C# and C++ version. Copy the following files to a new directory:
Coco.exe the executable
Scanner.frame the frame file from which the scanner is generated
Parser.frame the frame file from which the parser is generated
Java version. Copy the following files to a new directory:
Coco.jar an archive containing all classes of Coco/R
Scanner.frame the frame file from which the scanner is generated
Parser frame the frame file from which the parser is generated
3.2 Invocation
Coco/R can be invoked from the command line as follows:
C# or C++: Coco fileName [Options]
Java: java -jar Coco.jar fileName [Options]
fileName is the name of the file containing the Cocol/R compiler description. As a
convention, compiler descriptions have the extension .ATG (for attributed grammar).
Options. The following options may be specified:
Options =
{ "-namespace" namespaceName /* in Java: "-package" packageName */
| "-frames" framesDirectory
| "-trace" traceString
The user can specify a namespace (or package) to which the generated scanner and
parser should belong (e.g. at.jku.ssw.Coco). If no namespace is specified the
generated classes belong to the default namespace. In the C++ version, the namespace
name must be a simple identifier (e.g. MyProject).
The -frames option can be used to specify the dire
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安装 :CocInstall http s: // github. com /rodrigore/ coc - tailwind - intellisense 或者,如果您是用户,请添加: Plug ' rodrigore/coc-tailwind-intellisense ' , { ' do ' : ' npm install ' } 在您的....
7. **命令行接口**:通过 Coc 命令,用户可以执行各种操作,如安装新的语言服务器、查看配置等。 为了充分利用 Coc 的功能,你需要在 `.vimrc` 文件中添加相应的配置。例如,启用 Coc 并加载特定的语言服务器: ``...
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资源来自pypi官网。 资源全名:odoo10_addon_partner_coc-
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的以启用由加载的语言服务器的扩展。 免责声明 这开始只是一个实验,但通常“为我工作”。 你的旅费可能会改变。 先决条件 确保安装了扩展名。 :CocInstall coc-java 您还需要Vim插件。 安装 :CocInstall coc-java...
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