The SWT event-processing cycle is depicted in figure4.1. It begins with the operating system’s event queue, which records and lists actions taken by the user. Once
an SWT application begins running, its Display class sorts through this queue
using its readAndDispatch() method and msg field, which acts as a handle to the
underlying OS message queue. If it finds anything relevant, it sends the event to
its top-level Shell object, which determines which widget should receive the
event. The Shell then sends the event to the widget that the user acted on, which
transfers this information to an associated interface called a listener. One of the listener’s methods performs the necessary processing or invokes another method to
handle the user’s action, called an event handler.
When making a widget responsive to events, the main tasks of the GUI designer
are determining which events need to be acted on, creating and associating listeners to sense these events, and then building event handlers to perform the necessary processing.
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event.detail &= ~SWT.FOREGROUND; break; } ``` ### 二、实现步骤 接下来,我们详细介绍如何在 SWT Table 中实现换行功能的具体步骤: 1. **创建 Table 控件**: 首先需要创建一个 Table 控件并添加到容器中...
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