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Mithril Processing

Mithril Processing

Making mithril bolts has always been one of the most common items smithed at the Blast Furnace. To begin, you need some gold pieces to un-note ores, noted coal, noted mithril ore, and a hammer. Make sure you have enough gold to un-note all of the ores you are carrying. Your inventory should look similar to this:

Since un-noting 46 coal costs 1035 gold pieces and un-noting 23 mithril ore costs 1863 gold pieces, the total amount equals 2898 runescape gold pieces. Depending on the amount of ores you want to bring will affect the amount of gold pieces you will need to bring.

When at the Blast Furnace, select your noted coal and use it on Ordan. When asked how many to un-note, select "X". After that, enter the number 23 and accept the cost. Now drop the coal onto the conveyor belt and repeat this process 7 more times. You should now have 192 coal heading into the furnace. Un-note 23 mithril and drop it onto the conveyor belt. If there are a lot of people working on the furnace (usually at world 58), then un-note 23 more mithril ore as the other ores you put on the conveyor belt head into the furnace. Only deposit the next 23 mithril ore when the first batch has already appeared in the bar dispenser. Cool your bars off with a bucket of water from the sink and proceed to smith your mithril bars at the anvils.

Also, when on a world with many workers, by the time you are finished turning all of your mithril bars into bolts the next batch should have already spit out. Don't smith those bars just yet, deposit another 23 mithril ore onto the conveyor belt first, then proceed smithing the next batch.

If you find yourself waiting around on a populated server, you can deposit more coal onto the conveyor so you are never wasting time, but make sure you don't exceed 200 coal, or you will be stuck with coal in your inventory. Repeat this process until all of your materials are exhausted or want to stop.

Adamantite Processing

A slower, but more profitable method is making adamant platebodies. A Smithing level of 88 is required to train using this method. To begin, you need noted coal, a hammer, some gold pieces to un-note the coal, and the rest of the inventory filled with adamantite ore. Your inventory should look along the lines of this:

When you get decimal numbers in the cost to un-note ores or coal, the final number is rounded down. Since 75 coal costs 1687.5 gold pieces to un-note, the cost is rounded down to simply 1687 gold pieces.

When your runescape accounts at the Blast Furnace, first thing you do is free up your inventory by depositing the adamantite ore onto the conveyor belt. Next, select your noted coal and use it on Ordan and proceed to select 25 coal with option "X". Drop the coal onto the conveyor belt and repeat the process of un-noting coal 5 more times. You should now have 150 coal heading into the furnace. Grab a bucket and fill it with water while you are waiting. If you find yourself standing around waiting, go help others with the tasks of operating the Blast Furnace. When the bars deposit out of the dispenser, cool them off and proceed to make 5 adamant platebodies. After that, head to the bank in Keldagrim and head back to the Blast Furnace to repeat the process. If you have 96 Summoning,it will take a lot of time for your to reach that high leve,so you need to spend long time on runescape power leveling for summoning. you can use a Pack Yak to literally complete two runs in one trip with its 30 extra inventory slot. When finished with making all of your bars into platebodies, you can use high alchemy on them and reap the rewards.



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