Shrink - reduces the number of connections in the connection pool to the maximum of either the currently reserved connections or the initial size.
Reset - resets the connection pool by shutting down and re-establishing all physical database connections.
Clear Statement Cache - clears the cache of prepared and callable statements maintained for each connection in the connection pool.
Suspend - disables the connection pool, suspending all operations on connections until the connection pool is re-enabled.
Force Suspend - forcibly disables the connection pool, suspending all operations on connections until the connection pool is re-enabled. All connections in use are closed and reopened.
Destroy - closes all database connections and deletes the configuration from the configuration file. If any connections from the pool are currently in use, the operation will fail.
Force Destroy - closes all database connections and deletes the configuration from the configuration file. All clients using connections from the connection pool are forcibly disconnected.
Resume - restores all access to and operations on the pool. (Only available after the connection pool is successfully suspended.)
This library allows you to replace functions in other DLLs with functions from your own DLL使用自己的dll替代别的dll函数的库
This great OCX allows you to have a drop down list of colors to allow your user to choose from. The control itself has all the events and properties that you need.
标题中的"ocx"指的是ActiveX控件,这是一种在Windows操作系统中广泛使用的组件技术,用于在应用程序之间共享功能。此OCX(Object Linking and Embedding, Control Extension)名为"MaqEncrypt.ocx",表明它是一个...
It allows you to stand in the middle of a huge 3D scene and look around using the mouse. It runs at over 60 FPS (if you have a Direct3D compatable graphics card - otherwise it’s slower).
This DLL allows programmers to easily draw 3D grippers and lines on Device Contexts (DC).
RAMReel is a controller that allows you to choose options from a,RAMReel is a UI controller that allows you to choose options from a list. Swift UI library made by @Ramotion - ...
A tool that allows you to query ODBC sources查询odbc数据源的工具
Allows you to upload multiple files and fields without purchasing or registering COM objects. Great for shared hosts that frown upon 3rd Party com objects or charge an arm and a leg for them.
AutoGPT is a powerful platform that allows you to create, deploy, and manage continuous AI agents that automate complex workflows.
Right clicking on each marker in the Markers toolbar displays a context menu, and allows you to enable or disable each marker, search for each marker, or change the match condition (case sensitivity, ...
标题 "允许您像资源管理器一样将文件复制到剪贴板" 描述的是一个功能,这个功能使得用户能够...提供的`Copy File(s) to clipboard .txt`文件可能是实现这一功能的源代码示例,对于学习和研究这种功能的实现非常有帮助。
VirtualApp is an open platform for Android that allows you to create a Virtual Space, you can install and run apk inside. Beyond that, VirtualApp is also a Plugin Framework, the plugins running on ...
You can use the dialog to navigate to each instance by double-clicking on one of the result lines... Scripting Access to the Clipboard How to access the Clipboard using the integrated scripting ...
This modification means that if you are creating zip files to be used as SFX's you will want to leave the OEMConvert property mentioned above, set to it's default value of True. Modified so that ...
标题中的"An ATL class that allows you to add a background image to an"指的是一个使用Microsoft ATL(Active Template Library)编写的类,这个类的功能是为任何窗口添加背景图片。ATL是微软提供的一种C++模板库...
Visual Studio allows you to create and manage programming projects for the Windows platform, and the new 2010 version has undergone a major overhaul comprised of significant changes. Written by an ...
Visual Studio allows you to create and manage programming projects for the Windows platform, and the new 2010 version has undergone a major overhaul comprised of significant changes. Written by an ...
Visual Studio allows you to create and manage programming projects for the Windows platform, and the new 2010 version has undergone a major overhaul comprised of significant changes. Written by an ...
The Java Database Connection (JDBC) importer allows to fetch data from JDBC sources for indexing into Elasticsearch. The JDBC importer was designed for tabular data. If you have tables with many ...
Throughout, I’ll be taking the attitude that you want to build a model in your head that allows you to understand the language all the way down to the bare metal; if you encounter a puzzle, you’ll ...