一直以来都是用jdk1.5,这次重返电信由于其系统是在jdk1.4上编译的,编译的时候出现了unsupported major.minor version49.0的错误,上网查看了一下还是一个很普遍的错误,捣鼓了两天终于捣鼓出一些东西,现分享给大家。
何谓 major.minor,且又居身于何处呢?先感性认识并找到 major.minor 来。顺便写一段 代码,然后用 JDK 1.5 的编译器编译成class,用UltraEdit或者其他能打开非十进制文件的软件打开此class,见下图:

从上图中我们看出来了什么是 major.minor version 了,它相当于一个软件的主次版本号,只是在这里是标识的一个 Java Class 的主版本号和次版本号,同时我们看到 minor_version 为 0x0000,major_version 为 0x0031,转换为十制数分别为0 和 49,即 major.minor 就是 49.0 了。
现在不妨从 JDK 1.1 到 JDK 1.7 编译器编译出的 class 的默认 minor.major version 吧。(又走到 Sun 的网站上翻腾出我从来都没用过的古董来)
JDK 编译器版本 |
target 参数 |
十六进制 minor.major |
十进制 minor.major |
jdk1.1.8 |
不能带 target 参数 |
00 03 00 2D |
45.3 |
jdk1.2.2 |
不带(默认为 -target 1.1) |
00 03 00 2D |
45.3 |
jdk1.2.2 |
-target 1.2 |
00 00 00 2E |
46.0 |
jdk1.3.1_19 |
不带(默认为 -target 1.1) |
00 03 00 2D |
45.3 |
jdk1.3.1_19 |
-target 1.3 |
00 00 00 2F |
47.0 |
j2sdk1.4.2_10 |
不带(默认为 -target 1.2) |
00 00 00 2E |
46.0 |
j2sdk1.4.2_10 |
-target 1.4 |
00 00 00 30 |
48.0 |
jdk1.5.0_11 |
不带(默认为 -target 1.5) |
00 00 00 31 |
49.0 |
jdk1.5.0_11 |
-target 1.4 -source 1.4 |
00 00 00 30 |
48.0 |
jdk1.6.0_01 |
不带(默认为 -target 1.6) |
00 00 00 32 |
50.0 |
jdk1.6.0_01 |
-target 1.5 |
00 00 00 31 |
49.0 |
jdk1.6.0_01 |
-target 1.4 -source 1.4 |
00 00 00 30 |
48.0 |
jdk1.7.0 |
不带(默认为 -target 1.6) |
00 00 00 32 |
50.0 |
jdk1.7.0 |
-target 1.7 |
00 00 00 33 |
51.0 |
jdk1.7.0 |
-target 1.4 -source 1.4 |
00 00 00 30 |
48.0 |
Apache Harmony 5.0M3 |
不带(默认为 -target 1.2) |
00 00 00 2E |
46.0 |
Apache Harmony 5.0M3 |
-target 1.4 |
00 00 00 30 |
48.0 |
当然你也可以用其他方法查看版本号,比如javap -verbose XXXX(class名)。
那么现在如果碰到这种问题该知道如何解决了吧,还会像我所见到有些兄弟那样,去找个 1.4 的 JDK 下载安装,然后用其重新编译所有的代码吗?且不说这种方法的繁琐,而且web应用程序还不一定能成功,其实大可不必如此费神,我们一定还记得 javac 还有个 -target 参数,对啦,可以继续使用 1.5 JDK,编译时带上参数 -target 1.4 -source 1.4 就 OK 啦,不过你一定要对哪些 API 是 1.5 JDK 加入进来的了如指掌,不能你的 class 文件拿到 JVM 1.4 下就会 method not found。目标 JVM 是 1.3 的话,编译选项就用 -target 1.3 -source 1.3 了。
相应的如果使用 ant ,它的 javac 任务也可对应的选择 target 和 source
<javac target="1.4" source="1.4" ............................/>
如果是在开发中,可以肯定的是现在真正算得上是 JAVA IDE 对于工程也都有编译选项设置目标代码的。例如 Eclipse 的项目属性中的 Java Compiler 设置,如图:
其实理解 major.minor 就像是我们可以这么想像,同样是微软件的程序,32 位的应用程序不能拿到 16 位系统中执行那样。
如果我们发布前了解到目标 JVM 版本,知道怎么从 java class 文件中看出 major.minor 版本来,就不用等到服务器报出异常才着手去解决,也就能预知到可能发生的问题。
其他时候遇到这个问题应具体解决,总之问题的根由是低版本的 JVM 无法加载高版本的 class 文件造成的,找到高版本的 class 文件处理一下就行了。

- 大小: 68.9 KB

- 大小: 158.4 KB
Major version increments with each card supported. Minor version increments with each new feature. Sub-minor version increments when an existing feature changes.
M: Major version N: miNor version P: Patch number H: Hotfix number s: SVN number y: package year m: package month d: package day COEX_VER: Coext version _beta: beta driver
We use 3 numbers for aria2 version: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. We will ship MINOR update on 15th of every month. We may skip a release if we have no changes since the last release. The feature and ...
Later is supported when map2dbg.exe tool is placed in \Bin folder of EurekaLog installation (separate download is required) 5)....Added: Exception2HRESULT in EAppDLL to simplify developing DLLs with ...
- Windows 2000 / XP registry is now supported. Information is stored under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT for 2000/XP systems. - New ban-list features allows you to ban certain users from using the next version ...
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Added ICQClientVer_Major, ICQClientVer_Minor constants in ICQWorks.pas[*] Some work-speed improvements[*] Improved info request/response procedures & events[*] Improved white pages (more compatible ...
Mesa 18.0.4 implements the OpenGL 4.5 API, but the version reported by glGetString(GL_VERSION) or glGetIntegerv(GL_MAJOR_VERSION) / glGetIntegerv(GL_MINOR_VERSION) depends on the particular driver ...
Major/Minor function Generic Parameters Information Input Output -------------------------------------------------------------------------- IRP_MJ_CREATE + + N/A IRP_MJ_CREATE_NAMED_PIPE + - - ...
has passed the usual votes to release that version. Only then is the final tarball packaged, removing all -rc# designations from the version number, and tagging the tree with the release number. ...
NEWS for OpenSC -- History of user visible changes Complete change history is available online: ... New in 0.12.0; 2010-12-22 ...* This is an beta test version. Please be careful. Do not use in ...
As of version 2.1, use encodeRedirectURL(String url) instead encodeRedirectURL(String) - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponseWrapper The default behavior of this method is to ...
Minor changes to the scanning code for the filename of attachments.1.8.2- Fixed a bug with the filename of attachments (thanks to Taufer Pavel Ing.).- Added the function IsIPAddress from hou yg (the ...
Version 1.1 corrects a relatively minor bug that affected only certain installations. It also has been updated to change SIDs associated with the permission settings of file and printer shares. ...
now supported, similar to the implementation of QuickCalc. Changes: + If background processing is enabled, during iteration the cursor is a combined arrow/hourglass to inform the user that he/...
M: Major version N: miNor version P: Patch number s: SVN number y: package year m: package month d: package day 4. wpa_supplicant_hostapd/ 4.1 wpa_supplicant...
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- Major configure/cpu rework allowing to enable/disable CPU options at runtime through .bochsrc (Stanislav) - Bugfixes for CPU emulation correctness and stability - Implemented X2APIC extensions ...