When entity got detached
- when transaction is over, commited
- when application-managed persistence context is closed
- stateful bean is removed, its persistence context will be removed
- clear method call from EntityManager
- transaction rollback
- when entity is serialized
Merge process
- merge will update the managed entity if there is one.
- merge will include new entity COPY
into context
- manager will check whether there is one in Database, if there is, load it, and ignore the detached one.
- cascading operation is disabled as default
, same as merge, if merge is not set in the relationship, no merge operation as cascaded.
Merge lazy-loading entity
- if lazy-loading relationship was not triggered before detached, the relationship will be ignored.
- if its triggered while managed and set to null while detached, then managed version will have relationship cleared during merge
- dynamic query
- named query
set query parameter
you can use object to pass to a query, but when set date time, we use the following format
quuery.setParameter(1, startDate, TemportalType.Date)
When pass object to as parameter, the object ID
will be used in where clause
@Embeded and @Embedable
@attributeOverrides can has element @AttributeOverride to orverride attribute properties.
@compound primary key
- I dont like it personally
Primary key classes
- include definition: equals() hashcode(), serializable, and with no-arg constructor, annotated with @IdClass
- embeddedId, use @Embedable to define primary key class
Inheritance strategy
Single Table
- default, use @Inheritance(Strategy=InteritanceType.Single_Table) for Parent class.
- use @discriminatorColumn to differenciate sub-classes.
- Only concrete class can have @discriminatorValue specified.
- If no specified, default value will be used, the entity name
- @Enity(name="PTemp"), in this case, "PTemp" will be used as discriminator value
Join strategy
- each concret class maped to its own table, parent class has its own class
hard to construct sub-class, as need info from parent table
- need @DiscriminatorColumn(name="EMP_TYPE", discriminatorType=DiscriminatorType.INTEGER)
table per concret class
Named Query result will be managed in persistent context, when its synchronized with transaction, changes will be persisted. So the entity must match database, otherwise, it will overwrite database when transaction commits.
directly modify database table is discaraged as it will make managed entity inconsisten with data in table.
Refresh entity state
- refresh only applys to when entity is managed
- if eneity is not managed, then an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown
【标题】"notes_JPA_JSF:使用JSF和JPA实施来重建Notes项目"涉及的是在Java开发环境中,利用JavaServer Faces (JSF) 和 Java Persistence API (JPA) 技术重构建一个名为Notes的项目。JSF是Java EE平台上的一个用户...
openjpa-project / RELEASE-NOTES.html 有关文档和项目信息,请访问我们的项目站点: : 编译中 自己编译Apache OpenJPA的最佳方法是针对默认的derby数据库运行构建。 $> mvn clean install -Dsurefire.excludes....
Spring Boot,MySQL,JPA,Hibernate Rest API教程使用Spring Boot,Mysql,JPA和Hibernate为简单的记笔记应用程序构建Restful CRUD API。要求Java-1.8.x Maven-3.xx MySQL的-5.xx设定步骤1.克隆应用程序git clone ...
Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) 是企业级应用开发的平台,包含了Servlet、JSP、EJB、JMS、JPA等技术,用于构建分布式、可扩展的应用系统。其中,Servlet和JSP是Web开发的基础,EJB则用于实现业务逻辑组件。 ...
2. **JPA(Java Persistence API)**:JPA是JavaEE提供的数据持久化框架,简化了数据库操作。在教育管理系统中,可以使用JPA来管理学生和教师的信息,以及成绩和公告的数据存储。 3. **EJB(Enterprise JavaBeans)...
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Hibernate是JPA(Java Persistence API)的一个实现,它提供了一套API和工具,用于将Java对象与关系数据库进行映射。这使得开发人员可以专注于业务逻辑,而无需关心底层数据库操作的细节。 二、Hibernate 安装与...
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10. **Java EE**:如果深入到企业级开发,Java EE(现为Jakarta EE)是必须了解的,包括Servlet、JSP、JDBC、JPA、EJB等技术,它们构建了现代Web应用程序的基础。 11. **框架**:如Spring、MyBatis、Hibernate等...
11. **Java EE**:如果"java-notes"涉及到Java企业版,那么还可能包含Servlet、JSP、EJB、JMS、JPA等Web开发和企业服务的相关知识。 12. **最新的Java版本特性**:随着Java的不断更新,如Java 8的Lambda表达式、...
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