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This is a summary list of X$ table definitions.
The last revision was for Oracle 7.3.2, however, the list is still relevant to later Oracle releases (including Oracle 11g).
The main purpose of this list is to show naming conventions. This is also handy when trying read Oracle trace files. For example, if you see a function name starting with k2t%, you know is if from the [K]ernel Layer, [2]-Phase Commit, [T]ransaction handling code.
Here is the list:
[K]ernel Layer
[2]-Phase Commit
[G]lobal [T]ransaction [E]ntry
X$K2GTE - Current 2PC tx
X$K2GTE2 - Current 2PC tx
[C]ache Layer
[B]uffer Management
Buffer [H]ash
X$BH - Hash Table
Buffer LRU Statistics
X$KCBCBH - [C]urrent [B]uffers (buckets) - lru_statistics
X$KCBRBH - [R]ecent [B]uffers (buckets) - lru_extended
Buffer [WAIT]s
X$KCBWAIT - Waits by block class
X$KCBFWAIT - Waits by File
[W]orking Sets - 7.3 or higher
X$KCBWDS - Set [D]escriptors
[C]ontrol File Management
[C]ontrol [F]ile List - 7.0.16 or higher
X$KCCCF - Control File Names & status
[D]atabase [I]nformation
X$KCCDI - Database Information
Data [F]iles
X$KCCFE - File [E]ntries ( from control file )
X$KCCFN - [F]ile [N]ames
[L]og Files
X$KCCLE - Log File [E]ntries
X$KCCLH - Log [H]istory ( archive entries )
Thread Information
X$KCCRT - [R]edo [T]hread Information
[F]ile Management
X$KCFIO - File [IO] Statistics
[L]ock Manager Component ( LCK )
[H]ash and Bucket Tables - 7.0.15 to 7.1.1, and 7.2.0 or higher
X$KCLFH - File [H]ash Table
X$KCLFI - File Bucket Table
X$LE - Lock [E]lements
X$LE_STAT - Lock Conversion [STAT]istics
X$KCLFX - Lock Element [F]ree list statistics - 7.3 or higher
X$KCLLS - Per LCK free list statistics - 7.3 or higher
X$KCLQN - [N]ame (hash) table statistics - 7.3 or higher
[R]edo Component
[M]edia recovery - kcra.h - 7.3 or higher
X$KCRMF - [F]ile context
X$KCRMT - [T]hread context
X$KCRMX - Recovery Conte[X]t
[F]ile read
X$KCRFX - File Read Conte[X]t - 7.3 or higher
Reco[V]ery Component
[F]ile [H]eaders
X$KCVFH - All file headers
X$KCVFHMRR - Files with [M]edia [R]ecovery [R]equired
X$KCVFHONL - [ONL]ine File headers
[K]ompatibility Management - 7.1.1 or higher
X$KCKCE - [C]ompatibility Segment [E]ntries
X$KCKTY - Compatibility [TY]pes
X$KCKFM - Compatibility [F]or[M]ats ( index into X$KCKCE )
[D]ata Layer
Sequence [N]umber Component
X$KDNCE - Sequence [C]ache [E]ntries - 7.2 or lower
[S]equence Enqueues - common area for enqueue objects
X$KDNSSC - [C]ache Enqueue Objects - 7.2 or lower
X$KDNSSF - [F]lush Enqueue Objects - 7.2 or lower
X$KDNST - Cache [ST]atistics - 7.2 or lower
Inde[X] Block Component
X$KDXHS - Index [H]i[S]togram
X$KDXST - Index [ST]atistics
[G]eneric Layer
[H]eap Manager
X$KGHLU - State (summary) of [L]R[U] heap(s) - defined in ksmh.h
[I]nstantiation Manager
[C]ursor [C]ache
X$KGICC - Session statistics - defined in kqlf.h
X$KGICS - System wide statistics - defined in kqlf.h
[L]ibrary Cache Manager ( defined and mapped from kqlf )
Bind Variables
X$KKSBV - Library Object [B]ind [V]ariables
Object Cache
X$KGLOB - All [OB]jects
X$KGLTABLE - Filter for s
X$KGLBODY - Filter for [BODY] ( packages )
X$KGLINDEX - Filter for [INDEX]es
X$KGLCURSOR - Filter for [CURSOR]s
Cache Dependency
X$KGLDP - Object [D]e[P]endency table
X$KGLRD - [R]ead only [D]ependency table - 7.3 or higher
Object Locks
X$KGLLK - Object [L]oc[K]s
Object Names
X$KGLNA - Object [NA]mes (sql text)
X$KGLNA1 - Object [NA]mes (sql text) with newlines - 7.2.0 or higher
Object Pins
X$KGLPN - Object [P]i[N]s
Cache Statistics
X$KGLST - Library cache [ST]atistics
Translation Table
X$KGLTR - Address [TR]anslation
Access Table
X$KGLXS - Object Access Table
Authorization Table - 7.1.5 or higher
X$KGLAU - Object Authorization table
Latch Cleanup - 7.0.15 or higher
X$KGLLC - [L]atch [C]leanup for Cache/Pin Latches
[K]ompile Layer
[S]hared Objects
X$KKSAI - Cursor [A]llocation [I]nformation - 7.3.2 or higher
X$KLLCNT - [C]o[NT]rol Statistics
X$KLLTAB - [TAB]le Statistics
[M]ulti-Threaded Layer
[C]ircuit component
X$KMCQS - Current [Q]ueue [S]tate
X$KMCVC - [V]irtual [C]ircuit state
[M]onitor Server/dispatcher
X$KMMDI - [D]ispatcher [I]nfo (status)
X$KMMDP - [D]ispatcher Config ( [P]rotocol info )
X$KMMSI - [S]erver [I]nfo ( status )
X$KMMSG - [SG]a info ( global statistics)
X$KMMRD - [R]equest timing [D]istributions
s[Q]l Version and Option Layer
Kernel [V]ersions
X$VERSION - Library versions
Kernel [O]ptions - 7.1.3 or higher
X$OPTION - Server Options
[Q]uery Layer
[D]ictionary Cache Management
X$KQDPG - [PG]a row cache cursor statistics
[F]ixed Tables/views Management
X$KQFCO - Table [CO]lumn definitions
X$KQFDT - [D]erived [T]ables
X$KQFSZ - Kernel Data structure type [S]i[Z]es
X$KQFTA - Fixed [TA]bles
X$KQFVI - Fixed [VI]ews
X$KQFVT - [V]iew [T]ext definition - 7.2.0 or higher
[R]ow Cache Management
X$KQRST - Cache [ST]atistics
X$KQRPD - [P]arent Cache [D]efinition - 7.1.5 or higher
X$KQRSD - [S]ubordinate Cache [D]efinition - 7.1.5 or higher
[S]ervice Layer
[B]ackground Management
[D]etached Process
X$KSBDD - Detached Process [D]efinition (info)
X$KSBDP - Detached [P]rocess Descriptor (name)
X$MESSAGES - Background Message table
[I]nstance [M]anagement - 7.3 or higher
X$KSIMAT - Instance [AT]tributes
X$KSIMAV - [A]ttribute [V]alues for all instances
X$KSIMSI - [S]erial and [I]nstance numbers
[L]ock Management
[E]vent Waits
X$KSLED - Event [D]escriptors
X$KSLEI - [I]nstance wide statistics since startup
X$KSLES - Current [S]ession statistics
X$KSLLD - Latch [D]escriptor (name)
X$KSLLT - Latch statistics [ + Child latches @ 7.3 or higher ]
X$KSLLW - Latch context ( [W]here ) descriptors - 7.3 or higher
X$KSLPO - Latch [PO]st statistics - 7.3 or higher
X$KSLWSC- No[W]ait and [S]leep [C]ount stats by Context -7.3 or higher
[M]emory Management
[C]ontext areas
X$KSMCX - E[X]tended statistics on usage - 7.3.1 or lower
Heap Areas
X$KSMPP - [P]GA Hea[P] - 7.3.2 and above
X$KSMUP - [U]GA Hea[P] - 7.3.2 and above
X$KSMHP - Any [H]ea[P] - 7.3.2 and above
X$KSMSPR- [S]hared [P]ool [R]eserved List - 7.1.5 or higher
[L]east recently used shared pool chunks
X$KSMLRU - LR[U] flushes from the shared pool
[S]GA Objects
X$KSMSD - Size [D]efinition for Fixed/Variable summary
X$KSMSS - Statistics (lengths) of SGA objects
SGA [MEM]ory
X$KSMMEM - map of the entire SGA - 7.2.0 or higher
X$KSMFSV - Addresses of [F]ixed [S]GA [V]ariables - 7.2.1 or higher
[P]arameter Component
X$KSPPI - [P]arameter [I]nfo ( Names )
X$KSPPCV - [C]urrent Session [V]alues - 7.3.2 or above
X$KSPPSV - [S]ystem [V]alues - 7.3.2 or above
En[Q]ueue Management
X$KSQDN - Global [D]atabase [N]ame
X$KSQEQ - [E]n[Q]ueue Object
X$KSQRS - Enqueue [R]e[S]ource
X$KSQST - Enqueue [S]tatistics by [T]ype
[U]ser Management
X$KSUCF - Cost [F]unction (resource limit)
X$KSULL - Licence [L]imits
[L]anguage Manager
X$KSULV - NLS [V]alid Values - 7.1.2 or higher
[MY] [ST]atistics
X$KSUMYSTA - [MY] [ST]atisics (current session)
[P]rocess Info
X$KSUPL - Process (resource) [L]imits
X$KSUPRLAT - [LAT]ch Holder
X$KSUPR - Process object
X$KSURU - Resource [U]sage
X$KSUSD - [D]escriptors (statistic names)
X$KSUSGSTA - [G]lobal [ST]atistics
X$KSUSECST - Session status for events
X$KSUSESTA - Session [STA]tistics
X$KSUSECON - [CON]nection Authentication - 7.2.1 or higher
X$KSUSE - [SE]ssion Info
X$KSUSIO - [S]ystem [IO] statistics per session
X$KSUTM - Ti[M]e in 1/100th seconds
Instance [X]
X$KSUXSINST - [INST]ance state
[T]race management
X$TRACE - Current traced events
X$TRACES - All possible traces
X$KSTEX - Code [EX]ecution - 7.2.1 or higher
E[X]ecution Management
Device/Node [A]ffinity - 7.3.2 and above
X$KSXAFA - Current File/Node Affinity
[T]ransaction Layer
Table [A]ccess [D]efinition
X$KTADM - D[M]L lock
[C]ontrol Component
X$KTCXB - Transaction O[B]ject
[S]or[T] Segments - 7.3 or higher
X$KTSTSSD - [S]ort [S]egment [D]escriptor - per tablespace statistics
X$KTTVS - [V]alid [S]aveundo
X$KTURD - Inuse [D]escriptors
X$KTUXE - Transaction [E]ntry (table) - 7.3.2 or above
Performance Layer [V] - 7.0.16 or higher
[I]nformation tables
X$KVII - [I]nitialisation Instance parameters
X$KVIS - [S]izes of structure elements
X$KVIT - [T]ransitory Instance parameters
Security Layer [Z]
[D]ictionary Component
X$KZDOS - [OS] roles
[S]ecurity State
X$KZSPR - Enabled [PR]ivileges
X$KZSRO - Enabled [RO]les
[R]emote Logins - 7.1.1 or higher
X$KZSRT - [R]emote Password File [T]able entries
E[X]ecution Layer
Parallel Query (Execute [F]ast) - 7.1.1 or higher
[P]rocess and Queue Manager
Statistics - 7.1.3 or higher
X$KXFPYS - S[YS]tem Statistics
X$KXFPDP - [D]etached [P]rocess (slave) statistics
X$KXFQSROW - Table [Q]ueue Statistics - 7.3.2 or higher
[C]oordinator Component
X$KXFPCST - Query [ST]atistics
X$KXFPCMS - [M]essage [S]tatistics
X$KXFPCDS - [D]equeue [S]tatistics
[S]lave Component
X$KXFPSST - Query [ST]atistics
X$KXFPSMS - [M]essage [S]tatistics
X$KXFPCDS - [D]equeue [S]tatistics
[S]hared Cursor
X$KXSBD - [B]ind [D]ata - 7.3.2 and above
X$KXSCC - SQL [C]ursor [C]ache Data - 7.3.2 and above
[N]etwork Layer - 7.0.15 or higher
Network [CO]nnections
X$UGANCO - Current [N]etwork [CO]nnections
[2]-Phase Commit
[G]lobal [T]ransaction [E]ntry
X$K2GTE - Current 2PC tx
X$K2GTE2 - Current 2PC tx
[C]ache Layer
[B]uffer Management
Buffer [H]ash
X$BH - Hash Table
Buffer LRU Statistics
X$KCBCBH - [C]urrent [B]uffers (buckets) - lru_statistics
X$KCBRBH - [R]ecent [B]uffers (buckets) - lru_extended
Buffer [WAIT]s
X$KCBWAIT - Waits by block class
X$KCBFWAIT - Waits by File
[W]orking Sets - 7.3 or higher
X$KCBWDS - Set [D]escriptors
[C]ontrol File Management
[C]ontrol [F]ile List - 7.0.16 or higher
X$KCCCF - Control File Names & status
[D]atabase [I]nformation
X$KCCDI - Database Information
Data [F]iles
X$KCCFE - File [E]ntries ( from control file )
X$KCCFN - [F]ile [N]ames
[L]og Files
X$KCCLE - Log File [E]ntries
X$KCCLH - Log [H]istory ( archive entries )
Thread Information
X$KCCRT - [R]edo [T]hread Information
[F]ile Management
X$KCFIO - File [IO] Statistics
[L]ock Manager Component ( LCK )
[H]ash and Bucket Tables - 7.0.15 to 7.1.1, and 7.2.0 or higher
X$KCLFH - File [H]ash Table
X$KCLFI - File Bucket Table
X$LE - Lock [E]lements
X$LE_STAT - Lock Conversion [STAT]istics
X$KCLFX - Lock Element [F]ree list statistics - 7.3 or higher
X$KCLLS - Per LCK free list statistics - 7.3 or higher
X$KCLQN - [N]ame (hash) table statistics - 7.3 or higher
[R]edo Component
[M]edia recovery - kcra.h - 7.3 or higher
X$KCRMF - [F]ile context
X$KCRMT - [T]hread context
X$KCRMX - Recovery Conte[X]t
[F]ile read
X$KCRFX - File Read Conte[X]t - 7.3 or higher
Reco[V]ery Component
[F]ile [H]eaders
X$KCVFH - All file headers
X$KCVFHMRR - Files with [M]edia [R]ecovery [R]equired
X$KCVFHONL - [ONL]ine File headers
[K]ompatibility Management - 7.1.1 or higher
X$KCKCE - [C]ompatibility Segment [E]ntries
X$KCKTY - Compatibility [TY]pes
X$KCKFM - Compatibility [F]or[M]ats ( index into X$KCKCE )
[D]ata Layer
Sequence [N]umber Component
X$KDNCE - Sequence [C]ache [E]ntries - 7.2 or lower
[S]equence Enqueues - common area for enqueue objects
X$KDNSSC - [C]ache Enqueue Objects - 7.2 or lower
X$KDNSSF - [F]lush Enqueue Objects - 7.2 or lower
X$KDNST - Cache [ST]atistics - 7.2 or lower
Inde[X] Block Component
X$KDXHS - Index [H]i[S]togram
X$KDXST - Index [ST]atistics
[G]eneric Layer
[H]eap Manager
X$KGHLU - State (summary) of [L]R[U] heap(s) - defined in ksmh.h
[I]nstantiation Manager
[C]ursor [C]ache
X$KGICC - Session statistics - defined in kqlf.h
X$KGICS - System wide statistics - defined in kqlf.h
[L]ibrary Cache Manager ( defined and mapped from kqlf )
Bind Variables
X$KKSBV - Library Object [B]ind [V]ariables
Object Cache
X$KGLOB - All [OB]jects
X$KGLTABLE - Filter for s
X$KGLBODY - Filter for [BODY] ( packages )
X$KGLINDEX - Filter for [INDEX]es
X$KGLCURSOR - Filter for [CURSOR]s
Cache Dependency
X$KGLDP - Object [D]e[P]endency table
X$KGLRD - [R]ead only [D]ependency table - 7.3 or higher
Object Locks
X$KGLLK - Object [L]oc[K]s
Object Names
X$KGLNA - Object [NA]mes (sql text)
X$KGLNA1 - Object [NA]mes (sql text) with newlines - 7.2.0 or higher
Object Pins
X$KGLPN - Object [P]i[N]s
Cache Statistics
X$KGLST - Library cache [ST]atistics
Translation Table
X$KGLTR - Address [TR]anslation
Access Table
X$KGLXS - Object Access Table
Authorization Table - 7.1.5 or higher
X$KGLAU - Object Authorization table
Latch Cleanup - 7.0.15 or higher
X$KGLLC - [L]atch [C]leanup for Cache/Pin Latches
[K]ompile Layer
[S]hared Objects
X$KKSAI - Cursor [A]llocation [I]nformation - 7.3.2 or higher
X$KLLCNT - [C]o[NT]rol Statistics
X$KLLTAB - [TAB]le Statistics
[M]ulti-Threaded Layer
[C]ircuit component
X$KMCQS - Current [Q]ueue [S]tate
X$KMCVC - [V]irtual [C]ircuit state
[M]onitor Server/dispatcher
X$KMMDI - [D]ispatcher [I]nfo (status)
X$KMMDP - [D]ispatcher Config ( [P]rotocol info )
X$KMMSI - [S]erver [I]nfo ( status )
X$KMMSG - [SG]a info ( global statistics)
X$KMMRD - [R]equest timing [D]istributions
s[Q]l Version and Option Layer
Kernel [V]ersions
X$VERSION - Library versions
Kernel [O]ptions - 7.1.3 or higher
X$OPTION - Server Options
[Q]uery Layer
[D]ictionary Cache Management
X$KQDPG - [PG]a row cache cursor statistics
[F]ixed Tables/views Management
X$KQFCO - Table [CO]lumn definitions
X$KQFDT - [D]erived [T]ables
X$KQFSZ - Kernel Data structure type [S]i[Z]es
X$KQFTA - Fixed [TA]bles
X$KQFVI - Fixed [VI]ews
X$KQFVT - [V]iew [T]ext definition - 7.2.0 or higher
[R]ow Cache Management
X$KQRST - Cache [ST]atistics
X$KQRPD - [P]arent Cache [D]efinition - 7.1.5 or higher
X$KQRSD - [S]ubordinate Cache [D]efinition - 7.1.5 or higher
[S]ervice Layer
[B]ackground Management
[D]etached Process
X$KSBDD - Detached Process [D]efinition (info)
X$KSBDP - Detached [P]rocess Descriptor (name)
X$MESSAGES - Background Message table
[I]nstance [M]anagement - 7.3 or higher
X$KSIMAT - Instance [AT]tributes
X$KSIMAV - [A]ttribute [V]alues for all instances
X$KSIMSI - [S]erial and [I]nstance numbers
[L]ock Management
[E]vent Waits
X$KSLED - Event [D]escriptors
X$KSLEI - [I]nstance wide statistics since startup
X$KSLES - Current [S]ession statistics
X$KSLLD - Latch [D]escriptor (name)
X$KSLLT - Latch statistics [ + Child latches @ 7.3 or higher ]
X$KSLLW - Latch context ( [W]here ) descriptors - 7.3 or higher
X$KSLPO - Latch [PO]st statistics - 7.3 or higher
X$KSLWSC- No[W]ait and [S]leep [C]ount stats by Context -7.3 or higher
[M]emory Management
[C]ontext areas
X$KSMCX - E[X]tended statistics on usage - 7.3.1 or lower
Heap Areas
X$KSMPP - [P]GA Hea[P] - 7.3.2 and above
X$KSMUP - [U]GA Hea[P] - 7.3.2 and above
X$KSMHP - Any [H]ea[P] - 7.3.2 and above
X$KSMSPR- [S]hared [P]ool [R]eserved List - 7.1.5 or higher
[L]east recently used shared pool chunks
X$KSMLRU - LR[U] flushes from the shared pool
[S]GA Objects
X$KSMSD - Size [D]efinition for Fixed/Variable summary
X$KSMSS - Statistics (lengths) of SGA objects
SGA [MEM]ory
X$KSMMEM - map of the entire SGA - 7.2.0 or higher
X$KSMFSV - Addresses of [F]ixed [S]GA [V]ariables - 7.2.1 or higher
[P]arameter Component
X$KSPPI - [P]arameter [I]nfo ( Names )
X$KSPPCV - [C]urrent Session [V]alues - 7.3.2 or above
X$KSPPSV - [S]ystem [V]alues - 7.3.2 or above
En[Q]ueue Management
X$KSQDN - Global [D]atabase [N]ame
X$KSQEQ - [E]n[Q]ueue Object
X$KSQRS - Enqueue [R]e[S]ource
X$KSQST - Enqueue [S]tatistics by [T]ype
[U]ser Management
X$KSUCF - Cost [F]unction (resource limit)
X$KSULL - Licence [L]imits
[L]anguage Manager
X$KSULV - NLS [V]alid Values - 7.1.2 or higher
[MY] [ST]atistics
X$KSUMYSTA - [MY] [ST]atisics (current session)
[P]rocess Info
X$KSUPL - Process (resource) [L]imits
X$KSUPRLAT - [LAT]ch Holder
X$KSUPR - Process object
X$KSURU - Resource [U]sage
X$KSUSD - [D]escriptors (statistic names)
X$KSUSGSTA - [G]lobal [ST]atistics
X$KSUSECST - Session status for events
X$KSUSESTA - Session [STA]tistics
X$KSUSECON - [CON]nection Authentication - 7.2.1 or higher
X$KSUSE - [SE]ssion Info
X$KSUSIO - [S]ystem [IO] statistics per session
X$KSUTM - Ti[M]e in 1/100th seconds
Instance [X]
X$KSUXSINST - [INST]ance state
[T]race management
X$TRACE - Current traced events
X$TRACES - All possible traces
X$KSTEX - Code [EX]ecution - 7.2.1 or higher
E[X]ecution Management
Device/Node [A]ffinity - 7.3.2 and above
X$KSXAFA - Current File/Node Affinity
[T]ransaction Layer
Table [A]ccess [D]efinition
X$KTADM - D[M]L lock
[C]ontrol Component
X$KTCXB - Transaction O[B]ject
[S]or[T] Segments - 7.3 or higher
X$KTSTSSD - [S]ort [S]egment [D]escriptor - per tablespace statistics
X$KTTVS - [V]alid [S]aveundo
X$KTURD - Inuse [D]escriptors
X$KTUXE - Transaction [E]ntry (table) - 7.3.2 or above
Performance Layer [V] - 7.0.16 or higher
[I]nformation tables
X$KVII - [I]nitialisation Instance parameters
X$KVIS - [S]izes of structure elements
X$KVIT - [T]ransitory Instance parameters
Security Layer [Z]
[D]ictionary Component
X$KZDOS - [OS] roles
[S]ecurity State
X$KZSPR - Enabled [PR]ivileges
X$KZSRO - Enabled [RO]les
[R]emote Logins - 7.1.1 or higher
X$KZSRT - [R]emote Password File [T]able entries
E[X]ecution Layer
Parallel Query (Execute [F]ast) - 7.1.1 or higher
[P]rocess and Queue Manager
Statistics - 7.1.3 or higher
X$KXFPYS - S[YS]tem Statistics
X$KXFPDP - [D]etached [P]rocess (slave) statistics
X$KXFQSROW - Table [Q]ueue Statistics - 7.3.2 or higher
[C]oordinator Component
X$KXFPCST - Query [ST]atistics
X$KXFPCMS - [M]essage [S]tatistics
X$KXFPCDS - [D]equeue [S]tatistics
[S]lave Component
X$KXFPSST - Query [ST]atistics
X$KXFPSMS - [M]essage [S]tatistics
X$KXFPCDS - [D]equeue [S]tatistics
[S]hared Cursor
X$KXSBD - [B]ind [D]ata - 7.3.2 and above
X$KXSCC - SQL [C]ursor [C]ache Data - 7.3.2 and above
[N]etwork Layer - 7.0.15 or higher
Network [CO]nnections
X$UGANCO - Current [N]etwork [CO]nnections
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2019-09-27 16:50 835某客户数据库从P595物理 ... -
如何定位Oracle SQL执行计划变化的原因
2019-07-03 14:49 1471性能优化最难的是能够 ... -
如何定位Oracle SQL执行计划变化的原因
2018-10-30 09:24 1185性能优化最难的是能够 ... -
2018-10-08 10:59 528从数据库性能优化的场 ... -
2018-10-05 20:45 2145数据库的启动是一个相当复杂的过程。比如,Oracle在启动之前 ... -
2018-09-18 11:10 608Oracle提供了drop database命令用来删除数据库 ... -
2018-09-10 10:17 871LGWR进程将LOG BUFFER中的 ... -
2018-09-09 13:14 1240“一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳”。在没被“蛇”咬之前,很多DBA喜欢 ... -
2018-05-17 10:19 1137在DTCC 2018发表《如何落地智能化运维》演讲,主要内容如 ... -
2018-05-11 19:58 587问题一:ping不通问题 在虚拟机上安装好linux系统后, ... -
《Oracle DBA实战攻略》第一章
2018-05-11 10:42 952即日起,不定期更新《OracleDBA实战攻略》一书电子版,请 ... -
Oracle 12c新特性
2018-05-11 10:33 907查询所有pdb [oracle@gj4 ~]$ sqlplu ... -
2017-02-28 12:24 3990操作系统:RHEL6.5 数据库版本: ... -
10g rac安装error while loading shared libraries libpthread.so.0 问题
2017-02-28 12:22 70211g rac安装在二节点跑脚本一般会报此错误: 解决这个问 ... -
2017-02-27 19:16 805故障简述 XXX第八人民医院HIS数据库7月13日11点左右从 ... -
RESMGR:cpu quantum等待事件处理过程
2017-02-27 18:23 2656由于数据库上线过程中出现大量的RESMGR:cpu quant ... -
谈谈log file sync
2014-03-19 14:18 1776数据库中的log file sync等待事件指的是,当user ...
Oracle 数据字典是数据库管理系统的重要组成部分,它存储了关于数据库对象、权限、状态等元数据。在Oracle中,数据字典主要由表和视图组成,这些数据结构提供了对数据库内部工作原理的洞察,帮助管理员监控和管理...
Oracle 数据字典作为数据库的核心组成部分之一,其重要性不言而喻。通过深入理解数据字典的结构和使用方法,可以更好地管理和优化数据库系统。希望本文能帮助读者更好地掌握 Oracle 数据字典的相关知识,并在实际...
oracle 数据字典制作流程 Oracle 数据字典是指 Oracle 数据库中的元数据信息,包括表结构、字段信息、索引、视图、存储过程等。数据字典是数据库管理员和开发人员了解数据库结构和数据关系的重要工具。在本文中,...
### Oracle 数据字典详解 #### 一、引言 Oracle 数据库系统中,数据字典起着至关重要的作用。它不仅记录了数据库的各种元数据,还提供了管理与维护数据库的有效手段。通过深入学习数据字典,我们可以更好地理解和...
ORACLE 数据字典 ORACLE 数据字典是 Oracle 数据库管理和展现数据库系统信息和状态信息的工具,是一系列基表、基于这些基表而衍生的数据字典视图以及存在于系统内存中的动态性能视图的集合。 数据字典概念:数据...
### Oracle 数据字典详解 #### 一、基本的数据字典列表 Oracle 数据库中的数据字典是一系列系统表和视图的集合,用于存储数据库元数据。这些元数据包括了数据库对象(如表、视图、索引等)的定义、权限信息、以及...
### 从Oracle生成表的数据字典方法 在Oracle数据库管理中,数据字典是一个非常重要的工具,它能够帮助我们理解数据库结构、表定义以及列属性等详细信息。本篇文章将介绍如何从Oracle数据库中利用COMMENT生成Excel...
Oracle数据字典 Oracle数据字典是Oracle Relation Database Management System(RDBMS)中的一种知识库,存储了数据库中所有对象的信息。数据字典是一种只读的数据库,它提供了数据库对象的元数据,包括表、索引、...
熟练掌握如何使用数据字典是每个Oracle DBA和开发人员必备的技能之一。通过学习和实践,你可以更好地管理和优化你的Oracle数据库,确保其高效、稳定地运行。 在提供的PDF文件“数据字典.pdf”和“oracle数据字典....
Oracle提供了一些DDL语句来直接修改数据字典,如COMMENT ON TABLE和COMMENT ON COLUMN。 总结,Oracle的数据字典是数据库管理和运维的核心工具,它涵盖了数据库的方方面面,从对象定义到权限控制,再到性能分析和...
### ORACLE完整数据字典详解 #### 一、概述 Oracle 数据库系统是业界领先的数据库管理系统之一,提供了强大而全面的数据管理功能。其中,“Oracle 完整数据字典”是数据库内部存储的重要元数据集合,它包含了关于...
### Oracle用户数据字典以及查询表字段 在Oracle数据库中,数据字典是存储数据库元数据(即关于数据的数据)的特殊集合。这些元数据包括了数据库对象的名称、类型、属性等信息。数据字典对于数据库管理员和开发人员...
Oracle 数据库常用数据字典梳理 Oracle 数据库管理系统中,数据字典是一个核心组件,用于存储数据库对象的元数据,如表、索引、视图、存储过程等。数据字典的字段定义可以分为两大类:静态视图和动态视图。 静态...
ORACLE 数据字典是 ORACLE 数据库系统的核心组件之一,它提供了对数据库的 metadata 访问。数据字典驻留在 SYSTEM 表空间中,包含了数据库的所有对象的信息,包括表、视图、序列、同义词、索引、约束、触发器等。 ...
Oracle 数据字典是数据库管理系统Oracle中的一个重要组成部分,它是一个存储元数据(关于数据库本身的信息)的特殊集合。数据字典提供了关于数据库对象如表、视图、索引、权限等的详细信息,使得DBA(数据库管理员)...