Annotation 提供了一条与程序元素关联任何信息或者任何元数据(metadata)的途径。从某些方面看,annotation就像修饰符一样被使用,并应用于包、类型、构造方法、方法、成员变量、参数、本地变量的声明中。这些信息被存储在annotation的“name=value”结构对中。为程序在编译、运行时提供一定的信息,做相应的处理。
a.JDK内置的annotation ,api有对应的annotation类型说明 :
Marker Annotation 标示 ,名称本身已提供修饰所要表达的信息,因此不需要参数,类似于Serializable接口 : @override(覆写)、@Deprecated(不建议使用);
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked","deprecation"}) {}:代表数组
# 语法
public @interface AnnotationTest {
String msg() default "hello";
String value();
String[] names() default {"shi","Jim"};
2、value是默认的annotation属性。区别在于使用 :@AnnotationTest("hello") ,但其它名称的属性必须制定名称,如 @AnnotationTest(msg="hello")
5、annotation体内允许的数据类型为 :primitive type , String , Class , Annotation , enum , 一维数组。
使用@interface定义annotation型态时,实际自动继承了java.lang.annotation 包的Interface Annotation 接口。编译器自动完成了其它的细节。
public interface Annotation :
The common interface extended by all annotation types. Note that an interface that manually extends this one does not define an annotation type. Also note that this interface does not itself define an annotation type.
翻译 :所有的Annotation类型都继承此公共接口。注意,如果一个接口显示的继承此接口,并不能定义一个Annotation类型 ;且此接口也没有定义一个Annotation类型(仅为普通接口)。
编译器、JVM怎么处理注解呢?从下面这个例子 :
public @interface Override
java.lang.annotation Annotation Type Retention
public @interface Retention
Indicates how long annotations with the annotated type are to be retained. If no Retention annotation is present on an annotation type declaration, the retention policy defaults to RetentionPolicy.CLASS.
A Target meta-annotation has effect only if the meta-annotated type is use directly for annotation. It has no effect if the meta-annotated type is used as a member type in another annotation type.
public enum RetentionPolicy
extends Enum<RetentionPolicy>
Annotation retention policy. The constants of this enumerated type describe the various policies for retaining annotations. They are used in conjunction with the Retention meta-annotation type to specify how long annotations are to be retained.
Enum Constant Summary
Annotations are to be recorded in the class file by the compiler but need not be retained by the VM at run time.(编译后注解被存储在class文件中,但不需要在运行时被JVM读取存储)
Annotations are to be recorded in the class file by the compiler and retained by the VM at run time, so they may be read reflectively.(编译后注解被存储在class文件中,且在运行时被JVM读取,因此可以通过反射动态获取注解提供的信息)
Annotations are to be discarded by the compiler.(编译后注解被丢弃,即注解信息只存在于源文件)
结论 :重点在于RUNTIME策略,众多流行的框架对注解的使用都利用此特性。
提供Annotation信息的主要接口 : java.lang.reflect Interface
All Known Implementing Classes :
AccessibleObject, Class, Constructor, Field, Method, Package
public interface AnnotatedElement
Represents an annotated element of the program currently running in this VM. This interface allows annotations to be read reflectively. All annotations returned by methods in this interface are immutable and serializable.
Demo :项目TestIdea下的com.anonation.reflect包 (仅提醒自己)
E、@Target :指明annotation被用于那种程序元素,不声明Target时默认为任何程序元素。
java.lang.annotation Annotation Type Target
public @interface Target
Indicates the kinds of program element to which an annotation type is applicable. If a Target meta-annotation is not present on an annotation type declaration, the declared type may be used on any program element. If such a meta-annotation is present, the compiler will enforce the specified usage restriction.
具体的ANNOTATION_TYPE,请参考java.lang.annotation Enum ElementType 。
public @interface Test {
String desc();
java.lang.annotation Annotation Type Inherited
Indicates that an annotation type is automatically inherited.
Note that this meta-annotation type has no effect if the annotated type is used to annotate anything other than a class. Note also that this meta-annotation only causes annotations to be inherited from superclasses; annotations on implemented interfaces have no effect.
翻译大意 :表明Annotation类型被自动继承。注意,只有Annotation被用于类时,继承才会生效。
注 :根据风中叶老师的Annotation视频,学习记录。谢谢风中叶老师。[/size]
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2.1 针对失败而测试 2.2 工厂 2.3 数据驱动测试 2.4 异步测试 2.5 测试多线程代码 2.6 性能测试 2.7 模拟和桩 2.8 依赖的测试 2.9 继承和annotation范围 2.10 测试分组 2.11 代码覆盖率 2.12 本章小结 第3章 ...
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<tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager="transactionManager"/> <!-- 定义其他业务逻辑 Bean --> ``` #### 4. 整合 Struts2 和 Spring 为了让 Struts2 能够利用 Spring 的依赖注入特性,需要进行一些...
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- `<mvc:annotation-driven>` 开启对注解的自动扫描,支持 @RequestMapping 等注解。 - `<context:component-scan>` 指定包扫描范围,找到带有 @Controller 注解的类。 例如: ```xml <context:component-scan ...
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