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JSP 2.0 XML Cheat Sheet


JSP 2.0 XML Cheat Sheet

Copyright (c) 2005 NDP Software. Some Rights Reserved.


  • <%@ <jsp:directive.[directiveName]...
  • <%! <jsp:declaration> int i=0; </jsp:declaration>
  • <%= <jsp:expression> myVar.getProp() </jsp:expression>
  • <% <jsp:scriptlet> if (... </jsp:scriptlet>

scope is page|request|session|application

<jsp:root version="1.2|2.0" [ xmlns:taglibPrefix="URI" ]+ ... xmlns="http://www.w3c.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:jsp ="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page"


xmlns:c ="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"

<c:url value="" var="var" scope="SCOPE" ... <c:param <c:out value=" " escapeXml="true"

<c:if test="" <c:choose <c:when test="" <c:otherwise <c:forEach var="" varStatus="" items="" begin="startIndex" end="" step=""

<c:forTokens var="" varStatus="" items="" delims="" begin="startIndex" end="" step=""

<c:catch var=""

<c:set value="or element body" var="" scope="SCOPE" target="" property="" <c:remove var="" scope=""

<c:import url="" var="" scope="SCOPE" charEncoding="" ... <c:param name="" value="" <c:redirect ... <c:param name="" value=""

xmlns:fmt ="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/fmt" <fmt:requestEncoding value="encoding name"

<fmt:message ... <fmt:param ... TBD <fmt:bundle basename="" prefix="" <fmt:setBundle basename="" var="" scope="SCOPE" value="" <fmt:formatNumber ... TBD

<fmt:formatDate var="" scope="SCOPE" value="" pattern="see java.text.SimpleDateFormat" type="date|time|both" dateStyle="default|short|medium|long|full" timeStyle="default|short|medium|long|full" timeZone=""

<fmt:timeZone value="" <fmt:setTimeZone value="" var="" scope="SCOPE" value=""

<fmt:setLocale value="" var="" scope="SCOPE" value=""



Tag or JSP Files

<jsp:directive.include file="a page relative or context relative URI path for the file to include"

<jsp:include page="page- or context-relative URI" flush="false" <jsp:param name="" value=""

<jsp:element name="" <jsp:attribute name="" trim="true" (body is value) <jsp:body (required when <jsp:attribute is used) (It's not possible have conditional attributes using these tags.)

<jsp:output omit-xml-declaration="true |yes|false|no" doctype-root-element="" doctype-public="publicID" doctype-system="systemID"

<jsp:getProperty name="bean variable name" property=""

<jsp:setProperty name="bean variable name" property="*|names" param="name of request parameter" value=""

<jsp:useBean id="" class="" beanName="" type="" scope="SCOPE"

<jsp:text preserves whitespace

<jsp:plugin ... <jsp:fallback <jsp:params <jsp:param name="" value=""

Tag Files Only

<jsp:directive.tag description="" example="" body-content="empty|scriptless |tagdependent" dynamic-attributes="the name of the variable to hold dynamic attributes" import="" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"

<jsp:directive.attribute name="" description="" required="true|false " fragment="true|false " rtexprvalue="true |false" type="String classes and interfaces (no primitive types)"

<jsp:directive.variable alias="name of the local page scope variable the tag file uses to hold the value" name-from-attribute="page-scope variable name receiving value" declare="true (false to prevent export of variable)" description="" name-given="name of the invoking page's variable used to export the value" scope="NESTED |AT_BEGIN|AT_END" variable-class="class or interface"

<jsp:doBody var="" varReader="" scope="SCOPE"

<jsp:invoke fragment="attribute that defines the fragment" scope="SCOPE" var="" varReader=""

Page Only

<jsp:directive.page autoFlush="true" buffer="8kb" contentType="mimeType and encoding UTF-8 " errorPage="page or context relative path" extends="class name" import="package list" isErrorPage="false" isThreadSafe="true" pageEncoding="encoding of JSP page file and default contentType encoding" session="true"

<!-- p class="code">&lt;jsp:root version="2.0" (deprecated) </p-->

<jsp:forward page="page or context relative path". <jsp:param name="" value=""


javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext pageContext
Page findAttribute, getAttribute, getAttributesScope, getAttributeNamesInScope, setAttribute
javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out
Page clear, clearBuffer, flush, getBufferSize, getRemaining
javax.servlet.ServletConfig config
Page getInitParameter, getInitParameterNames
java.lang.Throwable exception
Page getMessage, getLocalizedMessage, printStackTrace, toString
java.lang.Object page
javax.servlet.ServletResponse response
javax.servlet.ServletRequest request
Request getAttribute, getParameter, getParameterNames, getParameterValues, setAttribute
javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session
Session getAttribute, getId, setAttribute
javax.servlet.ServletContext application
Application getAttribute, getMimeType, getRealPath, setAttribute


and | &amp;&amp; | or | || | '+' | '-' | * | / | div | % | mod | gt | lt | ge | le | ==| eq | ne {'-'| ! | not | empty}
The context for the JSP page. Provides access to various objects, including servletContext, session, request, and response.
Maps page-scoped variable names to their values.
Maps request-scoped variable names to their values.
Maps session-scoped variable names to their values.
Maps application-scoped variable names to their values.
Maps a request parameter to a single String parameter value (obtained by calling ServletReqwuest.getParameter(String name)).
Maps a request parameter name to an array of String values for that parameter name (obtained by calling ServletRequest.getParameterValues(String name)).
Maps a request header name to a single String header value (obtained by calling ServletRequest.getHeader(String name)).
Maps a request header name to an array of String values for that header (obtained by calling ServletRequest.getHeaders(String)).
Maps a cookie name to a single Cookie object. Cookies are retrieved according to the semantics of HttpServletRequest.getCookies(). If same name is shared by multiple cookies, an implementation must use the first encountered in the array of Cookie objects returned by the getCookies() method. However, the ordering of cookies currently unsspecified in the Servlet specification.
Maps a context initialization parameter name to a String parameter value (obtained by calling ServletContext.getInitparameter(String name)).
  • boolean fn:contains(string, substring)
  • boolean fn:containsIgnoreCase(string, substring)
  • boolean fn:startsWith(string, prefix)
  • boolean fn:endsWith(string, suffix)
  • String[] fn:split(string, separator)
  • String fn:substring(string, begin, end)
  • String fn:substringBefore(string, substring)
  • String fn:substringAfter(string, substring)
  • String fn:replace(string, before, after)
  • String fn:toLowerCase(string)
  • String fn:toUpperCase(string)
  • String fn:trim(string)
  • int fn:indexOf(string, suffix)
  • int fn:length(String or Collection)
  • String fn:join(String[], separator)
  • String fn:escapeXml(string)


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