If you are serious about your website or blog, you should definitly
take the analytics part seriously. In this post I explain how to track
some events on your pages to help you improve the website. These
examples are targetting mostly Wordpress and Google Analytics users,
but most analytics tools should be able to perform these actions (if they don’t you should think about changing).
1. Site search
By tracking the searches on your website, you will know a little
more about what’s on your visitors’ mind. You can check if they found
some interesting results or if the information they were looking for
was missing. There is many ways to track this, here are two:
Track site search with a Wordpress plugin
If you have a Search box on your blog, Search Meter
automatically records what people are searching for and whether they
are finding what they are looking for. The plugin is great, but if you
already have many plugins on your website I wouldn’t recommend
installing one more. Get the plugin here
Track site search with Google Analytics
Tracking what people are searching on your website is fairly easy with Google Analytics, to do so you should go to your website profile
, then edit your Main Website profile information
. You can then add the query parameter
(usually “s” for Wordpress blogs).
2. Track your new RSS feed subscribers
If you want to get more feed subscribers, one good thing would be to
have data about which visitors are more likely to subscribe. Knowing
that helps you to chose how to focus your efforts to attract such
visitors. This technique is not perfect because only tracks clicks to
the feed, you can not be sure that people have subscribed. At least you
will know who shows interest for the subscription.
How to track your feed subscribers
To track your new subscribers, you should start by setting a goal in
Google Analytics, to do this you should go in your website’s Profile Settings
, then add a goal
and set it as in the following image. The goal url doesn’t have to be an existing one.
To set the goal in your template, you should then add the goal in
your WordPress theme. You can do so by adding this code (check the
Google Analytics help though, you may not be using the same version
than I do).
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="<?php bloginfo('name'); ?> RSS Feed" href="http://feeds2.feedburner.com/DailyDesignerNews
onclick="javascript:urchinTracker ('/rss/subscription');"
3. Track document downloads
If you take the time and effort to create textures for download,
vectors or an e-book, why wouldn’t you want to know how many people
download it. To track these downloads, there is many solutions,
following are two.
Use the WordPress Download Monitor plugin
This is the solution I chose, it makes adding new tracked download
from a WordPress post very easy. The only missing capability to this
plugin is that it doesn’t track the referrer for the downloads. Get the plugin here
Track downloads with Google Analytics
Tracking downloads with Google Analytics works the same way as
tracking RSS subscribers. Just set a goal for tracking links and add it
to your file’s link like suggested in point number 2 above. For more
advanced users and better productivity, you may want to have a look at
how to automatically track file downloads in Google Analytics
4. Track your WordPress comments with Google Analytics
Again, you will have for that to create a goal in your website’s profile.
Then, in the comments.php file in your template, you’ll need to find
the submit button and to add the onclick javascript piece in it as
<input name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" tabindex="5"
value="<?php echo attribute_escape(__('Submit Comment')); ?>" onclick="javascript:urchinTracker ('/submit/comment');"
在金融会计中使用SAP是一门复杂的学问,它要求对SAP软件尤其是SAP FI(财务会计)模块有深入了解。这篇文章将详细探讨SAP FI中的重要知识点。 ### 主数据(Master Data) ...例如: ...- 自动创建成本元素可以帮助确保...
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