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TOEIC speaking

Q1-2: Read a Text Aloud
Prep time: 45 seconds               Test time: 45 seconds
1 Look out for long or unknown words and pre-pronounce them silently in your mind;
2 Look for a list (must) and use the up, up, down intonation
ex,  I'd like some apples, some plums, and a melon. 
3 Look for transition words (>1) and a question (optional) and use the right intonation
yes/no question:  May I interest you in these products?  (up at the end)
wh question:  Who will volunteer? (down at the end)
4Pause at commas and stops and do not stop in the middle of a thought group
5 Stress on content words (nouns, adjs, advs, content verbs) instead of functional words (a, the, pronouns, prepositions, to be)
3 Stress / pausing
Content words (有意义的,在现实生活中能找到的,如n,v,adj,adv)
Function word
Stress on content words
Watch for transition words and use an approprite intonation.

Q3:Describe a picture
Prep time: 30 seconds               Test time: 45 seconds
1 Preparation:
Brainstorm vocabulary and plan a where-who-what introduction (30 seconds) ,尤其是形容词和介词
(E.g. This picture shows a cafe. We can see a waiter and some customers. The waiter is serving coffee to them.)
2 Describe what you can see using descriptive language, i.e., adjs, advs and prepositions.
(who  where  what)
This picture shows.....
I can see there are one male and two female , they are doing sth.
3 Expand your answers by speculating on the main characters and scene.
tips:introduce3 Main characters (usually the man close to us or the in the middle),   desc age, job, emotional state, relationship between peoples
Backgound : where,  season/time,  just happend or going to happen,,  adj to describle this place(fancy, dirty, fashionable,pleasant),weather,
use uncertain and speculative language: appears to be , look like , I think, seeems like, seems to be,perhaps, probably,,might be
(E.g. It seems that they are leaning against a car.)
4 Say as much as you can in the time limit.

Q4~Q6 resopond to questions
No preparation time               
Test time: 15 seconds for Q4 and Q5;  30 seconds for Q6
1 Listen carefully and pick out the key words in the question (e.g. what, where, how often, who, etc.)
2If you need time to think, start your answer immediately by rephrasing the question (e.g. The most popular type of sports in my city is…)
3Answer in full sentences. Add extra details or examples if time allows.
4Prepare for answering opinion questions (e.g. brainstorming on your favorite thing, person and place)
Watch out for questions with 2 parts (i.e. where would you like to live and why?)
Use different organization patterns for answering different types of

Use linking words to connect ideas (e.g., one reason for this is…, another thing is…, however, overall, …)
Apply hesitation devices if you need time to think (e.g., Umm, …,Well, uh, let me think…errr…,Oh yes well, basically uh…)

Answering experience questions
I usually do...
(Most/best question..)I would say..
I really like doing...

Answering extended description and opinion questions
1Describe your favorrite(sprot)
a Introduction sentence
b give one reason
c describe the thing/person/place . Use adj (ex :helpful, relaxing, expensive, beautiful, delicious)
Q:Describe your favorite sport
A: Well, there are a lot of sports I like, but if I had to choose one, it would have to be basketball.
The reason why I like basekt ball is it is a really exciting sport. It is also good exercise, and is a lot of fun to play.
It is a team sport.

2 Opinion Questions
a Introduction sentence
b two ~three reasons linking (words)
c use one opposing ideas if possible
d restate your opionion.
Q: What animal do you think makes a good family pet?
In my opinion, a turtle would make a good familiy pet.
Some of the reasons are because turtles are cheap and they are quite. Also they are very interesting.
However, they aren't very loving.
In spite of this though, I think they make a very good familiy pet

Q7~Q9 Respond to questions using information provided.
Preparation time: 30 seconds for reading a written schedule or agenda               
Test time: 15 seconds for Q7 and Q8;  30 seconds for Q9
Q7: wh- question/how question,ask for detail
Q8: ask for confirmation

1 Read the title of the agenda to know the topic
2 Skim the agenda briefly and divide it into morning, afternoon and evening
3 Look for footnotes (*…) and parentheses ( (…) )
4 Listen for key words in the Qs
5 Scan the agenda to find the infor asked in the Qs
6 Answer immediately by using starting phrases (e.g., “Let me check; Yes. I’ll just have a look for you; Looking at the agenda, it shows…”)
6 Answer in full sentences, using phrrases to refer back to the agenda or to introduce bad news.
7 Include explanations when answering.

Q9: resopond to questions using information provided 

summarizing multiple pieces of information,building notes into full paragraphs,selecting relevant information from an agenda

1 Listen carefully for the key words that indicate the things you will need to summarize
2 Start immediately with a good introductory sentence (e.g. Certainly. Let me check the agenda for you. After the training, Mr. Yeats is planning to...)
3 Make well-formed and well-linked sentences by adding prepositions and articles (a or the) and using future tense, clauses (who is…) and linking words (after, then, before, and also) to summarize the notes.
4 Grammar:
using a futrue form to say what is planned in differect ways:
a You/We/They will...
b You will be (picked up) by...
c There will be...
The ... Hotel (Big place..)
Restaurant    (Small place..)
ex:   9:00  Shuttle bus to Royal Hotel
At 9:00, you will take a shuttle bus to the Royal Hotel.
Include related information
presentation on,   introduction to, overview/review to
at 12:00, we will be given an overview  of... by ....  who is...
ex:  9:30 Overview of the new franchise project 
    - Genoff France(Asia Development head)
At 9:30, we will be given an overview of the new franchise project by Gefoff France, who is the head of Asia Development.
commom words and phrases.
a Time markers: after(dinner,arriving)... ,and then..,then, after that... finally,
b Extrainformation markers: ...and..   (there is)also...   , ...and...also..., in addition
c Choice markers:  You have two choices/options...,You can choose (Either X or Y), Also, at the same time, there is... You have to chhose one of these...

Q10: Propose a Solution(request and complain)
-Directions: You will hear an audio recording in which the speaker mentions a problem. You will need to propose a solution.
In your response, be sure to

·show that you recognize the problem (what is the problem?), and

·propose a way of dealing with the problem (what can be done and how).

Prep time: 30 seconds               Test time: 60 seconds
1 Listen carefully for key information (name, problem, special conditions)
2Imagine what your role is
3Use the preparation time to brainstorm possible reasons for the problem and your solution
4Follow a model for handling complaints:
       1) greeting; 2) reason for call; 3) initial apology; 4) explanation; 5) solution; 6) final apology
(5)   Follow another model for handling requests:
      1) greeting; 2) reason for call; 3) difficulties or conditions; 5) solution; 6) close
Hello! (This is a message for... )This is Sayler from ... returning your call.I got your message regarding the problem with the delivery...(regarding the fact that...)we would like to apologize for any inconvenience casue. It seems there was some kind of problem with ...,so...Once again, I am very sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.

It seems that there was some kind of problem with our computer
Because this is our mistake, I would like to offer you a 20% dicounton your next purchase.
We are going to arrange for someone to fix the problem this afternoon.
We will fix the problem inthe system immediately,so that this problem will never happen again.
Futher contract:
If this sounds ok, pls stop by or give us a call.
If this is ok with you, pls call me immediately and we can get started. Thanks a lot.

Q11: Express an Opinion
Directions: You will give your opinion about a specific topic. Be sure to say as much as you can in the time allowed.
Prep time: 15 seconds               Test time: 60 seconds
E.g. If the government announced that it was planning to build a new superhighway near where you live, would you support or oppose the plan? Explain your position.
Test Technique:
1 Quickly decide your opinion
2 Brainstorm several supporting points
3 Present your opinion by restating the question
4 Introduce each supporting point and add reasons and examples (15 seconds for each point)
5 Conclude your talk with your opinion again

Well, that's a hard question, I think there are pros and cons for this issue, but if I had to choose, I would say...The first reason is that... also...however...but this is not enought to outweight the negative effects..(this doesn't change what I think about them). All things considered I would... Overall I would say


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