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你好,转化为人为:1、不该加锁的不要加锁:局部变量,单线程占用 ...
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The idea behind is e-sync IO do ...
Rethink the sync
1> linux file types:
ordinary, directory, block(harddisk...device), character(crt,...)
2> file name:
256 characters
3> directories:
/bin Contains the Linux system commands and programs (also called binaries). Pronounced "slash bin."
/dev Contains special device files that correspond to hardware components. Pronounced "slash dev."
/etc Contains configuration files for Linux and other installed software. Pronounced "slash et-see."
/home Contains the home directories (personal storage) for each user on the system. Pronounced "slash home."
/sbin Contains more Linux binaries (special utilities not for general users). Pronounced "slash ess-bin."
/root The home directory for the root user; not to be confused with /. Some Linux systems use /home/root instead of /root. Pronounced "slash root."
/usr Contains system programs and other files for general users such as games, online help, and documentation. By convention, a user should not put personal files in this directory. Pronounced "slash user."
4> cd, ls -l, cat, more, cp, mv, touch, echo >..., cat > fox.file ^D, mkdir, rm, rmdir, wildcard(*),
5> change permissions:
The general form of the chmod command is
chmod <permission flags> <file or directory name(s)>
To tell chmod the new permissions for a file, you can use any combination of these permission flag characters:
(pick one or more) | (pick one) | (pick one or more) |
u For the owner | + Grant access | r For read access |
g For the group | - Deny access | w For write access |
o For all others | x For execute access |
Here are some examples:
chmod o-r pig_info Remove read access from all others.
chmod g+rw pig_info Grant read and write access to group.
chmod ugo+x zippity Grant execute access to everybody.
6> Transfer ownership:
Transferring Ownership of a File Using Chown
If you are logged in as root, you can transfer ownership of a file or directory (if you move it into another user's directory) using the chown command.
To tell chown what to do, just give it the new owner and the file name, like this:
chown sigmund zippity
字符编码笔记:ASCII,Unicode和UTF-8 (引用)
2009-01-07 10:39 953字符编码笔记:ASCII,Unicode和UTF-8 阮一峰 ... -
How to set up a simple LRU cache using LinkedHash
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2008-10-07 14:07 846严格上讲,scalability还没有正式定义, 甚至有人觉得 ... -
Cray Reminiscences
2007-08-29 15:54 811Kirk Pepperdine's attendence of ... -
2007-06-18 22:06 10121. http://www.ibm.com/developer ... -
解决java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space(转帖)
2007-06-05 18:07 3166解决方案就是:在启动服务器时加上指定PermGen区域的内存大 ... -
2007-06-05 15:11 990« I used to work for... | Mai ... -
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Expressions Transform
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Java cleanup code
2007-04-03 12:20 1301Java shutdown hook guarantee th ... -
Java performance tunning
2007-04-03 11:37 958http://www.javaperformancetunin ... -
Running IE from command line
2007-04-03 10:58 1127Here's a simple way you can ru ... -
Unicode and UTF8
2007-04-03 10:27 921What is Unicode? Unicode provid ... -
Daemon Thread Notes
2007-04-03 09:16 26581. 只要程式中的non-Daemon thread都結束了. ... -
How to know the main class of a jar file?
2007-04-02 15:18 1041Easy. Here is an implementation ... -
The best chinese BAT tutorial(from www.boofee.net/bigfee/)
2007-03-27 11:58 1341如何创建批处理文件? 不要听了批处理文件就感到很神气 ... -
Basics - Binary search
2007-03-26 15:53 990java 代码 public class Bin ... -
2007-03-23 17:26 865MergeSort is a sample solutio ... -
Graph data structure
2007-03-23 12:04 8961. adjacent matrix good for bor ... -
Functional Programming For The Rest of Us
2007-03-23 10:39 1351I like connect beautiful artic ...
解决那些很少或没有GNU / Linux经验的人。 涵盖了Slackware Linux的安装,基本的GNU / Linux命令以及Slackware Linux的配置。
Linux Basics for Hackers 中文版
This book is not intended for the experienced hacker or the experienced Linux admin. Instead, it is intended for those who want to get started along the exciting path of hacking, cybersecurity, and ...
Linux Basics for Hackers: Getting Started with Networking, Scripting, and Security in Kali (AZW3)
Linux Basics for Hackers-中文批注版
2018年12月份,职业黑客、调查取证专家OccupyTheWeb出了一本书《Linux Basics for Hackers》,特别适合作为安全工作者入门信息安全的基础 Linux 学习和使用 目前亚马逊 Linux 书籍销售排行榜第 1 名,评分 4.4(满分...
从文件中提供的信息可以了解到,《Linux Basics for Hackers: Getting Started with Networking, Scripting, and Security in Kali》是OccupyTheWeb撰写的一本关于Linux基本知识的书籍,这本书专门针对想要利用Kali ...
Linux Basics for Hackers 1st Edition - 2019
Linux Basics for Hackers是一本专注于Linux操作系统,特别是Kali Linux发行版在安全领域的应用书籍。Kali Linux是一个基于Debian的Linux发行版,专门设计用于数字取证和渗透测试,是黑客和网络安全专业人士常用的...
1. **Linux历史与发行版**:了解Linux的起源,以及它如何发展成为今天的各种发行版,如Ubuntu、CentOS、Debian等。 2. **Linux哲学**:理解“一切都是文件”的核心理念,以及这种设计如何使系统更灵活、模块化。 3...
Topics include getting up and running with basics, desktops, networking, internet services, administration, security, scripting, Linux certification, and more. This new edition of Linux All-in-One ...
whole lot of tools for Penetration Testing, It is based on Linux and includes 300 plus tools. If you have never used Backtrack before all you really need to know it is the best software to use for ...
书中详细讲解了如何安装和配置MongoDB服务器,涵盖了Windows、Linux和macOS等多种操作系统平台。接着,读者将学习到如何使用MongoDB shell进行交互式查询,包括插入、更新、删除和查找数据的基本操作。此外,书中还...
Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Your First Embedded Experience Chapter 3 Processor Basics Chapter 4 The Linux Kernel A Different Perspective Chapter 5 Kernel Initialization Chapter 6 System ...
Unix Programming1_Linux basics.ppt
Linux 程序设计教学课件:Ch1 Linux Basics 本文档是 Linux 程序设计教学课件的第一章,介绍了 Linux 基础知识。文档分为多个部分,包括什么是 Linux、Linux 安装、使用系统、Linux 编程的先决条件和 Linux/UNIX ...
1. Linux基础知识:命令行界面、文件系统、用户和组管理等 2. 网络基础知识:网络协议、 socket 编程、DNS 解析等 3. 脚本编程基础知识:Bash 脚本、 Perl 语言等 4. 安全性方面的知识:身份验证、访问控制、加密...
At the most fundamental level, Linux is a requirement. I strongly suggest you invest time and energy into using and understanding it if you want to make hacking and information security your career.
黑客 linux 基础命令行 文件系统 网络 shell 脚本 包管理 日志记录 Linux内核 驱动程序