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       tree - list contents of directories in a tree-like format.

       tree  [-adfgilnopqrstuxACDFNS] [-L level [-R]] [-H baseHREF] [-T title]
       [-o  filename]  [--nolinks]  [-P  pattern]  [-I   pattern]   [--inodes]
       [--device]  [--noreport]  [--dirsfirst] [--version] [--help] [directory

       Tree is a recursive directory listing program  that  produces  a  depth
       indented  listing  of  files,  which  is colorized ala dircolors if the
       LS_COLORS environment variable is set and output is to  tty.   With  no
       arguments,  tree lists the files in the current directory.  When direc‐
       tory arguments are given, tree lists all the files  and/or  directories
       found  in the given directories each in turn.  Upon completion of list‐
       ing all files/directories found, tree returns the total number of files
       and/or directories listed.

       By default, when a symbolic link is encountered, the path that the sym‐
       bolic link refers to is printed after the name of the link in the  for‐

           name -> real-path

       If  the  ‘-l’ option is given and the symbolic link refers to an actual
       directory, then tree will follow the path of the symbolic link as if it
       were a real directory.

       Tree understands the following command line switches:

       --help Outputs a verbose usage listing.

              Outputs the version of tree.

       -a     All  files  are  printed.  By default tree does not print hidden
              files (those beginning with a dot ‘.’).  In no event  does  tree
              print  the  file  system  constructs ‘.’ (current directory) and
              ‘..’ (previous directory).

       -d     List directories only.

       -f     Prints the full path prefix for each file.

       -i     Makes tree not print the indentation lines, useful when used  in
              conjunction with the -f option.

       -l     Follows  symbolic links if they point to directories, as if they
              were directories. Symbolic links that will result  in  recursion
              are avoided when detected.

       -x     Stay on the current file-system only.  Ala find -xdev.

       -P pattern
              List  only  those files that match the wild-card pattern.  Note:
              you must use the -a option to also consider those  files  begin‐
              ning  with a dot ‘.’ for matching.  Valid wildcard operators are
              ‘*’ (any zero or more characters), ‘?’ (any  single  character),
              ‘[...]’  (any single character listed between brackets (optional
 - (dash) for character  range  may  be  used:  ex:  [A-Z]),  and
              ‘[^...]’  (any  single character not listed in brackets) and ‘|’
              separates alternate patterns.

       -I pattern
              Do not list those files that match the wild-card pattern.

              Omits printing of the file and directory report at  the  end  of
              the tree listing.

       -p     Print the protections for each file (as per ls -l).

       -s     Print the size of each file along with the name.

       -u     Print the username, or UID # if no username is available, of the

       -g     Print the group name, or GID # if no group name is available, of
              the file.

       -D     Print  the  date  of  the  last  modification  time for the file

              Prints the inode number of the file or directory

              Prints the device number to which the file or directory belongs

       -F     Append a ‘/’ for directories, a ‘=’ for socket files, a ‘*’  for
              executable files and a ‘|’ for FIFO’s, as per ls -F

       -q     Print  non-printable  characters  in filenames as question marks
              instead of the default carrot notation.

       -N     Print non-printable characters as is instead of the default car‐
              rot notation.

       -r     Sort the output in reverse alphabetic order.
 -t     Sort  the output by last modification time instead of alphabeti‐

              List directories before files.

       -n     Turn colorization off always, over-ridden by the -C option.

       -C     Turn colorization on always, using built-in  color  defaults  if
              the  LS_COLORS  environment variable is not set.  Useful to col‐
              orize output to a pipe.

       -A     Turn on ANSI line graphics hack when  printing  the  indentation

       -S     Turn  on  ASCII  line  graphics (useful when using linux console
              mode fonts). This option is now equivalent to ‘--charset=IBM437’
              and will eventually be depreciated.

       -L level
              Max display depth of the directory tree.

       -R     Recursively  cross  down the tree each level directories (see -L
              option), and at each of  them  execute  tree  again  adding  ‘-o
              00Tree.html’ as a new option.

       -H baseHREF
              Turn  on  HTML output, including HTTP references. Useful for ftp
              sites.  baseHREF gives the base ftp  location  when  using  HTML
              output.  That  is,  the local directory may be ‘/local/ftp/pub’,
              but  it  must   be   referenced   as   ‘ftp://hostname.organiza‐
              tion.domain/pub’  (baseHREF  should be ‘ftp://hostname.organiza‐
              tion.domain’). Hint: don’t use ANSI lines with this option,  and
              don’t give more than one directory in the directory list. If you
              wish to use colors via CCS stylesheet,  use  the  -C  option  in
              addition to this option to force color output.

       -T title
              Sets the title and H1 header string in HTML output mode.
 --charset charset
              Set  the  character set to use when outputting HTML and for line

              Turns off hyperlinks in HTML output.

       -o filename
              Send output to filename.


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