前面我有一篇《JBPM源码解读之:Fork》,大致分析了JBPM对于Fork的实现方式,其实Fork和Join是不可分割的一对,Fork实现分拆,Join实现汇集。先让我们看一下《JBPM 3.2.3 User Guide》中关于Join的描述: The default join assumes that all tokens that arrive in the join are children of the same parent. This situation is created when using the fork as mentioned above and when all tokens created by a fork arrive in the same join. A join will end every token that enters the join. Then the join will examine the parent-child relation of the token that enters the join. When all sibling tokens have arrived in the join, the parent token will be propagated over the (unique!) leaving transition. When there are still sibling tokens active, the join will behave as a wait state. 下面就让我们从JBPM源码的角度分析一下Join是如何关闭每一个到达它的Token,是如何检查各个子Token与父Token的父子关系,又是如何重新激活父Token实现流程的继续流转,更重要的也是我写这篇文章的原因:我们如何能从Join默认的实现方式中得到启发,让我们能够更好的理解JBPM整个运转流程,更好的驾驭整个项目。
1/** *//** 2 * specifies wether what type of hibernate lock should be acquired. null 3 * value defaults to LockMode.Force 4*/ 5 String parentLockMode; 6 7/** *//** 8 * specifies if this joinhandler is a discriminator. a descriminator 9 * reactivates the parent when the first concurrent token enters the join. 10 * 注: 11*/ 12boolean isDiscriminator =false; 13 14/** *//** 15 * a fixed set of concurrent tokens. 16*/ 17 Collection tokenNames =null; 18 19/** *//** 20 * a script that calculates concurrent tokens at runtime. 21*/ 22 Script script =null; 23 24/** *//** 25 * reactivate the parent if the n-th token arrives in the join. 26*/ 27int nOutOfM =-1;
1// the token arrived in the join and can only reactivate 2// the parent once 3 token.setAbleToReactivateParent(false); 4 总感觉这句是多余的,因为好像一个子Token只有一次机会进入Join节点,然后他的生命周期也就结束了,再者在execute方法的后面有 5 Iterator iter = parentToken.getChildren().values().iterator(); 6while (iter.hasNext()) { 7 ((Token) iter.next()).setAbleToReactivateParent(false); 8 } 9 略去关于处理Hibernate锁机制的代码,因为它并不直接影响这个流程的运作. 10 11boolean reactivateParent =true; 12 13// if this is a discriminator 14if (isDiscriminator) { 15// reactivate the parent when the first token arrives in the 16// join. this must be the first token arriving because 17// otherwise 18// the isAbleToReactivateParent() of this token should have 19// been false 20// above. 21 reactivateParent =true; 22 23// if a fixed set of tokenNames is specified at design 24// time 25 }elseif (tokenNames !=null) { 26// check reactivation on the basis of those tokenNames 27 reactivateParent = mustParentBeReactivated(parentToken, tokenNames.iterator()); 28 29// if a script is specified 30 }elseif (script !=null) { 31 32// check if the script returns a collection or a boolean 33 Object result =null; 34try{ 35 result = script.eval(token); 36 }catch (Exception e) { 37this.raiseException(e, executionContext); 38 } 39// if the result is a collection 40if (result instanceof Collection) { 41// it must be a collection of tokenNames 42 Collection runtimeTokenNames = (Collection) result; 43 reactivateParent = mustParentBeReactivated(parentToken, runtimeTokenNames.iterator()); 44 45// if it's a boolean 46 }elseif (result instanceof Boolean) { 47// the boolean specifies if the parent needs to be 48// reactivated 49 reactivateParent = ((Boolean) result).booleanValue(); 50 } 51 52// if a nOutOfM is specified 53 }elseif (nOutOfM !=-1) { 54 55int n =0; 56// wheck how many tokens already arrived in the join 57 Iterator iter = parentToken.getChildren().values().iterator(); 58while (iter.hasNext()) { 59 Token concurrentToken = (Token) iter.next(); 60if (this.equals(concurrentToken.getNode())) { 61 n++; 62 } 63 } 64if (n < nOutOfM) { 65 reactivateParent =false; 66 } 67 68// if no configuration is specified.. 69 }else{ 70// the default behaviour is to check all concurrent tokens 71// and reactivate 72// the parent if the last token arrives in the join 73 reactivateParent = mustParentBeReactivated(parentToken, parentToken.getChildren().keySet().iterator()); 74 } 75 76// if the parent token needs to be reactivated from this join 77// node 78if (reactivateParent) { 79 80// write to all child tokens that the parent is already 81// reactivated 82 Iterator iter = parentToken.getChildren().values().iterator(); 83while (iter.hasNext()) { 84 ((Token) iter.next()).setAbleToReactivateParent(false); 85 } 86 87// write to all child tokens that the parent is already 88// reactivated 89 ExecutionContext parentContext =new ExecutionContext(parentToken); 90 leave(parentContext); 91 } 92
jbpm jbpm4.3.jar DDDDDDDD
标题 "jbpm源码阅读之一" 提到的是对jbpm(Java Business Process Management)源代码的初步探索。jbpm是一个开源的工作流管理系统,它提供了一套完整的框架来处理业务流程,包括流程定义、执行和监控。这篇博客文章...
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