A lot of stuff was announced today at MIX09 (and Scott Guthrie is always fun to watch) and one of the more interesting things was that Silverlight is supporting an Out of Browser Experience. At first I thought AIR would be the direct competitor but after sitting in on Mike Harsh’s session, I think AIR and the Silverlight OOB (Out of Browser) are two very different technologies for two very different scenarios.
Because you’re in the browser context, Silverlight OOB doesn’t make you install anything extra, you can just bring any piece of Silverlight content to the desktop. Silverlight OOB has both events you can call as well as a right-click context menu item that becomes available when you edit the application’s manifest file. When you do that, you get a dialog box with an icon you can customize and the option to add the application to the start menu and/or desktop. Uninstallation is done through the same right-click menu. Silverlight OOB applications don’t show up in the add/remove programs menu or Applications directory. In some ways it is similar to Gears’ Desktop API. With AIR applications, you of course have to download the AIR runtime and you get the standard AIR installation screen and the user has to click through a couple of times. We also want you to sign your applications because when a user installs an AIR application, they’re not in the browser security sandbox but a regular desktop security sandbox.
System Access/Features
The major difference, and what really causes all of the other differences, is that Silverlight OOB runs in the web browser’s sandbox. That means you can’t do anything the web browser can’t do. That means no full file system access, custom chrome, notifications, native menus, etc. Silverlight OOB gives you a bit of isolated storage space where you can read and write from the hard drive, but not direct access like AIR. Everything aside from that isolated storage has to go through a save/open dialog. This is the clear separation between AIR and Silverlight OOB because the install process you go through with AIR gives you access to more desktop hooks. Silverlight OOB also doesn’t have any kind of SQL database and you’re restricted to non printable characters when you’re in full screen mode. Mike said in his session that the Silverlight OOB team was looking into SQL as an option down the road.
Tim Heuer has a pretty good post up about the differences in updating applications. The significant difference I saw is that with Silverlight OOB, your users are required to update. With AIR, the developer gets to choose whether or not to force users to download an update. The Silverlight team is looking at allowing developers a choice Tim says.
AIR and Silverlight OOB don’t really compete in the same space. AIR is about letting you take your web application skills to build desktop applications and Silverlight OOB is more about letting you take your Silverlight applications to the desktop. The different models will be different for everyone, but right now AIR gives you a lot more flexibility and more API hooks into the operating system. You can also combine HTML and Flash and it doesn’t sound like you have any HTML functionality in Silverlight OOB. I obviously work for Adobe, so I’m biased in favor of the AIR model, but I think Silverlight OOB has a lot of good scenarios; it just doesn’t really compete with AIR in my mind. And I think we’ll be watching to see how developers use it and if there’s a demand for that kind of experience with Flash.
它与Adobe的Flash类似,为Web开发人员提供了一种在浏览器中创建交互式、动画丰富的用户体验的方式。Silverlight插件是这个技术的核心组成部分,允许用户在浏览器中运行由Silverlight技术构建的网页内容。 ### ...
Silverlight 是微软推出的一个轻量级的插件,用于在 Web 浏览器中提供类似 WPF 的丰富用户体验。它的主要目标是跨浏览器、跨平台的交互性应用,特别是在媒体和富互联网应用(RIA)方面。 1. **什么是 Silverlight**...
本项目主要探讨的是如何在Visual Studio 2010中利用Silverlight 5创建一个Out-of-Browser(OOB)应用程序,这种应用程序可以在用户计算机上独立运行,而不是局限于浏览器环境。OOB模式为Silverlight应用提供了更大的...
7. **离线应用支持**:通过Out-of-Browser(OOB)功能,Silverlight 5的应用程序可以脱离浏览器独立运行,并且可以设置为桌面图标,提供类似桌面应用的体验。 ### 包含的文件详解 1. **Silverlight5_Tools.exe**:...
SilverLight,作为微软推出的一种富互联网应用程序(RIA)技术,曾在Web开发领域引发热潮,尤其在VS2008发布后,它与Visual Studio的完美结合使得开发者能够创建出具有丰富交互性和高质量多媒体体验的Web应用。...
Microsoft Silverlight是一个跨浏览器的、跨平台的插件,为网络带来下一代基于.NETFramework的媒体体验和丰富的交互式应用程序
然而,随着时间的推移,不同版本的Silverlight应用可能会在同一台电脑上引发冲突,导致程序运行不正常或者用户体验下降。针对这一问题,我们可以探讨一种简单而有效的解决策略。 首先,理解Silverlight应用程序的...
4. **与传统Winform和Webform的区别**:与需要.NET Framework环境的Winform不同,Silverlight作为浏览器插件运行,提供媒体体验和丰富的交互性应用。在Webform中,可以通过引用.xap包将Silverlight集成到网页中。 5...
**Silverlight在线编辑器**是一种基于Microsoft Silverlight技术构建的富文本编辑工具,它允许用户在Web浏览器中直接创建、编辑和格式化文本内容。Silverlight作为一种强大的RIA(Rich Internet Application)框架,...
3. **深色主题**:与传统的网页元素相比,Silverlight提供了更加现代和吸引人的界面设计,包括深色主题,提升了用户的视觉体验。 4. **交互性**:通过XAML(可扩展应用标记语言)进行用户界面布局,Silverlight可以...
Silverlight是微软推出的一款跨浏览器、跨平台的插件技术,用于在Web上提供丰富的媒体体验和交互式应用程序。它基于.NET Framework,旨在增强网页的多媒体和交互性,与Adobe Flash形成了竞争。Silverlight 4是其一个...
它是一种插件,可以在支持的Web浏览器中运行,为用户提供高质量的多媒体体验。Silverlight应用程序通常由XAML(Extensible Application Markup Language)定义界面布局和UI元素,C#或VB.NET编写业务逻辑,并通过.NET...