需要了解List Control的基本...
在Android开发中,CheckBox是用户界面(UI)中不可或缺的组件之一,它允许用户进行多选操作,非常适合在列表或选项中提供多个可选项目。本教程将深入讲解如何在Android应用中有效地使用CheckBox。 首先,我们需要...
1. 在XAML中定义`ListBox`和`ItemTemplate`,包含`CheckBox`和`TextBlock`。 2. 绑定`ItemsSource`到数据源,数据源应包含`IsSelected`属性。 3. 实现数据源模型的`INotifyPropertyChanged`接口。 4. 处理`...
CheckBox checkbox = (CheckBox) view.findViewById(; isAllSelected = !isAllSelected || !checkbox.isChecked(); updateSelectAllButtonState(); } }); // 更新全选按钮的状态 private ...