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引用notifempty #增加日期作为后缀,不然会是一 ...
使用Linux的logrotate拆分rails的log -
uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Mutex (NameError) -
推荐一个免费HTML虚拟空间 -
ruby库 - nokogiri -
从这个代码上就能看出 mac address 是通过 ifconfig 命令里得到而且还是通过 HWaddr 过滤得到的。
def self.get_mac_address #:nodoc: if @@mac_address.nil? if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /solaris/ begin ifconfig_output = `/sbin/ifconfig -a` ip_addresses = ifconfig_output.scan( /inet\s?(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/) ip = ip_addresses.find {|addr| addr[0] != ''}[0] @@mac_address = `/usr/sbin/arp #{ip}`.split(' ')[3] rescue Exception end elsif RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /win/ && !(RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/) begin ifconfig_output = `ipconfig /all` mac_addresses = ifconfig_output.scan( Regexp.new("(#{(["[0-9a-fA-F]{2}"] * 6).join("-")})")) if mac_addresses.size > 0 @@mac_address = mac_addresses.first.first.downcase.gsub(/-/, ":") end rescue end else begin mac_addresses = [] if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /netbsd/ ifconfig_output = `/sbin/ifconfig -a 2>&1` mac_addresses = ifconfig_output.scan( Regexp.new("address\: (#{(["[0-9a-fA-F]{2}"] * 6).join(":")})")) elsif File.exists?('/sbin/ifconfig') ifconfig_output = `/sbin/ifconfig 2>&1` mac_addresses = ifconfig_output.scan( Regexp.new("ether (#{(["[0-9a-fA-F]{2}"] * 6).join(":")})")) if mac_addresses.size == 0 ifconfig_output = `/sbin/ifconfig -a 2>&1` mac_addresses = ifconfig_output.scan( Regexp.new("ether (#{(["[0-9a-fA-F]{2}"] * 6).join(":")})")) end if mac_addresses.size == 0 ifconfig_output = `/sbin/ifconfig | grep HWaddr | cut -c39- 2>&1` mac_addresses = ifconfig_output.scan( Regexp.new("(#{(["[0-9a-fA-F]{2}"] * 6).join(":")})")) end else ifconfig_output = `ifconfig 2>&1` mac_addresses = ifconfig_output.scan( Regexp.new("ether (#{(["[0-9a-fA-F]{2}"] * 6).join(":")})")) if mac_addresses.size == 0 ifconfig_output = `ifconfig -a 2>&1` mac_addresses = ifconfig_output.scan( Regexp.new("ether (#{(["[0-9a-fA-F]{2}"] * 6).join(":")})")) end if mac_addresses.size == 0 ifconfig_output = `ifconfig | grep HWaddr | cut -c39- 2>&1` mac_addresses = ifconfig_output.scan( Regexp.new("(#{(["[0-9a-fA-F]{2}"] * 6).join(":")})")) end end if mac_addresses.size > 0 @@mac_address = mac_addresses.first.first end rescue end end @@mac_address.downcase! if @@mac_address.respond_to?(:downcase!) @@mac_address.strip! if @@mac_address.respond_to?(:strip!) # Verify that the MAC address is in the right format. # Nil it out if it isn't. unless @@mac_address.respond_to?(:scan) && @@mac_address.scan(/#{(["[0-9a-f]{2}"] * 6).join(":")}/) @@mac_address = nil end end return @@mac_address end
从这个代码上就能看出 mac address 是通过 ifconfig 命令里得到而且还是通过 HWaddr 过滤得到的。
sudo vi /etc/bash.bashrc 在最下面添加: export LANG=C
crontab 加载 rvm 环境
2012-02-07 13:10 16780 2 * * * export PATH=/home/a ... -
thin start Missing the Rails
2012-01-19 17:01 1421thin config -C config/thin.ym ... -
因其本身有错无法显示 rails for nginx
2011-11-25 22:29 1455vi config/environments/producti ... -
Rails 常用代码
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解决 undefined method `cattr_accessor'
2011-10-18 19:23 1258引用http://stackoverflow.com/ques ... -
解决 gem install rmagick error
2011-10-18 15:21 8971gem install rmagick -v '2.13. ... -
Installing sqlite3 with native extensions ERROR: Failed to build gem native ext
2011-08-30 16:51 2519Installing sqlite3 (1.3.4) wi ... -
ruby tk invalid multibyte char (US-ASCII)
2011-07-25 08:45 1565引用 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/kano4/ ... -
rspec2 常用代码
2011-06-18 13:31 897测view tag assert_select " ... -
Cannot modify SafeBuffer in place
2011-06-11 09:34 1026引用http://tom-cjp.iteye.com/blog ... -
2011-05-26 14:34 15rake aborted! uninitialized con ... -
uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Mutex (NameError)
2011-05-13 10:45 2841[~/projects/agideo/chaoda_eip ... -
2011-05-11 09:28 971引用 http://pypi.python.org s ... -
Rails 3 常用代码
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cc.rb Mysql2::Error: No database selected: SHOW TABLES
2011-04-06 13:16 2132/home/agideo/.cruise/projects/m ... -
2011-04-02 19:28 2635安装logrotate sudo apt-get inst ... -
install mysql2 gem for Rails 3
2011-04-02 09:15 1760引用 http://stackoverflow.com/que ... -
gem install nokogiri 错误 - libxslt is missing
2011-04-01 16:53 1481引用http://www.wetware.co.nz/blog ... -
Rails Without database
2011-03-19 15:29 1198引用http://blakesmith.github.com/ ... -
添加复制到剪切板 flash 按钮
2011-03-18 11:05 17561. 下载clippy.swf mkdir publi ...
在IT领域,MAC(Media Access Control)地址是一个用于标识网络硬件设备的独特地址,通常与网卡(NIC,Network Interface Card)绑定。MAC地址是物理地址,由48位二进制组成,通常以12个十六进制数字表示,如00:11:...
安装将此行添加到应用程序的 Gemfile 中: gem 'mr_to_nil' 然后执行: $ bundle或者自己安装: $ gem install mr_to_nil用法 [ :random , :array ] . to_nil # nil31337 . to_nil # nil"Yet another shitty gem" . ...
RichLabel._fontName = nil RichLabel._fontSize = nil RichLabel._fontColor = nil RichLabel._containLayer = nil --装载layer RichLabel._dimensions = nil RichLabel._spriteArray = {} --精灵数组 RichLabel._...
file_url = nil; wid_ctrl.custom_msg = @"请扫瞄离您最近的iMall二维码,以获取到目的地的路线"; NSMutableSet *readers = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init]; QRCodeReader *qrcode_reader = [[QRCodeReader alloc]...
gem 'nil_or' 然后执行: $ bundle 或者自己安装: $ gem install nil_or 用法 我什么时候需要它? 而不是写: date_of_birth = params [ :date_of_birth ] ? params [ :date_of_birth ] . to_date : nil ...
构造函数 ExConstructor 是一个 Elixir 库,可以轻松地从外部数据(例如 JSON ...例子 defmodule TestStruct do defstruct field_one: nil , field_two: nil , field_three: nil , field_four: nil use ExConstructoren
address: "localhost", port: 25, domain: 'localhost.localdomain', user_name: nil, password: nil, authentication: nil, enable_starttls_auto: true }, send_if: lambda { |mail| mail.destinations....
HMap := CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, nil, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, 4 * 1024, 'MemorySharedFile'); if HMap=0 then TS('试图建立成功'); end; {我觉得单个功能的文件映射更能够让使用者快速的掌握...
[Adapters[I].ai_address[0], Adapters[I].ai_address[1], Adapters[I].ai_address[2], Adapters[I].ai_address[3], Adapters[I].ai_address[4], Adapters[I].ai_address[5]]); // IP处理在这里 end; end ...
您可以使用have_default_value_for匹配和with_value , and_allow_nil , and_disallow_nil submatchers。 例如: # app/models/user.rb class User < ActiveRecord :: Base default_value_for :name , 'no ...
In this a DFT based Digital Image Watermarking Scheme is developed. Digital image watermarking is a technology for imperceptibly embedding various types of information into an image. The biggest ...
hd:=findwindowex(findwindowex(findwindow('shell_traywnd',nil),0,'traynotifywnd',nil),0,'trayclockwclass',nil); if hd<>0 then showwindow(hd,sw_hide) end; //显示状态栏时间,单击“显示”按钮后...
NSMutableArray *unselectImages = [[NSMutableArray alloc]initWithObjects:normal_left, normal_right, nil]; [normal_left release]; [normal_right release]; UIImage *select_left = [[UIImage alloc] ...
这个项目提供了一个名为`is-camera-on`的工具,可以帮助开发者轻松地检查Mac电脑的摄像头开启状态,并在摄像头被开启时发送通知。 首先,我们要理解Swift中的访问系统硬件资源的方式。在macOS中,由于隐私保护政策...
描述 解析返回规范化Address对象的字符串。 如果字符串不是美国地址,则返回nil。... gem 'StreetAddress' , :require => "street_address" 基本用法 require 'street_address' address = StreetA
ai_current_address: array [0..MAX_ADAPTER_ADDRESS_LENGTH - 1] of Byte; aiPermanentAddress: array [0..MAX_ADAPTER_ADDRESS_LENGTH - 1] of Byte; ai validoemmetrics: DWORD; ai_omacaddress: array [0..8...
MAC地址(Media Access Control Address)是物理网络接口控制器的硬件地址,用于识别网络上的设备。它是一个48位的二进制数,通常以六组两进制数表示,每组之间用冒号或破折号分隔,如00:14:22:01:23:45。MAC地址在...
电话号码 Elixir库,用于解析,格式化和验证国际电话号码。 基于Google的 (当前元数据版本:8.10.2... PhoneNumber { country_code: 41 , country_code_source: nil , extension: nil , italian_leading_zero: nil ,
标题 "what_number_is_left_out" 指向的是一个编程挑战,它要求找出一系列数字中缺失的那个数字。在这个挑战中,用户需要编写一个名为 `what_number_is_left_out.rb` 的 Ruby 脚本来解决这个问题。从描述来看,可能...