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5 things make Kubuntu 9.10 special


Kubutnu is the first distribution will ship Plasma Netbook desktop under the name "Kubuntu Netbook Edition 9.10". From the name you can guess it is not the final product. Kubuntu took an early snapshot from plasma netbook shell and packaged them for 9.10 release. The first official release of Plasma Netbook desktop will be in KDE 4.4 which will be released in February 2010.

From beta release notes : "Kubuntu Netbook Edition 9.10 will be useful for many, but is not for everyone. It provides an early look at the plasma shell that will enable people to interact with standard KDE applications in a way optimized for netbook systems. It is useful, functional, and reliable. It does have a few rough edges, but should be usable by many people without problems."

Many users report it is useful and pretty good.

2-Message Indicator


Message Indicator

From beta release note:" A new message indicator has been added which currently has a plugins for Konversation, Quassel, Kopete and Kontact. No need to be distracted by IRC pings, instant message chats, or new emails when you don't want to be, but easy to find out who has been leaving messages for you when you want to."

This applet is home made for Kubuntu specially and most likely it will not go upstream due to  the conflict between plasma developers and kubutnu developers on how the notification should be .

3- KPackageKit



"Kubuntu 9.10 will include the latest release of KPackageKit. Key features added since Kubuntu 9.04 are new notifications, sweet animations, a history feature, usability fixes and a more robust overall experience with fewer bugs."

keep in mind that "KPackageKit does not install software " (at least till beta stage). Many users reported  issues in KPackageKit. I wonder why kubuntu team insist about it?

4- GTK+ Integration


GTK+ widget style configuration tool

"QtCurve 0.68.0 brings a refinement of the Oxygen-like widget style so that your GNOME apps will look more at home in KDE.
GTK+ widget style and fonts can now be configured from KDE. "

5- Userconfig 0.9


New user managment tool

"Everybody's favorite user management tool from the KDE3 days has been resurrected for Kubuntu 9.10. Userconfig offers a simple user interface as well as integration with System Settings." Userconfig will be moved to the upstream in near future hopefully.



    Kubuntu 9.10 下使用 VMware 6.5.1 build-126130

    5. **构建模块**:文件名"vmware-build-modules"可能是指一个用于构建VMware驱动模块的脚本或工具,这些模块需要与Kubuntu 9.10的内核版本匹配。在某些情况下,用户可能需要手动编译和安装这些模块,以确保虚拟硬件...

    硬盘安装KUBUNTU 10.04

    5. **在Windows下安装GRUB**:这一步涉及使用Windows版本的GRUB工具,例如GRUB4DOS。在Windows环境下,将GRUB安装到C盘的根目录,并编辑`C:\menu.lst`文件,添加针对KUBUNTU的引导项。这些项应该包含uuid(全局唯一...


    在IT领域,操作系统是计算机硬件与用户之间的重要接口,而Kubuntu是一款基于Ubuntu的Linux发行版,它提供了用户友好的图形界面和丰富的软件生态。本文将深入探讨“Kubuntu硬盘启动文件”及其安装过程。 首先,我们...

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    Kubuntu 8.04.1下配置JDK支持

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    适用于Amd 系列笔记本,可以直接启动运行。解决蓝牙驱动、显卡驱动、声音驱动等等问题。其中有5.9.8和5.10.rc4两个版本的内核,系统都是Kubuntu20,04

    kubuntu-20.04-desktop-amd64 安装盘 第二部分

    kubuntu-20.04-desktop-amd64 第二部分,共两部分,因为超过2G

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    kubuntu是基于 KDE 的一个非常友好的操作系统,中文名称"酷班图",是由ubuntu衍生的一款操作系统



    kubuntu-20.04.5-desktop-amd64 第二部分,共两部分,因为超过2G

    kubuntu-20.04.5-desktop-amd64 第二部分,共两部分,因为超过2G

    kubuntu-20.04.5-desktop-amd64 第一部分,共两部分,因为超过2G

    kubuntu-20.04.5-desktop-amd64 第一部分,共两部分,因为超过2G


    5. **配置地区与键盘布局** 设置你的地理位置,这将影响默认的语言设置和时间区。选择适合你的键盘布局,确保输入正确。 6. **创建用户账户** 输入用户名、密码以及计算机名。为了安全,建议启用自动登录或记住...




    我的Kubuntu设置在经历了与其他发行版的糟糕经历之后,我回到了Kubuntu和KDE。 之所以使用KDE,是因为太轻( 不比KDE 很多)。 还不存在。 在某些方面表现更好,但对我而言却无法击败KDE。 Kubuntu是因为...他们似乎...

    kubuntu-20.04-desktop-amd64 安装盘 第一部分

    kubuntu-20.04-desktop-amd64 第一部分,共两部分,因为超过2G

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