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cooler1217 写道最近迷失了,所以来看看你和月哥的博客 ...
怀念对我影响很大的一位领导 -
最近迷失了,所以来看看你和月哥的博客~~ 收获颇丰,你们都是我 ...
怀念对我影响很大的一位领导 -
集合操作的利器:CollectionUtils -
gudupiao 写道如果比较的不是String 是 ob ...
集合操作的利器:CollectionUtils -
如果比较的不是String 是 object 怎么办? ...
alter database default temporary tablespace tablespace_name;
alter tablespace tablespace_name offline/online;
alter tablespace tablespace_name read only;
alter tablespace tablespace_name rename datafile '$ORACLE_HOME/oradata/undo101.dbf' to '$ORACLE_HOME/oradata/undo102.dbf';
/*重命名系统表空间 ,但在重命名前必须将数据库shutdown,并重启到mount状态*/
alter database rename file '$ORACLE_HOME/oradata/system01.dbf' to '$ORACLE_HOME/oradata/system02.dbf';
drop tablespace userdata including contents and datafiles;---drop tablespce
/*resize tablespace,autoextend datafile space*/
alter database datafile '$ORACLE_HOME/oradata/undo102.dbf' autoextend on next 10m maxsize 500M;
/*resize datafile*/
alter database datafile '$ORACLE_HOME/oradata/undo102.dbf' resize 50m;
alter tablespace userdata add datafile '$ORACLE_HOME/oradata/undo102.dbf' size 10m;
alter system set db_create_file_dest='$ORACLE_HOME/oradata';
create tablespace userdata;---use OMF status to create tablespace;
drop tablespace userdata;---user OMF status to drop tablespace;
select * from dba_tablespace/v$tablespace/dba_data_files;
alter table table_name move partition partition_name tablespace tablespace_name;
###### ORACLE storage structure and relationships #########
alter table kong.test12 allocate extent(size 1m datafile '$ORACLE_HOME/oradata/undo102.dbf');
alter table kong.test12 deallocate unused; ---释放表中没有用到的分区
show parameter db;
alter system set db_8k_cache_size=10m; ---配置8k块的内存空间块参数
select * from dba_extents/dba_segments/data_tablespace;
select * from dba_free_space/dba_data_file/data_tablespace;
select sum(bytes) from dba_extents where ōnwer='kong' and segment_name ='table_name';
############ UNDO Data ################
show parameter undo;
alter tablespace users offline normal;
alter tablespace users offline immediate;
recover datafile '$ORACLE_HOME/oradata/undo102.dbf';
alter tablespace users online ;
select * from dba_rollback_segs;
alter system set undo_tablespace=undotbs1;
alter system set undo_suppress_errors=true;
create rollback segment rbs1 tablespace undotbs;
desc dbms_flashback;
execute dbms_flashback.enable_at_time('26-JAN-04:12:17:00 pm');
execute dbms_flashback.disable;
select end_time,begin_time,undoblks from v$undostat;
/*undo表空间的大小计算公式: UndoSpace=[UR * (UPS * DBS)] + (DBS * 24)
UPS :每秒的回滚数据块
DBS:系统EXTENT和FILE SIZE(也就是db_block_size)*/
select * from dba_rollback_segs/v$rollname/v$rollstat/v$undostat/v$session/v$transaction;
show parameter transactions;
show parameter rollback;
create public rollback segment prbs1 tablespace undotbs;
alter rollback segment rbs1 online;----在手工管理模式
/*在手工管理模式中,initSID.ora中指定 undo_management=manual 、rollback_segment=('rbs1','rbs2',...)、
transactions=100 、transactions_per_rollback_segment=10
然后 shutdown immediate ,startup pfile=....\???.ora */
########## Managing Tables ###########
/*char type maxlen=2000;varchar2 type maxlen=4000 bytes
rowid 是18位的64进制字符串 (10个bytes 80 bits)
rowid组成: object#(对象号)--32bits,6位
64进制: A-Z,a-z,0-9,/,+ 共64个符号
dbms_rowid 包中的函数可以提供对rowid的解释*/
select rowid,dbms_rowid.rowid_block_number(rowid),dbms_rowid.rowid_row_number(rowid) from table_name;
create table test2
id int,
lname varchar2(20) not null,
fname varchar2(20) constraint ck_1 check(fname like 'k%'),
empdate date default sysdate)
) tablespace tablespace_name;
create global temporary table test2 on commit delete/preserve rows as select * from kong.authors;
create table user.table(...) tablespace tablespace_name storage(...) pctfree10 pctused 40;
alter table user.tablename pctfree 20 pctused 50 storage(...);---changing table storage
alter table user.table_name allocate extent(size 500k datafile '...');
alter table table_name deallocate unused;
alter table table_name deallocate unused keep 8k;
alter table user.table_name move tablespace new_tablespace_name;
create index index_name on user.table_name(column_name) tablespace users;
alter index index_name rebuild;
drop table table_name [CASCADE CONSTRAINTS];
alter table user.table_name drop column col_name [CASCADE CONSTRAINTS CHECKPOINT 1000];---drop column
alter table user.table_name set unused column comments CASCADE CONSTRAINTS;
alter table user.table_name drop unused columns checkpoint 1000;
/*当在drop col是出现异常,使用CONTINUE,防止重删前面的column*/
select * from dba_tables/dba_objects;
3`.}#w R&h t4@*B ](j I2s0
######## managing indexes ##########
/*create index*/
create index index_name on table_name(column_name) tablespace tablespace_name;
create bitmap index index_name on table_name(column_name1,column_name2) tablespace tablespace_name;
create [bitmap] index index_name on table_name(column_name) tablespace tablespace_name pctfree 20 storage(inital 100k next 100k) ;
create [bitmap] index index_name table_name(column_name1,column_name2) tablespace_name pctfree 20 storage(inital 100k next 100k) nologging;
create index index_name on table_name(column_name) reverse;
create index index_name on table_name(function_name(column_name)) tablespace tablespace_name;
create table user.table_name(column_name number(7) constraint constraint_name primary key deferrable using index storage(initial 100k next 100k) tablespace tablespace_name,column_name2 varchar2(25) constraint constraint_name not null,column_name3 number(7)) tablespace tablespace_name;
/*给创建bitmap index分配的内存空间参数,以加速建索引*/
show parameter create_bit;
alter index index_name pctfree 30 storage(initial 200k next 200k);
alter index index_name allocate extent (size 200k datafile '$ORACLE/oradata/..');
alter index index_name deallocate unused;
alter index index_name rebuild tablespace tablespace_name;
alter index index_name rebuild tablespace tablespace_name reverse;
alter index index_name rebuild online;
alter index index_name COALESCE;
analyze index index_name validate structure;
desc index_state;
drop index index_name;
alter index index_name monitoring usage;-----监视索引是否被用到
alter index index_name nomonitoring usage;----取消监视
select * from dba_indexes/dba_ind_columns/dbs_ind_expressions/v$object_usage;
########## 数据完整性的管理(Maintaining data integrity) ##########
alter table table_name drop constraint constraint_name;----drop 约束
alter table table_name add constraint constraint_name primary key(column_name1,column_name2);-----创建主键
alter table table_name add constraint constraint_name unique(column_name1,column_name2);---创建唯一约束
alter table table_name add constraint constraint_name foreign key(column_name1) references table_name(column_name1);
alter table table_name add constraint constraint_name check(column_name like 'B%') enable/disable novalidate/validate;
alter table table_name modify constraint constraint_name initially deferred;
alter table table_name modify constraint constraint_name initially immediate;
alter session set constraints=deferred/immediate;
/*drop一个有外键的主键表,带cascade constraints参数级联删除*/
drop table table_name cascade constraints;
truncate table table_name;
alter table table_name disable constraint constraint_name;
alter table table_name enable novalidate constraint constraint_name;
alter table table_name add constraint constraint_name check(column_name >;15) enable validate exceptions into exceptions;
start $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlexcpt.sql;
select * from user_constraints/dba_constraints/dba_cons_columns;
################## managing password security and resources ####################
alter user user_name account unlock/open;----锁定/打开用户;
alter user user_name password expire;---设定口令到期
create profile profile_name limit failed_login_attempts 3 password_lock_times 1/1440;
create profile profile_name limit failed_login_attempts 3 password_lock_time unlimited password_life_time 30 password_reuse_time 30 password_verify_function verify_function password_grace_time 5;
create profile prfile_name limit session_per_user 2 cpu_per_session 10000 idle_time 60 connect_time 480;
alter user user_name profile profile_name;
alter profile profile_name limit password_lock_time 1/24;
alter profile profile_name limit password_lift_time 2 password_grace_time 3;
alter profile profile_name limit password_reuse_time 10[password_reuse_max 3];
alter user user_name identified by input_password;-----修改用户口令
drop profile profile_name;
drop profile profile_name CASCADE;
alter system set resource_limit=true;---启用自愿限制,缺省是false
alter profile profile_name limit cpu_per_session 10000 connect_time 60 idle_time 5;
cpu_per_session 每个session占用cpu的时间 单位1/100秒
sessions_per_user 允许每个用户的并行session数
connect_time 允许连接的时间 单位分钟
idle_time 连接被空闲多少时间后,被自动断开 单位分钟
logical_reads_per_session 读块数
private_sga 用户能够在SGA中使用的私有的空间数 单位bytes
cpu_per_call 每次(1/100秒)调用cpu的时间
logical_reads_per_call 每次调用能够读的块数
alter profile profile_name limit cpu_per_call 1000 logical_reads_per_call 10;
desc dbms_resouce_manager;---资源管理器包
select * from dba_users/dba_profiles;
###### Managing users ############
show parameter os;
create user testuser1 identified by kxf_001;
grant connect,createtable to testuser1;
alter user testuser1 quota 10m on tablespace_name;
create user user_name identified by password default tablespace tablespace_name temporary tablespace tablespace_name quota 15m on tablespace_name password expire;
alter database default temporary tablespace tablespace_name;
alter database default tablespace tablespace_name;
create user user_name identified by externally default OPS$tablespace_name tablespace_name temporary tablespace tablespace_name quota 15m on tablespace_name password expire;
alter user user_name quota 5m on tablespace_name;
drop user user_name [CASCADE];
desc dba_ts_quotas;select * from dba_ts_quotas where username='...';
alter user user_name default tablespace tablespace_name;
######## managing indexes ##########
/*create index*/
create index index_name on table_name(column_name) tablespace tablespace_name;
create bitmap index index_name on table_name(column_name1,column_name2) tablespace tablespace_name;
create [bitmap] index index_name on table_name(column_name) tablespace tablespace_name pctfree 20 storage(inital 100k next 100k) ;
create [bitmap] index index_name table_name(column_name1,column_name2) tablespace_name pctfree 20 storage(inital 100k next 100k) nologging;
create index index_name on table_name(column_name) reverse;
create index index_name on table_name(function_name(column_name)) tablespace tablespace_name;
create table user.table_name(column_name number(7) constraint constraint_name primary key deferrable using index storage(initial 100k next 100k) tablespace tablespace_name,column_name2 varchar2(25) constraint constraint_name not null,column_name3 number(7)) tablespace tablespace_name;
/*给创建bitmap index分配的内存空间参数,以加速建索引*/
show parameter create_bit;
alter index index_name pctfree 30 storage(initial 200k next 200k);
alter index index_name allocate extent (size 200k datafile '$ORACLE/oradata/..');
alter index index_name deallocate unused;
alter index index_name rebuild tablespace tablespace_name;
alter index index_name rebuild tablespace tablespace_name reverse;
alter index index_name rebuild online;
alter index index_name COALESCE;
analyze index index_name validate structure;
desc index_state;
drop index index_name;
alter index index_name monitoring usage;-----监视索引是否被用到
alter index index_name nomonitoring usage;----取消监视
select * from dba_indexes/dba_ind_columns/dbs_ind_expressions/v$object_usage;
########## 数据完整性的管理(Maintaining data integrity) ##########
alter table table_name drop constraint constraint_name;----drop 约束
alter table table_name add constraint constraint_name primary key(column_name1,column_name2);-----创建主键
alter table table_name add constraint constraint_name unique(column_name1,column_name2);---创建唯一约束
alter table table_name add constraint constraint_name foreign key(column_name1) references table_name(column_name1);
alter table table_name add constraint constraint_name check(column_name like 'B%') enable/disable novalidate/validate;
alter table table_name modify constraint constraint_name initially deferred;
alter table table_name modify constraint constraint_name initially immediate;
alter session set constraints=deferred/immediate;
/*drop一个有外键的主键表,带cascade constraints参数级联删除*/
drop table table_name cascade constraints;
truncate table table_name;
alter table table_name disable constraint constraint_name;
alter table table_name enable novalidate constraint constraint_name;
alter table table_name add constraint constraint_name check(column_name >;15) enable validate exceptions into exceptions;
start $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlexcpt.sql;
select * from user_constraints/dba_constraints/dba_cons_columns;
################## managing password security and resources ####################
alter user user_name account unlock/open;----锁定/打开用户;
alter user user_name password expire;---设定口令到期
create profile profile_name limit failed_login_attempts 3 password_lock_times 1/1440;
create profile profile_name limit failed_login_attempts 3 password_lock_time unlimited password_life_time 30 password_reuse_time 30 password_verify_function verify_function password_grace_time 5;
create profile prfile_name limit session_per_user 2 cpu_per_session 10000 idle_time 60 connect_time 480;
alter user user_name profile profile_name;
alter profile profile_name limit password_lock_time 1/24;
alter profile profile_name limit password_lift_time 2 password_grace_time 3;
alter profile profile_name limit password_reuse_time 10[password_reuse_max 3];
alter user user_name identified by input_password;-----修改用户口令
drop profile profile_name;
drop profile profile_name CASCADE;
alter system set resource_limit=true;---启用自愿限制,缺省是false
alter profile profile_name limit cpu_per_session 10000 connect_time 60 idle_time 5;
cpu_per_session 每个session占用cpu的时间 单位1/100秒
sessions_per_user 允许每个用户的并行session数
connect_time 允许连接的时间 单位分钟
idle_time 连接被空闲多少时间后,被自动断开 单位分钟
logical_reads_per_session 读块数
private_sga 用户能够在SGA中使用的私有的空间数 单位bytes
cpu_per_call 每次(1/100秒)调用cpu的时间
logical_reads_per_call 每次调用能够读的块数
alter profile profile_name limit cpu_per_call 1000 logical_reads_per_call 10;
desc dbms_resouce_manager;---资源管理器包
select * from dba_users/dba_profiles;
###### Managing users ############
show parameter os;
create user testuser1 identified by kxf_001;
grant connect,createtable to testuser1;
alter user testuser1 quota 10m on tablespace_name;
create user user_name identified by password default tablespace tablespace_name temporary tablespace tablespace_name quota 15m on tablespace_name password expire;
alter database default temporary tablespace tablespace_name;
alter database default tablespace tablespace_name;
create user user_name identified by externally default OPS$tablespace_name tablespace_name temporary tablespace tablespace_name quota 15m on tablespace_name password expire;
alter user user_name quota 5m on tablespace_name;
drop user user_name [CASCADE];
desc dba_ts_quotas;select * from dba_ts_quotas where username='...';
alter user user_name default tablespace tablespace_name;
######## managing indexes ##########
/*create index*/
create index index_name on table_name(column_name) tablespace tablespace_name;
create bitmap index index_name on table_name(column_name1,column_name2) tablespace tablespace_name;
create [bitmap] index index_name on table_name(column_name) tablespace tablespace_name pctfree 20 storage(inital 100k next 100k) ;
create [bitmap] index index_name table_name(column_name1,column_name2) tablespace_name pctfree 20 storage(inital 100k next 100k) nologging;
create index index_name on table_name(column_name) reverse;
create index index_name on table_name(function_name(column_name)) tablespace tablespace_name;
create table user.table_name(column_name number(7) constraint constraint_name primary key deferrable using index storage(initial 100k next 100k) tablespace tablespace_name,column_name2 varchar2(25) constraint constraint_name not null,column_name3 number(7)) tablespace tablespace_name;
/*给创建bitmap index分配的内存空间参数,以加速建索引*/
show parameter create_bit;
alter index index_name pctfree 30 storage(initial 200k next 200k);
alter index index_name allocate extent (size 200k datafile '$ORACLE/oradata/..');
alter index index_name deallocate unused;
alter index index_name rebuild tablespace tablespace_name;
alter index index_name rebuild tablespace tablespace_name reverse;
alter index index_name rebuild online;
alter index index_name COALESCE;
analyze index index_name validate structure;
desc index_state;
drop index index_name;
alter index index_name monitoring usage;-----监视索引是否被用到
alter index index_name nomonitoring usage;----取消监视
select * from dba_indexes/dba_ind_columns/dbs_ind_expressions/v$object_usage;
########## 数据完整性的管理(Maintaining data integrity) ##########
alter table table_name drop constraint constraint_name;----drop 约束
alter table table_name add constraint constraint_name primary key(column_name1,column_name2);-----创建主键
alter table table_name add constraint constraint_name unique(column_name1,column_name2);---创建唯一约束
alter table table_name add constraint constraint_name foreign key(column_name1) references table_name(column_name1);
alter table table_name add constraint constraint_name check(column_name like 'B%') enable/disable novalidate/validate;
alter table table_name modify constraint constraint_name initially deferred;
alter table table_name modify constraint constraint_name initially immediate;
alter session set constraints=deferred/immediate;
/*drop一个有外键的主键表,带cascade constraints参数级联删除*/
drop table table_name cascade constraints;
truncate table table_name;
alter table table_name disable constraint constraint_name;
alter table table_name enable novalidate constraint constraint_name;
alter table table_name add constraint constraint_name check(column_name >;15) enable validate exceptions into exceptions;
start $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlexcpt.sql;
select * from user_constraints/dba_constraints/dba_cons_columns;
################## managing password security and resources ####################
alter user user_name account unlock/open;----锁定/打开用户;
alter user user_name password expire;---设定口令到期
create profile profile_name limit failed_login_attempts 3 password_lock_times 1/1440;
create profile profile_name limit failed_login_attempts 3 password_lock_time unlimited password_life_time 30 password_reuse_time 30 password_verify_function verify_function password_grace_time 5;
create profile prfile_name limit session_per_user 2 cpu_per_session 10000 idle_time 60 connect_time 480;
alter user user_name profile profile_name;
alter profile profile_name limit password_lock_time 1/24;
alter profile profile_name limit password_lift_time 2 password_grace_time 3;
alter profile profile_name limit password_reuse_time 10[password_reuse_max 3];
alter user user_name identified by input_password;-----修改用户口令
drop profile profile_name;
drop profile profile_name CASCADE;
alter system set resource_limit=true;---启用自愿限制,缺省是false
alter profile profile_name limit cpu_per_session 10000 connect_time 60 idle_time 5;
cpu_per_session 每个session占用cpu的时间 单位1/100秒
sessions_per_user 允许每个用户的并行session数
connect_time 允许连接的时间 单位分钟
idle_time 连接被空闲多少时间后,被自动断开 单位分钟
logical_reads_per_session 读块数
private_sga 用户能够在SGA中使用的私有的空间数 单位bytes
cpu_per_call 每次(1/100秒)调用cpu的时间
logical_reads_per_call 每次调用能够读的块数
alter profile profile_name limit cpu_per_call 1000 logical_reads_per_call 10;
desc dbms_resouce_manager;---资源管理器包
select * from dba_users/dba_profiles;
###### Managing users ############
show parameter os;
create user testuser1 identified by kxf_001;
grant connect,createtable to testuser1;
alter user testuser1 quota 10m on tablespace_name;
create user user_name identified by password default tablespace tablespace_name temporary tablespace tablespace_name quota 15m on tablespace_name password expire;
alter database default temporary tablespace tablespace_name;
alter database default tablespace tablespace_name;
create user user_name identified by externally default OPS$tablespace_name tablespace_name temporary tablespace tablespace_name quota 15m on tablespace_name password expire;
alter user user_name quota 5m on tablespace_name;
drop user user_name [CASCADE];
desc dba_ts_quotas;select * from dba_ts_quotas where username='...';
alter user user_name default tablespace tablespace_name;CNOUG博客首页.T T w1@1B x#E l
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- [ship_9204_linux_disk1.cpio.gz](http://download.oracle.com/otn/linux/oracle9i/9204/ship_9204_linux_disk1.cpio.gz) - [ship_9204_linux_disk2.cpio.gz]...
1、本软件可作为简单的Oracle9i客户端使用,如用户对Oracle有更高的使用要求,请正式安装Oracle客户端或服务器。 2、本软件安装后,可使用自带的SQL Plus连接Oracle服务器,支持EXP、IMP命令。用户可以配合PLSQL ...
这份"Oracle9i学习资料(零基础)"显然是为了帮助初学者快速掌握Oracle数据库的基础知识和技能。 在学习Oracle9i之前,首先要了解数据库的基本概念。数据库是一个组织和存储数据的系统,它允许用户以结构化方式访问...
在“oracle9i310.msi”这个文件中,包含了Oracle 9i客户端的安装程序,用户只需运行此文件即可开始安装。 4. **使用说明.htm**:这个文件提供了关于如何使用客户端的指导,可能包括安装步骤、连接配置、基本操作等...
Oracle9i客户端精简版。 Oracle9i客户端精简版Oracle9i客户端精简版Oracle9i客户端精简版Oracle9i客户端精简版Oracle9i客户端精简版Oracle9i客户端精简版Oracle9i客户端精简版
Windows Server 2003 Oracle9i 安装指南 Windows Server 2003 是微软公司推出的服务器操作系统,而 Oracle9i 是 Oracle 公司推出的关系数据库管理系统。本文档将指导读者在 Windows Server 2003 上安装 Oracle9i ...
"oracle9i310.rar" 是一个压缩包,其中包含了Oracle 9i的简化客户端版本,适用于在虚拟机、老旧计算机或Windows XP系统上运行。由于其资源占用较小,因此特别适合这些环境下使用,同时也能连接到更高版本的Oracle...
本压缩包“oracle9i客户端精简免安装.rar”是专为Windows操作系统设计的Oracle9i客户端版本,旨在简化Oracle数据库的管理和操作,让用户无需进行复杂的安装过程即可快速使用。 Oracle9i客户端主要包括以下几个关键...
"游侠下载站使用说明.txt"可能是对获取和安装Oracle 9i的辅助指南,而"Oracle(CHM)"可能是一个包含Oracle 9i详细技术文档的离线帮助文件,用户可以通过查阅这个文件来学习和解决具体问题。 总的来说,Oracle 9i参考...
oracle9i下载地址, 分三个IOS文件, 加压即可安装.
Oracle9i的学习资料是深入理解数据库管理、SQL语言、PL/SQL编程以及数据库设计等核心概念的重要资源。 1. 数据库基础知识:Oracle9i基于关系模型,这意味着它以表格的形式存储数据,每个表格由列和行组成。学习...
Oracle 9i 物理结构是数据库管理系统的核心组成部分,它决定了数据如何在磁盘上存储、管理和访问。Oracle 9i 物理结构主要由以下几个关键组件构成: 1. **数据文件 (Data Files)**: 扩展名为 .DBF 的数据文件是...
### Oracle 9i 全备份导入到 11g 的处理方法 #### 一、问题背景 当将Oracle 9i的数据全备份导入到Oracle 11g版本时,经常会遇到由于`db_block_size`参数不一致导致的导入失败问题。这种情况下,如果直接进行导入...
Oracle 9i数据库系统是Oracle公司的一个重要版本,它提供了许多功能来支持数据管理,其中包括数据导入(IMP)和导出(EXP)工具。这两个工具是数据库管理员进行数据迁移、备份和恢复操作的关键组件。 **EXP(Export...
本教程“Oracle9i中文版基础培训教程”由赵松涛制作,旨在帮助初学者掌握Oracle 9i的基本操作和概念,对于那些从其他数据库系统(如MySQL)转而学习Oracle的人来说,这是一个宝贵的资源。 Oracle数据库系统的核心...
百度云盘下载地址https://pan.baidu.com/s/1iU5zzuVbm2-uJtzQGr98zw windows下安装Oracle9i