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GoEasy 实时推送支持IE6-IE11及大多数主流浏览器的 ...
服务器推送技术 java -
服务器推送技术 java -
ext中消息框、提示框、确认框显示在最前面的解决方法 -
* JAVA常见的权限控制算法的实现
* ...
- iexit.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- int y = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(
- null,
- "Confirm exit",
- "Confirm Exit Dialog",
- JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
- if(y == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION){System.exit(0);}
- }
- });
iexit.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { int y = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( null, "Confirm exit", "Confirm Exit Dialog", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if(y == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION){System.exit(0);} } });
通常使用匿名类的场景是,临时的创建一个类,实现指定的接口 ,使得调用者可以通过接口的方法来实现一定的操作。比如上边这个例子中,exit这个菜单项,需要一个动作监听器,如果用常规写法,大概如此:
- class XListener implements ActionListener{
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
- //action here
- }
- }
- XListener l = new XListener();
- iexit.addActionListener(l);
class XListener implements ActionListener{ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ //action here } } XListener l = new XListener(); iexit.addActionListener(l);
- $("#element").click(function(){
- //do something
- });
- $("div.type").each(function(index){
- //do something else with the index
- });
$("#element").click(function(){ //do something }); $("div.type").each(function(index){ //do something else with the index });
- Integer[] is = new Integer[]{
- 4,13,65,64,2,4,5,9,10,25,20,32,30
- };
- //用数组构造一个integer 的 list
- FPList<Integer> p = new FPList<Integer>(is);
- p.append(100);//再添加一个元素
- //做一次过滤,只有偶数被留下来
- FPList<Integer> even = p.filter(new Filter(){
- public boolean isLegal(Object item) {
- int x = ((Integer)item).intValue();
- return x % 2 == 0 ? true : false;
- }
- }).filter(new Filter(){//再做一次过滤,10的倍数被留下来
- public boolean isLegal(Object item){
- int x = ((Integer)item).intValue();
- return x % 10 == 0 ? true : false;
- }
- });
Integer[] is = new Integer[]{ 4,13,65,64,2,4,5,9,10,25,20,32,30 }; //用数组构造一个integer 的 list FPList<Integer> p = new FPList<Integer>(is); p.append(100);//再添加一个元素 //做一次过滤,只有偶数被留下来 FPList<Integer> even = p.filter(new Filter(){ public boolean isLegal(Object item) { int x = ((Integer)item).intValue(); return x % 2 == 0 ? true : false; } }).filter(new Filter(){//再做一次过滤,10的倍数被留下来 public boolean isLegal(Object item){ int x = ((Integer)item).intValue(); return x % 10 == 0 ? true : false; } });
首先,需要定义一个接口(这是匿名类的基础),在这个例子中,我定义了一个过滤器接口,其中只有一个方法,即isLegal(Object item), 这个方法接受一个Obejct参数,返回一个boolean值,调用者根据这个boolean值来对最终结果做过滤:
- package org.free.fplist;
- /**
- * defined what condition should be used in <code>FilterableList.filter()</code>
- *
- * @author juntao.qiu@gmail.com
- *
- */
- public interface Filter {
- /**
- * this is a condition definition, pass a object in, and then
- * a <code>true</code> or <code>false</code> will be returned.
- * @param item
- * @return
- */
- boolean isLegal(Object item);
- }
package org.free.fplist; /** * defined what condition should be used in <code>FilterableList.filter()</code> * * @author juntao.qiu@gmail.com * */ public interface Filter { /** * this is a condition definition, pass a object in, and then * a <code>true</code> or <code>false</code> will be returned. * @param item * @return */ boolean isLegal(Object item); }
- package org.free.fplist;
- /**
- * This is the interface defined Function-programmable support
- *
- * @author juntao.qiu@gmail.com
- *
- */
- public interface FPable<E> {
- /**
- * append a new element to list, and then return <code>this</code> object
- *
- * @param e element you want to insert into
- * @return
- */
- FPable<E> append(E e);
- /**
- * do a filter by the given rule, the <code>Filter</code>
- * object passed in is defined as a interface, and you need
- * to implement the condition.
- *
- * @param f
- * @return
- */
- FPable<E> filter(Filter f);
- /**
- * mapping the action to each item of <code>function-programming-list</code>
- * and will not affect the original list
- *
- * @param act the Action will used to mapping
- * @return
- */
- FPable<E> mapping(Action act);
- /**
- * distinct the <code>FilterableList</code>, keep one same elements only, and
- * does not affect the List itself.
- *
- * @return
- */
- FPable<E> distinct();
- /**
- * for debug only, print the <code>index</code> and <code>content</code>
- * of each item of a list.
- */
- void print();
- }
package org.free.fplist; /** * This is the interface defined Function-programmable support * * @author juntao.qiu@gmail.com * */ public interface FPable<E> { /** * append a new element to list, and then return <code>this</code> object * * @param e element you want to insert into * @return */ FPable<E> append(E e); /** * do a filter by the given rule, the <code>Filter</code> * object passed in is defined as a interface, and you need * to implement the condition. * * @param f * @return */ FPable<E> filter(Filter f); /** * mapping the action to each item of <code>function-programming-list</code> * and will not affect the original list * * @param act the Action will used to mapping * @return */ FPable<E> mapping(Action act); /** * distinct the <code>FilterableList</code>, keep one same elements only, and * does not affect the List itself. * * @return */ FPable<E> distinct(); /** * for debug only, print the <code>index</code> and <code>content</code> * of each item of a list. */ void print(); }
附加的,我需要对这个链表有函数映射 (map)的支持,上面这个接口中的Action,为另一个接口,同样会被很多的匿名类使用到:
package org.free.fplist; public interface Action { public Object doAction(Object item); }
好了,我们现在来看一个FPable的实现FPList,FPList继承了LinkedList,并且实现了FPable,可以对其中的数据进行过滤(前提是传入一个过滤器 ),或者对其中的元素进行映射(传入一个动作 ),FPList会自动的将过滤器和动作作用到List中的每一个元素。
- package org.free.fplist;
- import java.util.HashSet;
- import java.util.Iterator;
- import java.util.LinkedList;
- import java.util.Set;
- public class FPList<E> extends LinkedList<E> implements FPable<E>{
- private static final long
- serialVersionUID = 348375840291148300L;
- public FPList(){
- }
- /**
- * construct a fp-list by given array.
- *
- * @param es
- */
- public FPList(E[] es){
- for(int i = 0;i < es.length;i++){
- add(es[i]);
- }
- }
- public FPList<E> filter(Filter f){
- FPList<E> filtered = new FPList<E>();
- for(int i = 0; i < size();i++){
- E o = get(i);
- if(f.isLegal(o)){
- filtered.add(o);
- }
- }
- return filtered;
- }
- public FPList<E> append(E e){
- add(e);
- return this;
- }
- public FPList<E> distinct(){
- FPList<E> filtered = this;
- Set<E> set = new HashSet<E>();
- for(int i = 0; i < filtered.size();i++){
- set.add(filtered.get(i));
- }
- filtered.clear();
- Iterator<E> it = set.iterator();
- while(it.hasNext()){
- filtered.add(it.next());
- }
- return filtered;
- }
- public FPList<E> mapping(Action act){
- FPList<E> mapped = this;
- for(int i = 0;i < size();i++){
- mapped.add(i, (E)act.doAction(get(i)));
- mapped.remove(i+1);
- }
- return mapped;
- }
- public void print(){
- for(int i = 0;i < size();i++){
- System.err.println("index : "+i+", content : "+get(i));
- }
- }
- }
package org.free.fplist; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Set; public class FPList<E> extends LinkedList<E> implements FPable<E>{ private static final long serialVersionUID = 348375840291148300L; public FPList(){ } /** * construct a fp-list by given array. * * @param es */ public FPList(E[] es){ for(int i = 0;i < es.length;i++){ add(es[i]); } } public FPList<E> filter(Filter f){ FPList<E> filtered = new FPList<E>(); for(int i = 0; i < size();i++){ E o = get(i); if(f.isLegal(o)){ filtered.add(o); } } return filtered; } public FPList<E> append(E e){ add(e); return this; } public FPList<E> distinct(){ FPList<E> filtered = this; Set<E> set = new HashSet<E>(); for(int i = 0; i < filtered.size();i++){ set.add(filtered.get(i)); } filtered.clear(); Iterator<E> it = set.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ filtered.add(it.next()); } return filtered; } public FPList<E> mapping(Action act){ FPList<E> mapped = this; for(int i = 0;i < size();i++){ mapped.add(i, (E)act.doAction(get(i))); mapped.remove(i+1); } return mapped; } public void print(){ for(int i = 0;i < size();i++){ System.err.println("index : "+i+", content : "+get(i)); } } }
- package org.free.fplist;
- public class Main {
- public static void main(String[] args){
- String[] as = new String[]{
- "Apple",
- "Borland",
- "Cisco",
- "Dell",
- "Epson",
- "Flick",
- "Google"
- };
- FPList<String> k = new FPList<String>(as);
- k.distinct().filter(new Filter(){
- public boolean isLegal(Object item) {
- return ((String)item).indexOf("e") >= 0 ? true : false;
- }
- }).filter(new Filter(){
- public boolean isLegal(Object item) {
- return ((String)item).indexOf("p") >= 0 ? true : false;
- }
- }).mapping(new Action(){
- public Object doAction(Object item) {
- return ((String)item)+", co";
- }
- }).print();
- Integer[] is = new Integer[]{
- 4,13,65,64,2,4,5,9,10,25,20,32,30
- };
- FPList<Integer> p = new FPList<Integer>(is);
- p.append(100);
- FPList<Integer> even = p.filter(new Filter(){
- public boolean isLegal(Object item) {
- int x = ((Integer)item).intValue();
- return x % 2 == 0 ? true : false;
- }
- }).filter(new Filter(){
- public boolean isLegal(Object item){
- int x = ((Integer)item).intValue();
- return x % 10 == 0 ? true : false;
- }
- });
- even.mapping(new Action(){
- public Object doAction(Object item) {
- return ((Integer)item).intValue()*10;
- }
- }).mapping(new Action(){
- public Object doAction(Object item){
- return ((Integer)item).intValue()/2;
- }
- }).print();
- Person[] person = new Person[]{
- new Person("abruzzi", 25, "male"),
- new Person("smith", 25, "female"),
- new Person("json", 26, "female"),
- new Person("jet.lee", 25, "male")
- };
- FPList<Person> fp = new FPList<Person>(person);
- fp.filter(new Filter(){
- public boolean isLegal(Object item) {
- Person p = (Person)item;
- return p.getAge() == 25 ? true : false;
- }
- }).filter(new Filter(){
- public boolean isLegal(Object item) {
- Person p = (Person)item;
- return p.getSex().equals("male") ? true : false;
- }
- }).mapping(new Action(){
- public Object doAction(Object item) {
- System.err.println(((Person)item).getName());
- return null;
- }
- });
- }
- }
package org.free.fplist; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args){ String[] as = new String[]{ "Apple", "Borland", "Cisco", "Dell", "Epson", "Flick", "Google" }; FPList<String> k = new FPList<String>(as); k.distinct().filter(new Filter(){ public boolean isLegal(Object item) { return ((String)item).indexOf("e") >= 0 ? true : false; } }).filter(new Filter(){ public boolean isLegal(Object item) { return ((String)item).indexOf("p") >= 0 ? true : false; } }).mapping(new Action(){ public Object doAction(Object item) { return ((String)item)+", co"; } }).print(); Integer[] is = new Integer[]{ 4,13,65,64,2,4,5,9,10,25,20,32,30 }; FPList<Integer> p = new FPList<Integer>(is); p.append(100); FPList<Integer> even = p.filter(new Filter(){ public boolean isLegal(Object item) { int x = ((Integer)item).intValue(); return x % 2 == 0 ? true : false; } }).filter(new Filter(){ public boolean isLegal(Object item){ int x = ((Integer)item).intValue(); return x % 10 == 0 ? true : false; } }); even.mapping(new Action(){ public Object doAction(Object item) { return ((Integer)item).intValue()*10; } }).mapping(new Action(){ public Object doAction(Object item){ return ((Integer)item).intValue()/2; } }).print(); Person[] person = new Person[]{ new Person("abruzzi", 25, "male"), new Person("smith", 25, "female"), new Person("json", 26, "female"), new Person("jet.lee", 25, "male") }; FPList<Person> fp = new FPList<Person>(person); fp.filter(new Filter(){ public boolean isLegal(Object item) { Person p = (Person)item; return p.getAge() == 25 ? true : false; } }).filter(new Filter(){ public boolean isLegal(Object item) { Person p = (Person)item; return p.getSex().equals("male") ? true : false; } }).mapping(new Action(){ public Object doAction(Object item) { System.err.println(((Person)item).getName()); return null; } }); } }
index : 0, content : 50
index : 1, content : 100
index : 2, content : 150
index : 3, content : 500
上边的例子显示,匿名类在接口 中的方法不多的时候,整个匿名类整体作为一个对象传递给另外一个方法,可以很好的做到可定制性。比如第三个例子,使用Person bean的时候,可以定制多个过滤条件,依次将原始列表过滤成一个符合要求的列表。
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1. **函数式编程**:Java 8引入了 Lambda 表达式,这是一种简洁的匿名函数定义方式,它使得处理集合数据变得更加方便,特别是在并行编程中。Lambda表达式的核心概念是行为参数化,允许将代码视为数据进行传递。 2. ...
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这需要实现Java中的`ActionListener`接口,或者使用匿名内部类来处理这些交互。 3. **数据结构与算法**:棋盘的状态需要存储和更新。可以使用二维数组来表示棋盘,每个元素代表一个格子的状态(空、黑棋、白棋)。...
以下是一些Java面试中经常被问到的关键知识点,结合提供的文件名,我们可以推断出这些文档可能包含了Java基础知识、进阶主题以及面试策略。 1. **Java基础**: - **数据类型**:Java分为基本数据类型和引用数据...
- **匿名读者**:认为这是关于Java最好的书,并表示已经从1996年开始学习Java,本书帮助他巩固了许多模糊的概念,并扩展了他的知识面。 #### 三、主要内容概述 1. **基础知识**: - Java的历史和发展。 - Java的...
5. **类型推断(Type Inference)**:在匿名内部类和局部变量中,编译器能够自动推断出类型,减少了冗余的类型声明。 6. **可变参数(Varargs)**:允许方法接受不定数量的参数,提高了函数的灵活性。 这个课后...
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10. **Java的高级特性**: 包括枚举、匿名类、内省、动态代理等,这些都是Java程序员应掌握的进阶知识。 11. **源代码分析**: 附带的源代码可以帮助读者更直观地理解书中的例子和概念,通过实践加深理解。 ...
在实际工作中,结合Java的特性(如多态、接口、匿名内部类等)灵活运用设计模式,能够解决许多复杂的问题,使代码更加优雅和高效。 总的来说,"java与设计模式"是一个涵盖广泛的主题,涉及Java编程中的高级技巧和...
- 匿名内部类没有名字,可以实现接口或继承类,但只能继承一个类(因为Java不支持多继承)。不过,匿名内部类不能继承一个非静态的内部类,因为这需要一个外部类的实例,而匿名内部类自身没有。 3. **Static ...