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daily english key word


010 01 14 (from A')

As discussed in the daily status meeting in Wednesday afternoon, please drop an email to XX when you come back to the office in the morning. In the email, you specify the task you will do on that day and, if it is appropriate , you can also briefly describe any problems you have. XX will consolidate the email and send a copy to me. If it is necessary, I will discuss with you to clarify the task or resolve any issues . I hope this can be done before our daily status update meeting so that we can focus on the key items in the meeting to make it more efficient.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments. Thanks.


2010 01 15 (from M')

I just wanted to take a quick moment to let you know that everyone over in the US is very pleased with all the great effort you’re putting into this project. Despite all the challenges that we’ve placed upon you, the site is really coming along and I’ve noticed a very strong positive trend in the quality of the product in the past few weeks.

Keep up the good work and we’ll be well positioned to enjoy the New Year holiday and release an application for which we can all be very proud .


2010 01 20 (from A')

Hi team,

We are working with Baynote to update the data on their side. Hopefully we can have some testing data later. Keep you posted . Thanks.


2010 01 20 (from Fra' to A')

Fra' to M'

   here is what you can do to preview the recommendation from Insights .

Here are the steps to verify the recommendation:
1.      Log into Insights and select Recommendation Preview

2.      Enter a url for any product i.e., http://www.giftregistry360.com/c/p/Furniture-Kitchen+Furniture-Baker%27s+Rack-Rack+It+Up+by+Enclume+Utensil+Bar-7280

3.      Check ProductGuide

4.      Select Recommendation Only Mode

5.      Launch Preveiw

6.      See recommendation preview result on another tab, note that currently we’re just “pinning” or force the system to return some result regardless of what user is searching.

A' to Fra'

    We followed your instruction and we can get the result back. However, the link of the image file is provided with the img HTML, except one in line 77. We just want to clarify with you whether this is normal . Attached is the XML we got for your reference . Thanks.

Fra' to A'

    When the catalog feed does not provide an attribute for the thumbnail, baynote will put a “default” link there so that there is something to display.  With that said, do you have a default image that we can use, we can configure Insights so that we use that link instead the default link i.e., xxx which does not go anywhere at this time.
     Also, did you ran this on the 36' instance? I did not find this product P2629 on the gr360 catalog feed, I did found this from the WS feed and there is a thumburl defined so wondering where you ran this from…

A' to Fra'

    We can now call the web service as you mentioned in your email and get something back . What is the next step we need to do in order to get the meaningful data back? Please advise . Thanks.
    For the link of image, I will check and update you later .

M' to Fra'

    We’re in development mode on the site—there is no production instance available outside of our corporate firewall. That said, shouldn’t we still be able to verify that Baynote is recording  page views via the observer tags?

Fra to M '

    If the observer is deployed on your internal test site, we should be seeing some observer events. But I just check the event log and I do not see anything there.  Please check if the observer is firing correctly .

A' to Fra'

    We had included the JS in our code. How can we verify the settings on our side

Fra' to A':

    Thanks for the screen shot and we’re receiving observer data, it turned out I was not looking at the right place .
Here is a sample visit event


2010 01 25
Thanks for the update. I will take a look later and keep you posted


2010 01 25

from M'

I think that’s a great idea. Note : I wouldn’t be surprised if we end up changing the product alias as well.

2010 02 24


Starting deploy to the QA environment. I will update when it is ready. Issues preventing members from being recognized have been resolved . We should be able to test membership flows today.

The build will also include the bug fixes resolved overnight.

2010 02 26

Its that special time of day, yet again .

2010 03 29

Thanks for your hard working and we can fix most of the bugs found. We are waiting for xx team to clarify and provide details for some of the remaining tasks. When QA tests the system, there may be some other bugs found in coming weeks. With our dedication and commitment, I am sure we are able to handle that.


2010 04 23

If you’re talking about the changes that Mch' detailed in his email, then please hold off as I will provide guidance in my reply to that email.

FYI , there appears to be an issue with the staging server accessing our production memcached server.

I’m working to resolve now and reply to Mch’s email in a little while.



Yes, I agree, each of us on the xx team worked very hard to get this project out. I know we worked weekends and some even worked late into the night. I would like to say that this project was not an easy project. Additionally, we had many complications as this was the first major project the xx team had worked on with the xx team. I am very happy to say that we were able to pull it off and we have launched! So, again than you each for your hard work and dedication till the end –  j', B', s' and An'.



Thank You, As'. It looks good to me.

But Mr' and Ei', could you please spend a few minutes going over the steps? It is not us that will do this deployment, but I think you two can help to prevent any unclear instructions from appearing by reviewing them and telling As' about it in advanced, so that the US can do this deployment without any issue.


The five week nomination period for the ?? Awards ?? is now closed. We received more than ?? entries from across all ??. This year, the number of nominations more than doubled from ??, which is an outstanding success. I would like to say a big “thank you” for your participation in the ?? and that you have taken time to demonstrate your contribution to the ??. We originally planned to announce the winners by the end of ?, however, given the number of submissions, we are not able to process all of the nominations within the originally planned timeframe. To ensure appropriate quality of evaluation, the process will take longer. We now expect ?? winners to be announced during ??, after a thorough and complete review of all the nominations.



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