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3.5. Safe Publication(安全的公开)
So far we have focused on ensuring that an object not be published, such as when it is supposed to be confined to a thread or within another object. Of course, sometimes we do want to share objects across threads, and in this case we must do so safely. Unfortunately, simply storing a reference to an object into a public field, as in Listing 3.14, is not enough to publish that object safely.
Listing 3.13. Caching the Last Result Using a Volatile Reference to an Immutable Holder Object.
public class VolatileCachedFactorizer implements Servlet {
private volatile OneValueCache cache =
new OneValueCache(null, null);
public void service(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse resp) {
BigInteger i = extractFromRequest(req);
BigInteger[] factors = cache.getFactors(i);
if (factors == null) {
factors = factor(i);
cache = new OneValueCache(i, factors);
encodeIntoResponse(resp, factors);
Listing 3.14. Publishing an Object without Adequate Synchronization. Don't Do this.
// Unsafe publication
public Holder holder;
public void initialize() {
holder = new Holder(42);
You may be surprised at how badly this harmless-looking example could fail. Because of visibility problems, the Holder could appear to another thread to be in an inconsistent state, even though its invariants were properly established by its constructor! This improper publication could allow another thread to observe a partially constructed object.
3.5.1. Improper Publication: When Good Objects Go Bad
You cannot rely on the integrity of partially constructed objects. An observing thread could see the object in an inconsistent state, and then later see its state suddenly change, even though it has not been modified since publication. In fact, if the Holder in Listing 3.15 is published using the unsafe publication idiom in Listing 3.14, and a thread other than the publishing thread were to call assertSanity, it could throw AssertionError![15]
[15] The problem here is not the Holder class itself, but that the Holder is not properly published. However, Holder can be made immune to improper publication by declaring the n field to be final, which would make Holder immutable; see Section 3.5.2.
Listing 3.15. Class at Risk of Failure if Not Properly Published.
public class Holder {
private int n;
public Holder(int n) { this.n = n; }
public void assertSanity() {
if (n != n)
throw new AssertionError("This statement is false.");
Because synchronization was not used to make the Holder visible to other threads, we say the Holder was not properly published. Two things can go wrong with improperly published objects. Other threads could see a stale value for the holder field, and thus see a null reference or other older value even though a value has been placed in holder. But far worse, other threads could see an up-todate value for the holder reference, but stale values for the state of the Holder.[16] To make things even less predictable, a thread may see a stale value the first time it reads a field and then a more up-to-date value the next time, which is why assertSanity can throw AssertionError.
[16] While it may seem that field values set in a constructor are the first values written to those fields and therefore that there are no "older" values to see as stale values, the Object constructor first writes the default values to all fields before subclass constructors run. It is therefore possible to see the default value for a field as a stale value.
At the risk of repeating ourselves, some very strange things can happen when data is shared across threads without sufficient synchronization.
3.5.2. Immutable Objects and Initialization Safety(Immutable对象和安全初始化)
Because immutable objects are so important, the Java Memory Model offers a special guarantee of initialization safety for sharing immutable objects. As we've seen, that an object reference becomes visible to another thread does not necessarily mean that the state of that object is visible to the consuming thread. In order to guarantee a consistent view of the object's state, synchronization is needed.
Immutable objects, on the other hand, can be safely accessed even when synchronization is not used to publish the object reference. For this guarantee of initialization safety to hold, all of the requirements for immutability must be met: unmodi-fiable state, all fields are final, and proper construction. (If Holder in Listing 3.15 were immutable, assertSanity could not throw AssertionError, even if the Holder was not properly published.)
Immutable objects can be used safely by any thread without additional synchronization, even when synchronization is not used to publish them.
This guarantee extends to the values of all final fields of properly constructed objects; final fields can be safely accessed without additional synchronization. However, if final fields refer to mutable objects, synchronization is still required to access the state of the objects they refer to.
3.5.3. Safe Publication Idioms(安全公开)
Objects that are not immutable must be safely published, which usually entails synchronization by both the publishing and the consuming thread. For the moment, let's focus on ensuring that the consuming thread can see the object in its as published state; we'll deal with visibility of modifications made after publication soon.
To publish an object safely, both the reference to the object and the object's state must be made visible to other threads at the same time. A properly constructed object can be safely published by:
• Initializing an object reference from a static initializer;
• Storing a reference to it into a volatile field or AtomicReference;
• Storing a reference to it into a final field of a properly constructed object; or
• Storing a reference to it into a field that is properly guarded by a lock.
The internal synchronization in thread-safe collections means that placing an object in a thread-safe collection, such as a Vector or synchronized List, fulfills the last of these requirements. If thread A places object X in a thread-safe collection and thread B subsequently retrieves it, B is guaranteed to see the state of X as A left it, even though the application code that hands X off in this manner has no explicit synchronization. The thread-safe library collections offer the following safe publication guarantees, even if the Javadoc is less than clear on the subject:
• Placing a key or value in a Hashtable, synchronizedMap, or Concurrent-Map safely publishes it to any thread that retrieves it from the Map (whether directly or via an iterator);
• 将健或者值放入Hashtable,synchronizedMap或者并发Map中,可以保证对其他访问线程的安全公开。(无论是通过iterator或者直接访问)
• Placing an element in a Vector, CopyOnWriteArrayList, CopyOnWrite-ArraySet, synchronizedList, or synchronizedSet safely publishes it to any thread that retrieves it from the collection;
• 将一个元素放入Vector、CopyOnWriteArrayList, CopyOnWrite-ArraySet, synchronizedList, or synchronizedSet中后,可以确保任何线程都可以安全的访问这些元素。
• Placing an element on a BlockingQueue or a ConcurrentLinkedQueue safely publishes it to any thread that retrieves it from the queue.
• 将一个元素放入BlockingQueue 或者ConcurrentLinkedQueue可以确保任何线程都可以安全的访问这些元素。
Other handoff mechanisms in the class library (such as Future and Exchanger) also constitute safe publication; we will identify these as providing safe publication as they are introduced.
Using a static initializer is often the easiest and safest way to publish objects that can be statically constructed:
public static Holder holder = new Holder(42);
Static initializers are executed by the JVM at class initialization time; because of internal synchronization in the JVM, this mechanism is guaranteed to safely publish any objects initialized in this way [JLS 12.4.2].
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