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Top 10 Programming Fonts


I’m a typeface geek, and when it comes to selecting a font I’ll stare at all day, I tend to be pretty picky. Recently, when I discovered that a friend was using a sub par typeface (too horrible to name here) for his Terminal and coding windows, my jaw dropped, my heart sank a little, and I knew it was due time for me to compose this article.

What follows is a round-up of the top 10 readily-available monospace fonts. Many of these fonts are bundled along with modern operating systems, but most are free for download on the web. A few, notably Consolas, are part of commercial software.

A note about anti-aliasing

In the past, we’ve had to decide between tiny monospace fonts or jagged edges. But today, modern operating systems do a great job of anti-aliasing, making monospace fonts look great at any size. It’s not 1990 anymore. Give your tired eyes a break and bump up that font size.

If you have any doubt that anti-aliased fonts are apropos for code, note that even the venerable BBE dit — which for years has shipped with un-aliased Monaco 9 set as the default — has made the jump. The app now ships with a specially licensed version of the Consolas font from Ascender, bumped up in size, and with anti-aliasing on by default. Panic includes a special anti-aliased font (Panic Sans, which is actually just a version of Deja Vu Sans Mono) with its popular Coda application.

Unless otherwise noted, I’ve used a larger size font, 15-point in fact, for the examples here to illustrate their legibility at larger sizes and with anti-aliasing turned on.

10. Courier

All systems ship with a version of Courier (sometimes Courier New), and unfortunately, many have it set as the default font for terminal and editor windows. It does the job, but it’s a bit dull and boring, lacking style and class. I don’t recommend this font if you have any other choice — and fortunately, you do. If you use this font, please bump the size and turn on anti-aliasing.

Courier NewFigure 1 Courier New

9. Andale Mono

A bit better than the Courier family, Andale Mono is still relegated to the “default font” category as it ships with some systems, and you wouldn’t want to download or use it if it wasn’t already there. The character-spacing is a bit too clumsy and the letters are a bit too wide for my tastes.

Andale MonoFigure 2 Andale Mono

8. Monaco

Monaco is the default monospace font on the Mac and has been since its inclusion in System 6 . It’s a solid, workhorse font that really shines at smaller font sizes with anti-aliasing turned off . I loved this typeface back when my eyes could tolerate staring at a 9-point font for hours, but those days are behind me. This font looks great at 9 or 10-points (Figure 4), and doesn’t look too shabby anti-aliased at higher sizes (Figure 3).

As far as I know, you can only get Monaco as a part of Mac OS, but there are alternatives, so keep reading.

MonacoFigure 3 Monaco
Monaco 9Figure 4 Monaco 9-point, without anti-aliasing

7. Profont

Profont is a Monaco-like bitmap font available for Mac, Windows, and Linux (there’s also a modified version for Mac OS X called ProFontX by a different author). They’re best at smaller sizes, and make a great alternative to Monaco if you’re on a non-Mac platform and want really tiny fonts and the eyestrain that goes along with them.

Profont (and ProFontX) is intended for use at 9-points with anti-aliasing turned off.

ProfontFigure 5 Profont 9-point, without anti-aliasing

6. Monofur

Monofur is a unique monospace font that looks great anti-aliased at all sizes. It’s a fun font with a distinct look that is vaguely reminiscent of Sun’s OPEN LOOK window manager, which ran Solaris (aka SunOS) systems back in the late 80’s. If you’re looking for something a bit different, try this font, but make sure you have anti-aliasing turned on, even at small sizes.

MonofurFigure 6 Monofur

5. Proggy

Proggy is a clean monospace font that seems to be favored by Windows users, although it works fine on a Mac. It’s a clean font intended to be used only at smaller points, and without anti-aliasing.

Proggy CleanFigure 7 Proggy Clean at 15-point (yes, 15-point), without anti-aliasing

4. Droid Sans Mono

The Droid font family (available for download here ) is a nice font family designed for use on the small screens of mobile handsets, like Android , and licensed under the Apache license.

Droid Sans Mono makes for a great programming font. It’s got a bit of flair, and stands out among the other monospace fonts I’ve listed, and its only real flaw is the lack of a slashed zero.

Droid Sans MonoFigure 8 Droid Sans Mono

3. Deja Vu Sans Mono

The Deja Vu family of fonts are one of my favorite free font families, based on the excellent Vera Font family . The Deja Vu fonts have been updated with a wider range of characters while maintaining a similar look and feel to that of Vera.

This was my go-to font family for many years. It looks great at any size with anti-aliasing turned on.

Panic ships a font with it’s Coda application called “Panic Sans” which is based on this font. Gruber says via email that when he compared Panic Sans against Vera, he noted that “Panic had noticeably crisper punctuation chars” and that it seemed like they had improved the hinting on some characters as well.

Deja Vu Sans MonoFigure 9 Deja Vu Sans Mono

2. Consolas

Consolas suddenly appeared on my Mac after I installed Microsoft Office, along with a handful of other new fonts from Microsoft.

This font was designed by Luc(as) de Groot for Microsoft’s ClearType font family (there’s a nice write-up with samples of each of the new Microsoft fonts here ). Consolas is a commercial font, but is bundled with many Microsoft products, so there’s a good chance you might already have it on your system.

You’ll absolutely want to have anti-aliasing turned on if you’re using Consolas, because it’ll look terrible without it.

Too bad it’s not free … if it was, it would be #1 on this list.

ConsolasFigure 10 Consolas

1. Inconsolata

Inconsolata is my favorite monospaced font, and it’s free. Shortly after discovering it, it quickly supplanted Deja Vu Sans Mono as my go-to programming font. I use it everywhere, from Terminal windows to code editors. It has a certain sublime style that’s unique without being over the top, and it looks fantastic at both large and small sizes. I use this font when I show code samples in a presentation, and it’s the font we use in Terminal and TextMate windows when filming PeepCode screencasts .

Inconsolata is designed to be used with anti-aliasing enabled, but it’s surprisingly legible even at very small sizes. A big thanks to Raph Levien for creating this font, and for making it free .

InconsolataFigure 11 Inconsolata


Did I miss your favorite coding typeface? Think the list is out of order? Let me know. If there’s a typeface you think should be in this list, please let me know in the comments section below. If it meets my ridiculous standards, I’ll review it and include it in a follow-up article.



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    项目工程资源经过严格测试运行并且功能上ok,可实现复现复刻,拿到资料包后可实现复现出一样的项目,本人系统开发经验充足(全栈全领域),有任何使用问题欢迎随时与我联系,我会抽时间努力为您解惑,提供帮助 【资源内容】:包含源码+工程文件+说明等。答辩评审平均分达到96分,放心下载使用!可实现复现;设计报告也可借鉴此项目;该资源内项目代码都经过测试运行,功能ok 【项目价值】:可用在相关项目设计中,皆可应用在项目、毕业设计、课程设计、期末/期中/大作业、工程实训、大创等学科竞赛比赛、初期项目立项、学习/练手等方面,可借鉴此优质项目实现复刻,设计报告也可借鉴此项目,也可基于此项目来扩展开发出更多功能 【提供帮助】:有任何使用上的问题欢迎随时与我联系,抽时间努力解答解惑,提供帮助 【附带帮助】:若还需要相关开发工具、学习资料等,我会提供帮助,提供资料,鼓励学习进步 下载后请首先打开说明文件(如有);整理时不同项目所包含资源内容不同;项目工程可实现复现复刻,如果基础还行,也可在此程序基础上进行修改,以实现其它功能。供开源学习/技术交流/学习参考,勿用于商业用途。质量优质,放心下载使用,资源为网络商品(电子资料类)基于网络商品和电子资料商品的性质和特征不支持退款,质量优质,放心下载使用

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