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what is a shell

In a nutshell, the shell is a program that takes your command from the keyboard and gives them to the operating system to perform. On most linux systems a program called bsh act as the shell program.


    linux whatis与whatis database 使用及查询方法(man使用实例)

    `whatis`命令本身是一个shell脚本,它的功能是根据用户提供的关键词搜索`whatis`数据库,返回匹配的命令名和简短描述。例如,使用`whatis`查询`ls`命令,会显示`ls`的简短描述。 `whatis`数据库并不是实时更新的,...


    * `echo` 命令:用于向窗口输出文本,例如 `echo "What is your name?"`。 五、实践操作 * 创建一个 shell 脚本文件,例如 `hello.sh`,内容如下: ``` #!/bin/bash echo "What is your name?" read PERSON echo ...


    Chapter 2 What Is the Shell? Chapter 3 Tools of the Trade Chapter 4 And Away We Go Chapter 5 Can I Quote You on That? Chapter 6 Passing Arguments Chapter 7 Decisions, Decisions Chapter 8 'Round and '...

    Linux Shell Scripting Essentials 无水印pdf 0分

    This book is aimed at administrators and those who have a basic knowledge of shell scripting and who want to learn how to get the most out of writing shell scripts. What You Will Learn Write ...


    - **注释**:使用`#`符号,例如:`# This is a comment` - **局部变量设置**:使用`set`命令,如:`set variable_name=value`,例如:`set name="Tom"` - **全局变量设置**:使用`setenv`命令,如:`setenv ...

    Mastering Linux Shell Scripting

    Shell scripting is a quick method to prototype a complex application or a problem by automating tasks when working on Linux-based systems. Using both simple one-line commands and command sequences ...


    # This is to show what a example looks like. echo "Our first example" echo # This inserts an empty line in output. echo "We are currently in the following directory." /bin/pwd echo echo "This ...

    SHELL脚本练习 写一个脚本,利用循环计算10的阶乘

    在这个练习中,我们将编写一个SHELL脚本,执行后,打印一行提示“Please input a number:”,要求用户输入数值,然后打印出该数值,然后再次要求用户输入数值,直到用户输入“end”停止。脚本代码如下: ```bash #!/...

    Linux Shell Scripting Cookbook - Third Edition

    If you are a beginner or an intermediate Linux user who wants to master the skill of quickly writing scripts and automate tasks without reading the entire man pages, then this book is for you....

    Unix shell programming in 24 hours.pdf

    ** The shell is a command-line interface for interacting with the operating system. It interpreprets user commands and executes them. Shells provide a way to manage files, run programs, and automate ...


    (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: Git.sh modified: PyNote/PyNote_2.md no changes ...

    shell 函数

    echo -n "What is your first name:" read F_NAME if char_name $F_NAME; then # all ok break else name_error $F_NAME fi done ``` #### 四、错误处理 在Shell脚本中,错误处理通常涉及检查函数的返回...

    接力版四年级下册小学英语 Lesson 3 What time is it 同步练习(一课一练) (2).doc

    接力版四年级下册小学英语 Lesson 3 What time is it 同步练习(一课一练) 本资源是小学四年级英语教学的同步练习 materials,旨在帮助学生学习和掌握英语 Lesson 3 What time is it 的相关知识点。下面是本资源的...

    Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors and Shell Programming (2013)

    Sobell, on the other hand, outlines very clearly what the command does and then gives several common, easy-to-understand examples that make it a breeze to start shell programming on one’s own....

    Shell Scripting

    - **whatis数据库**:是一个快速查找命令或函数作用的工具,通常用于获取命令的简短描述。 #### 基础命令复习 - **who命令**:显示当前登录到系统的用户列表。 - **w命令**:显示当前登录的用户、他们正在运行的...

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