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1.4. Threads are Everywhere(线程无处不在)
Even if your program never explicitly creates a thread, frameworks may create threads on your behalf, and code called from these threads must be thread-safe. This can place a significant design and implementation burden on developers, since developing thread-safe classes requires more care and analysis than developing non-thread-safe classes.
Every Java application uses threads. When the JVM starts, it creates threads for JVM housekeeping tasks (garbage collection, finalization) and a main thread for running the main method. The AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit) and Swing user interface frameworks create threads for managing user interface events. Timer creates threads for executing deferred tasks. Component frameworks, such as servlets and RMI create pools of threads and invoke component methods in these threads.
If you use these facilities as many developers do you have to be familiar with concurrency and thread safety, because these frameworks create threads and call your components from them. It would be nice to believe that concurrency is an "optional" or "advanced" language feature, but the reality is that nearly all Java applications are multithreaded and these frameworks do not insulate you from the need to properly coordinate access to application state.
When concurrency is introduced into an application by a framework, it is usually impossible to restrict the concurrency-awareness to the framework code, because frameworks by their nature make callbacks to application components that in turn access application state. Similarly, the need for thread safety does not end with the components called by the framework it extends to all code paths that access the program state accessed by those components. Thus, the need for thread safety is contagious.
Frameworks introduce concurrency into applications by calling application components from framework threads. Components invariably access application state, thus requiring that all code paths accessing that state be thread-safe.
The facilities described below all cause application code to be called from threads not managed by the application. While the need for thread safety may start with these facilities, it rarely ends there; instead, it ripples through the application.
Timer. Timer is a convenience mechanism for scheduling tasks to run at a later time, either once or periodically. The introduction of a Timer can complicate an otherwise sequential program, because Timer Tasks are executed in a thread managed by the Timer, not the application. If a Timer Task accesses data that is also accessed by other application threads, then not only must the Timer Task do so in a thread-safe manner, but so must any other classes that access that data. Often the easiest way to achieve this is to ensure that objects accessed by the Timer Task are themselves thread-safe, thus encapsulating the thread safety within the shared objects.
Servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSPs). The servlets framework is designed to handle all the infrastructure of deploying a web application and dispatching requests from remote HTTP clients. A request arriving at the server is dispatched, perhaps through a chain of filters, to the appropriate servlet or JSP. Each servlet represents a component of application logic, and in high-volume web sites, multiple clients may require the services of the same servlet at once. The servlets specification requires that a servlet be prepared to be called simultaneously from multiple threads. In other words, servlets need to be thread-safe.
Even if you could guarantee that a servlet was only called from one thread at a time, you would still have to pay attention to thread safety when building a web application. Servlets often access state information shared with other servlets, such as application-scoped objects (those stored in the ServletContext) or session-scoped objects (those stored in the per-client HttpSession). When a servlet accesses objects shared across servlets or requests, it must coordinate access to these objects properly, since multiple requests could be accessing them simultaneously from separate threads. Servlets and JSPs, as well as servlet filters and objects stored in scoped containers like ServletContext and HttpSession, simply have to be thread-safe.
Remote Method Invocation. RMI lets you invoke methods on objects running in another JVM. When you call a remote method with RMI, the method arguments are packaged (marshaled) into a byte stream and shipped over the network to the remote JVM, where they are unpacked (unmarshaled) and passed to the remote method.
When the RMI code calls your remote object, in what thread does that call happen? You don't know, but it's definitely not in a thread you created your object gets called in a thread managed by RMI. How many threads does RMI create? Could the same remote method on the same remote object be called simultaneously in multiple RMI threads?[4]
[4] Answer: yes, but it's not all that clear from the Javadoc you have to read the RMI spec.
A remote object must guard against two thread safety hazards: properly coordinating access to state that may be shared with other objects, and properly coordinating access to the state of the remote object itself (since the same object may be called in multiple threads simultaneously). Like servlets, RMI objects should be prepared for multiple simultaneous calls and must provide their own thread safety.
Swing and AWT. GUI applications are inherently asynchronous. Users may select a menu item or press a button at any time, and they expect that the application will respond promptly even if it is in the middle of doing something else. Swing and AWT address this problem by creating a separate thread for handling user-initiated events and updating the graphical view presented to the user.
Swing components, such as JTable, are not thread-safe. Instead, Swing programs achieve their thread safety by confining all access to GUI components to the event thread. If an application wants to manipulate the GUI from outside the event thread, it must cause the code that will manipulate the GUI to run in the event thread instead.
When the user performs a UI action, an event handler is called in the event thread to perform whatever operation the user requested. If the handler needs to access application state that is also accessed from other threads (such as a document being edited), then the event handler, along with any other code that accesses that state, must do so in a thread-safe manner.
Even if your program never explicitly creates a thread, frameworks may create threads on your behalf, and code called from these threads must be thread-safe. This can place a significant design and implementation burden on developers, since developing thread-safe classes requires more care and analysis than developing non-thread-safe classes.
Every Java application uses threads. When the JVM starts, it creates threads for JVM housekeeping tasks (garbage collection, finalization) and a main thread for running the main method. The AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit) and Swing user interface frameworks create threads for managing user interface events. Timer creates threads for executing deferred tasks. Component frameworks, such as servlets and RMI create pools of threads and invoke component methods in these threads.
If you use these facilities as many developers do you have to be familiar with concurrency and thread safety, because these frameworks create threads and call your components from them. It would be nice to believe that concurrency is an "optional" or "advanced" language feature, but the reality is that nearly all Java applications are multithreaded and these frameworks do not insulate you from the need to properly coordinate access to application state.
When concurrency is introduced into an application by a framework, it is usually impossible to restrict the concurrency-awareness to the framework code, because frameworks by their nature make callbacks to application components that in turn access application state. Similarly, the need for thread safety does not end with the components called by the framework it extends to all code paths that access the program state accessed by those components. Thus, the need for thread safety is contagious.
Frameworks introduce concurrency into applications by calling application components from framework threads. Components invariably access application state, thus requiring that all code paths accessing that state be thread-safe.
The facilities described below all cause application code to be called from threads not managed by the application. While the need for thread safety may start with these facilities, it rarely ends there; instead, it ripples through the application.
Timer. Timer is a convenience mechanism for scheduling tasks to run at a later time, either once or periodically. The introduction of a Timer can complicate an otherwise sequential program, because Timer Tasks are executed in a thread managed by the Timer, not the application. If a Timer Task accesses data that is also accessed by other application threads, then not only must the Timer Task do so in a thread-safe manner, but so must any other classes that access that data. Often the easiest way to achieve this is to ensure that objects accessed by the Timer Task are themselves thread-safe, thus encapsulating the thread safety within the shared objects.
Servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSPs). The servlets framework is designed to handle all the infrastructure of deploying a web application and dispatching requests from remote HTTP clients. A request arriving at the server is dispatched, perhaps through a chain of filters, to the appropriate servlet or JSP. Each servlet represents a component of application logic, and in high-volume web sites, multiple clients may require the services of the same servlet at once. The servlets specification requires that a servlet be prepared to be called simultaneously from multiple threads. In other words, servlets need to be thread-safe.
Even if you could guarantee that a servlet was only called from one thread at a time, you would still have to pay attention to thread safety when building a web application. Servlets often access state information shared with other servlets, such as application-scoped objects (those stored in the ServletContext) or session-scoped objects (those stored in the per-client HttpSession). When a servlet accesses objects shared across servlets or requests, it must coordinate access to these objects properly, since multiple requests could be accessing them simultaneously from separate threads. Servlets and JSPs, as well as servlet filters and objects stored in scoped containers like ServletContext and HttpSession, simply have to be thread-safe.
Remote Method Invocation. RMI lets you invoke methods on objects running in another JVM. When you call a remote method with RMI, the method arguments are packaged (marshaled) into a byte stream and shipped over the network to the remote JVM, where they are unpacked (unmarshaled) and passed to the remote method.
When the RMI code calls your remote object, in what thread does that call happen? You don't know, but it's definitely not in a thread you created your object gets called in a thread managed by RMI. How many threads does RMI create? Could the same remote method on the same remote object be called simultaneously in multiple RMI threads?[4]
[4] Answer: yes, but it's not all that clear from the Javadoc you have to read the RMI spec.
A remote object must guard against two thread safety hazards: properly coordinating access to state that may be shared with other objects, and properly coordinating access to the state of the remote object itself (since the same object may be called in multiple threads simultaneously). Like servlets, RMI objects should be prepared for multiple simultaneous calls and must provide their own thread safety.
Swing and AWT. GUI applications are inherently asynchronous. Users may select a menu item or press a button at any time, and they expect that the application will respond promptly even if it is in the middle of doing something else. Swing and AWT address this problem by creating a separate thread for handling user-initiated events and updating the graphical view presented to the user.
Swing components, such as JTable, are not thread-safe. Instead, Swing programs achieve their thread safety by confining all access to GUI components to the event thread. If an application wants to manipulate the GUI from outside the event thread, it must cause the code that will manipulate the GUI to run in the event thread instead.
When the user performs a UI action, an event handler is called in the event thread to perform whatever operation the user requested. If the handler needs to access application state that is also accessed from other threads (such as a document being edited), then the event handler, along with any other code that accesses that state, must do so in a thread-safe manner.
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根据提供的文件信息,我们可以推断出这是一本关于Java线程技术的书籍——《Java Threads 第三版》。下面将从书中的各个章节提取并总结关键知识点。 ### 一、绪论 #### 5.31.3 为什么需要线程? 在现代编程中,...
A second appendix explores how threads are used by various standard class library APIs. Specifically, you learn about threads in the contexts of Swing, JavaFX, and Java 8's Streams API. What you’ll...
《Prentice.Hall.UNIX.Systems.Programming.Communication.Concurrency.and.Threads.2nd.Edition》这本书由Kay A. Robbins和Steven Robbins合著,是关于UNIX系统编程的经典之作,尤其关注通信、并发和线程方面的内容...
在Unix系统和许多类Unix系统中,POSIX线程(POSIX Threads),通常称为Pthreads,是一种使用线程的编程接口,它允许程序设计者在C和C++这样的编程语言中实现多线程。使用POSIX线程库进行多线程编程,可以让开发者...
赠送jar包:jboss-threads-3.1.0.Final.jar; 赠送原API文档:jboss-threads-3.1.0.Final-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:jboss-threads-3.1.0.Final-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:jboss-threads-3.1.0.Final....
This book is intended for programmers of all levels who need to learn to use threads within Java programs. This includes developers who have previously used Java and written threaded programs; J2SE ...
《Java Threads 第二版》是一本非常全面且深入介绍Java线程编程的书籍,不仅涵盖了基本的概念和API使用,还深入探讨了线程同步、调度、并行化等高级话题。无论是对于初学者还是有经验的开发者来说,都是一本不可多得...
英文版 unix, linux 学习多线程编程的好书
赠送jar包:jboss-threads-3.1.0.Final.jar; 赠送原API文档:jboss-threads-3.1.0.Final-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:jboss-threads-3.1.0.Final-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:jboss-threads-3.1.0.Final....
为了解决这个问题,Node.js引入了工作线程(Worker Threads)模块,允许开发者在额外的线程中执行计算密集型任务,从而避免阻塞主线程。 描述中的“一个能在单独的线程中执行Node.js函数的零依赖库”进一步强调了该...
《Programming with POSIX Threads》是David Butenhof撰写的一本经典教程,主要针对Unix/Linux环境下的多线程程序设计。本书深入浅出地介绍了POSIX线程(也称为pthreads)API,是理解并掌握多线程编程的重要参考资料...
self.threads.append(t) for thread_obj in self.threads: thread_obj.start() for thread_obj in self.threads: thread_obj.join() def trace_func(self, func, *args): result = func(*args) with self....
java中 關於 thread的使用和一些範例~
* threads_:一个 vector,存储了多个线程对象,每个线程对象负责运行一个 io_service。 * nextIOService_:一个 size_t 变量,记录当前要返回的 io_service 的索引。 知识点4:AsioIOServicePool 的使用 ...
这个示例展示了如何使用 libcurl 创建多线程下载任务,每个 `easy_handle` 表示一个线程,通过 `curl_multi_perform` 进行同步执行。 总结,`curl` 是一个强大且灵活的工具,提供了丰富的功能来处理网络数据传输。...
本示例"3_threads_write_file.rar"是关于在Linux下如何使用线程进行文件写入操作的一个综合实例。这个例子将帮助你深入理解和掌握线程在实际编程中的应用。 首先,我们要了解Linux下的线程API,它主要基于POSIX标准...
这本书的第三版(ava Threads, 3rd Edit.chm)详细介绍了如何在Java应用程序中有效地利用多核处理器,提高程序的性能和响应速度。 在Java中,线程是程序执行的最小单元,它允许一个应用程序同时执行多个任务。通过...