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The term data access arrangement
(DAA) has the following meanings:
In public switched telephone networks
, a single item or group of items at the customer side of the network interface
for data transmission
purposes, including all equipment that may affect the characteristics of the interface.
A data circuit
-terminating equipment (DCE
) supplied or approved by a common carrier
that permits a DCE or data terminal equipment
) to be attached to the common carrier network.
Data access
arrangements are an integral part of all modems
built for the public telephone network. In view of mixed voice and data
access, DAAs are more generally referred to as Direct Access
This article incorporates public domain material
from the General Services Administration
document "Federal Standard 1037C"
External links
FXS和FXO接口的物理组成部分主要包括CODEC(Coder-Decoder)和SLIC/DAA(Subscriber Line Interface Circuit/Data Access Arrangement)。CODEC负责将模拟语音信号数字化,以及将数字信号还原为模拟信号,以适应不同...
首先,PCB的一般布线规则涉及到对数字、模拟和DAA(Data Access Arrangement)信号区域的划分。数字和模拟电路应该尽量分开,以降低信号间的相互干扰。高速数字信号和敏感模拟信号都需要尽可能缩短走线长度,减少...
在设计时,首先要对数字、模拟和DAA(Data Access Arrangement)信号进行预划分,确保它们在板面上有明确的区域。数字和模拟电路应尽量分开,以降低彼此间的干扰。高速数字信号应尽量保持短距离,减少信号衰减和辐射...
在设计上,Si2417和Si2435采用了Silicon Labs的硅晶DAA(Data Access Arrangement)技术,显著减少了电路板空间和外部元件的需求,比传统的分立解决方案效率提高了至少50%。 ISOmodem内嵌式传真调制解调器的亮点...
ISOmodem采用了创新的双芯片设计,由Modem控制芯片Si2414和DAA(Data Access Arrangement)芯片Si3015组成。Si2414负责Modem通信的控制,并提供与微控制器的通信接口。而Si3015则负责数字信号与模拟信号的转换,支持...
这款器件的设计目标是应对DAA(Data Access Arrangement)调制解调器正负极电话线接口以及一般离线整流应用中的恶劣线性瞬变条件,提供了更为可靠的解决方案。 MMBD5004BRM的突出特点在于其高达400V的击穿电压,这...
其内部包含了缓冲串口、HPI(High Pin Count Interface)编程接口、串行端口和定时器等外设,还有专门用于电话通信的DAA(Data Access Arrangement)单元。 2. 音频AD/DA转换器:音频AD用于将模拟语音信号转换为...
当有来电时,DAA(Data Access Arrangement,数据访问装置)向FPGA发送中断请求,FPGA通过USB的中断传输通知主机,由主机上的应用软件决定是否接听电话。如果用户选择接听,语音数据则通过USB的同步传输进行双向实时...
1. **ADO数据访问技术**:系统采用ActiveX Data Objects (ADO),这是一种流行的数据访问接口,它使得VB应用程序能够轻松地连接和操作Access数据库,提高了数据处理的效率和灵活性。 2. **面向对象编程**:每个数据库...
- **中间层**:ADO(ActiveX Data Objects)数据访问技术,提供高效的数据操作接口。 ### 用户管理 - 系统设有两种用户类型:Admin和普通用户。 - Admin用户可以管理所有用户信息,包括创建、修改和删除普通用户。...
Structure describes the arrangement of items within the container, like linked list, linear vector, etc. The structure determines how quickly items can be added, manipulated and retrieved from the ...
◾ Structure describes the arrangement of items within the container, like linked list, linear vector, etc. The structure determines how quickly items can be added, manipulated and retrieved from the ...
- **RAM Address Set (R20h, R21h)**: Sets the starting address for RAM access. - **Write Data to GRAM (R22h)**: Writes data to the graphic RAM. - **Read Data from GRAM (R22h)**: Reads data from the ...
grouped arrangement. + the graph autoscaling algorithm has been rewritten to be more reliable + The info button on the graphing window has been changed and moved to be less obtrusive. + sizing ...
- RAM访问指令(RAM access instruction) - 写入数据到GRAM(Write Data to GRAM) - 从GRAM读取数据(Read Data from GRAM) - γ控制(γ Control) - 坐标控制指令(Coordinates control instruction) - 扫描位置...
She has written, taught, and been actively a part of conferences related to the arrangement, description, preservation and access of information for over ten years. Her ongoing exploration of digital...
VST 3 also features vastly improved parameter automation with sample accuracy and support for ramped automation data, allowing completely accurate and rapid parameter automation changes. 4. Logical ...
He shall keep secret all access data / license codes communicated to him for potential accounts/logins. The Licensee is fully liable for damages resulting from unauthorized circulation. 3. The ...