interface TaxLawBuckets {
double getRemaining401k();
double getRemaining403g();
void apply401k(double amount);
void apply403g(double amount);
interface TaxLawBuckets {
TaxLawBucket get401k();
TaxLawBucket get403g();
interface TaxLawBucket {
double getRemaining();
void apply(double amount);
interface TaxLawBuckets {
private double bucket_401k;
private double bucket_403g;
private TaxLawBuckets globalBuckets;
public double getRemaining401k(){
return Math.min(bucket_401k, globalBuckets.getRemaining401k());
public double getRemaining403g() {
return Math.min(bucket_403g, globalBuckets.getRemaining403g());
public void apply401k(double amount) {
bucket_401k -= amount;
if(bucket_401k<0) throw new SystemException(...);
public void apply403g(double amount) {
bucket_403g -= amount;
if(bucket_403g<0) throw new SystemException(...);
public class PerAccountTaxLawBucketsTest extends MockObjectTestCase {
Mock bucketsMock = mock(TaxLawBuckets.class);
TaxLawBuckets globalBuckets = bucketMock.proxy();
PerAccountTaxLawBuckets perAccount = new PerAccountTaxLawBuckets(100, 100, globalBuckets);
public void testGetRemaining401kReturnsTheMinimal() {
assertEquals(100, perAccount.getRemaining401k());
下面注意到401k和403g的逻辑几乎一模一样,只有方法名不同。所以为了避免代码重复,我和pair决定用一个abstract class来抽出共性。然后用两个子类来代表不同之处。pair的代码是这样:
public abstract class AbstractPerAccountTaxLawBucketsTest extends MockObjectTestCase {
Mock bucketsMock = mock(TaxLawBuckets.class);
TaxLawBuckets globalBuckets = bucketMock.proxy();
PerAccountTaxLawBuckets perAccount = new PerAccountTaxLawBuckets(100, 100, globalBuckets);
public void testGetRemainingReturnsTheMinimal() {
assertEquals(100, getRemaining(perAccount));
abstract String getRemainingName();
abstract double getRemaining(TaxLawBuckets buckets);
abstract String getApplyName();
abstract void apply(TaxLawBuckets buckets, double amount);
public class PerAccount401kTestCase extends AbstractPerAccountTaxLawBucketsTest {
String getRemainingName() {
return "getRemaining401k";
double getRemaining(TaxLawBuckets buckets) {
return buckets.getRemaining401k();
String getApplyName() {
return "apply401k";
void apply(TaxLawBuckets buckets, double amount) {
public class PerAccount403gTestCase extends AbstractPerAccountTaxLawBucketsTest {
String getRemainingName() {
return "getRemaining403g";
double getRemaining(TaxLawBuckets buckets) {
return buckets.getRemaining403g();
String getApplyName() {
return "apply403g";
void apply(TaxLawBuckets buckets, double amount) {
public abstract class AbstractPerAccountTaxLawBucketsTest extends TestCase {
MockControl bucketsMock = MockControl.createControl(TaxLawBuckets.class);
TaxLawBuckets globalBuckets = bucketMock.getMock();
PerAccountTaxLawBuckets perAccount = new PerAccountTaxLawBuckets(100, 100, globalBuckets);
public void testGetRemainingReturnsTheMinimal() {
bucketsMock.expectsAndReturn(getRemaining(globalBuckets), 200);
assertEquals(100, getRemaining(perAccount));
abstract double getRemaining(TaxLawBuckets buckets);
abstract void apply(TaxLawBuckets buckets, double amount);
public class PerAccount401kTestCase extends AbstractPerAccountTaxLawBucketsTest {
double getRemaining(TaxLawBuckets buckets) {
return buckets.getRemaining401k();
void apply(TaxLawBuckets buckets, double amount) {
public class PerAccount403gTestCase extends AbstractPerAccountTaxLawBucketsTest {
double getRemaining(TaxLawBuckets buckets) {
return buckets.getRemaining403g();
void apply(TaxLawBuckets buckets, double amount) {
其实,这个例子简化了问题。实际的那个程序,除了getRemaining(), apply()之外,还有restore()和其他几个方法,也是401k和403g除了方法名字不同其他都一样。
为了保持一致性,我们应该都用jmock。使用easymock会给公司里别的程序员带来理解上的困难。(我很心虚地想,我的几个test case都是用的easymock亚。)
对这个说法,我有点不知道如何说了。我一直以来的观点,都是use the right tool for the right job。
其实,这种关于强调一致性的问题我已经和同事有若干次分歧了。另外一次是:公司里大多用一个内部做的MyPropertyFactory framework来读取class path里面的property文件内容。而我有一次独立开发的一个模块直接使用了ClassLoader.loadResourceAsInputStream()。于是,同事以一致性为理由要求我更改代码来使用MyPropertyFactory。具体细节在下一次disagree里面会解释。
那么,一致性和use the right tool真的是矛盾的么?你怎么在两者之间取得平衡呢?
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