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在ubuntu server下安装Oracle XE


以前都是在开发环境中使用oracle的轻量级服务器oracle xe。是在windows环境下,见适合开发人员的Oracle10g环境。


ubuntu server是很好的linux服务器版本,但是得到的企业支持较少,比如oracle,比如其他软件提供商。

公司需要移植以前oracle数据库的东西出来。为了应急,在ubuntu server上安装一个express edition(XE)。这个版本在ubuntu上安装十分容易。

首先需要设置oracle xe版本的源:

sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list

deb http://oss.oracle.com/debian unstable main non-free

然后需要将该源服务器的公钥添加在本地 apt 系统的密钥库中:
wget http://oss.oracle.com/el4/RPM-GPG-KEY-oracle  -O- | sudo apt-key add -

apt-get update

安装oracle xe服务器:
apt-get install oracle-xe

sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure


sudo vim /etc/environment




source /etc/environment


sqlplus system/password@XE




sudo vim /usr/lib/oracle/tnsnames.ora


XE =
         (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))
         (SERVICE_NAME = XE)



sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-xe restart



2 楼 eimhee 2009-11-04  
Oracle Express Edition / on Ubuntu Edgy 6.10

I am using the Edgy Server, so I will show you how to set things up so that they work whether you have X-Windows installed or not. This has also been successfully tested on Hardy LTS.

As usual, Oracle needs a lot of resources, with a minumum for the server of 512 MBytes of Ram and 1024 MBytes of Swap and 1.5 Gbytes of free disk space. This requirements are checked by the install package. As the amount of swap isn't the default value for a fresh install, be aware of that. A workaround for that is described in http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/linux/install/xe-on-kubuntu.html Oracle10gDapper mentions a dependency on libaio1 and bc - but I don't recall it being a problem on my Edgy installation (the latest oracle-xe package lists them as dependencies inside the package and apt-get will install them for you should they not already be installed).
Requirements for NFS

If you are installing onto nfs (ie, if /usr/lib is on an nfs volume), oracle is very picky about the mount options you must use. You won't get any error message during the configure step - oracle just won't work. These mount options seem to make oracle happy:

It's best to create a new oracle mountpoint (/usr/lib/oracle) and mount a separate nfs export to there (since you might not want all those options on the rest of your nfs mounted filesystem).

Add this line to /etc/apt/sources.list file:
deb http://oss.oracle.com/debian unstable main non-free

Next, you will need to add the GPG key.
wget http://oss.oracle.com/el4/RPM-GPG-KEY-oracle  -O- | sudo apt-key add -

As root, type:
apt-get update
apt-get install oracle-xe
/etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure

Edit your .bashrc file to include the lines:

export PATH

Start a new bash shell for the changes to take effect. To log in as a database administrator:
sqlplus sys as sysdba

It will then be possible for you to create and unlock user accounts using Oracle SQL commands - they details of which are beyond the scope of this doc.
Testing the Oracle-supplied example database

Oracle have thoughtfully provided a dummy database for you to play with. There is a user called HR with some tables in them. It provides a good test to check that everything is up-and-running. Gain admin access using 'sqlplus sys as sydba' (shown above). Choose a password for user HR (which I will denote by $password) and then type
alter user HR account unlock ;
alter user HR identified by $password ;

Now attempt to examine the database as user HR:
sqlplus HR/$password
SELECT table_name FROM user_tables;
SELECT * FROM regions ;

The first SELECT statement should give you a list of user tables that you can play with (in this example, they are: REGIONS, LOCATIONS, DEPARTMENTS, JOBS, EMPLOYEES, JOB_HISTORY, COUNTRIES). The second SELECT statement shows a list of entries in the REGIONS table. Hopefully everything will show up fine. In the INSERT INTO line, I add a record to the database so that we can prove what database we are connected to. COMMIT just commits the new item.
Connecting via Windows

If the above works, we should be on the home straight. Let's try to connect to our Ubuntu box from Windows. I have assumed that you have set up Oracle on Windows. Edit the file TNSNAMES.ORA, which may typically be found in the directory C:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Db_1\NETWORK\ADMIN and add the following lines:
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = $IP)(PORT = 1521))

where $CONNID is whatever connection ID you want to use. You could use a name like UBUNTU; but I prefer to give it the name of the server that is running Oracle. $IP is the IP address of your Ubuntu box, typically something like - but you'll have to decide the actual address for yourself (hint: run ifconfig , look at eth0 section, inet addr address). Save and exit. Start a DOS shell, and enter the command:
sqlplus HR@$CONNID

where, of course, you'll have to enter whatever connection ID $CONNID is. You will also need to supply the password that you created for HR. Examine what's in the database. See the "Testing ..." section above to see what tables are available. If you performed the actions specified in that section, then, if you type
SELECT * FROM regions ;

you should see the 'Outer Mongolia' entry that you created. And that's about it! Everything should now be set up, ready for you to do proper adminning of the database in accordance with standard procedures.

Some random tips which mostly appeared in Oracle10gDapper.
HTTP Interface

Now for creating users / schema / ... you have a nice http interface to do it :

No more need of java. If like me you install this Oracle database on a server without a graphic X server, you may need to use a SSH port forwarding
ssh -L 8080:localhost:8080 user@IP_of_your_server

Personally, I (MarkCarter2), use Edgy Server, and use putty from Windows to connect to my Ubuntu box. I then do "sqlplus sys as sydba" to administer accounts that way. For me, it's much less fiddle than either method mentioned above

Apparently, here are 3 packages to select from:
oracle-xe - Oracle Database 10g Express Western European Edition
oracle-xe-client - Oracle Client 10g Express Edition
oracle-xe-universal - Oracle Database 10g Express Universal Edition

I copied the above information from Oracle10gDapper, but I am not sure of the significance of these. You can probably ignore this, as the method I have outlined on this page seems to be adequate anyway.
Installation Troubleshooting

NFS: see Requirements for NFS, above. Others: the directory /usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server/config/log contains the logfiles of the sql scripts run to initially set up the database. If you are having problems with oracle not starting up, check these files. ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist If this Error appears while connecting, check the following thing: If the command "bc" is installed. if not type
sudo apt-get install bc
aptitude purge oracle-xe-universal
apt-get install oracle-xe
or (apt-get install oracle-xe-universal)

If you now get an error saying that your Swap space is to small please look at the Swap Documentation Entry.
See Also

Oracle How to Install on kubuntu : http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/linux/install/xe-on-kubuntu.html Oracle10gDapper - Oracle Express Edition 10g R2 / on Ubuntu Dapper 6.06 LTS RevTech Zero's Database Blog - Oracle 10g R2 / Enterprise / Standard on Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon 7.10 http://revtech0.webonsites.com/blog.html http://mapopa.blogspot.com/2006/03/installing-oracle-on-ubuntu-breezy.html Oracle FAQ, Forum, Wiki, etc. at http://www.orafaq.com/
1 楼 eimhee 2009-11-04  
Oracle Express Edition / on Ubuntu Edgy 6.10

I am using the Edgy Server, so I will show you how to set things up so that they work whether you have X-Windows installed or not. This has also been successfully tested on Hardy LTS.

As usual, Oracle needs a lot of resources, with a minumum for the server of 512 MBytes of Ram and 1024 MBytes of Swap and 1.5 Gbytes of free disk space. This requirements are checked by the install package. As the amount of swap isn't the default value for a fresh install, be aware of that. A workaround for that is described in http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/linux/install/xe-on-kubuntu.html Oracle10gDapper mentions a dependency on libaio1 and bc - but I don't recall it being a problem on my Edgy installation (the latest oracle-xe package lists them as dependencies inside the package and apt-get will install them for you should they not already be installed).
Requirements for NFS

If you are installing onto nfs (ie, if /usr/lib is on an nfs volume), oracle is very picky about the mount options you must use. You won't get any error message during the configure step - oracle just won't work. These mount options seem to make oracle happy:

It's best to create a new oracle mountpoint (/usr/lib/oracle) and mount a separate nfs export to there (since you might not want all those options on the rest of your nfs mounted filesystem).

Add this line to /etc/apt/sources.list file:
deb http://oss.oracle.com/debian unstable main non-free

Next, you will need to add the GPG key.
wget http://oss.oracle.com/el4/RPM-GPG-KEY-oracle  -O- | sudo apt-key add -

As root, type:
apt-get update
apt-get install oracle-xe
/etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure

Edit your .bashrc file to include the lines:

export PATH

Start a new bash shell for the changes to take effect. To log in as a database administrator:
sqlplus sys as sysdba

It will then be possible for you to create and unlock user accounts using Oracle SQL commands - they details of which are beyond the scope of this doc.
Testing the Oracle-supplied example database

Oracle have thoughtfully provided a dummy database for you to play with. There is a user called HR with some tables in them. It provides a good test to check that everything is up-and-running. Gain admin access using 'sqlplus sys as sydba' (shown above). Choose a password for user HR (which I will denote by $password) and then type
alter user HR account unlock ;
alter user HR identified by $password ;

Now attempt to examine the database as user HR:
sqlplus HR/$password
SELECT table_name FROM user_tables;
SELECT * FROM regions ;

The first SELECT statement should give you a list of user tables that you can play with (in this example, they are: REGIONS, LOCATIONS, DEPARTMENTS, JOBS, EMPLOYEES, JOB_HISTORY, COUNTRIES). The second SELECT statement shows a list of entries in the REGIONS table. Hopefully everything will show up fine. In the INSERT INTO line, I add a record to the database so that we can prove what database we are connected to. COMMIT just commits the new item.
Connecting via Windows

If the above works, we should be on the home straight. Let's try to connect to our Ubuntu box from Windows. I have assumed that you have set up Oracle on Windows. Edit the file TNSNAMES.ORA, which may typically be found in the directory C:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Db_1\NETWORK\ADMIN and add the following lines:
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = $IP)(PORT = 1521))

where $CONNID is whatever connection ID you want to use. You could use a name like UBUNTU; but I prefer to give it the name of the server that is running Oracle. $IP is the IP address of your Ubuntu box, typically something like - but you'll have to decide the actual address for yourself (hint: run ifconfig , look at eth0 section, inet addr address). Save and exit. Start a DOS shell, and enter the command:
sqlplus HR@$CONNID

where, of course, you'll have to enter whatever connection ID $CONNID is. You will also need to supply the password that you created for HR. Examine what's in the database. See the "Testing ..." section above to see what tables are available. If you performed the actions specified in that section, then, if you type
SELECT * FROM regions ;

you should see the 'Outer Mongolia' entry that you created. And that's about it! Everything should now be set up, ready for you to do proper adminning of the database in accordance with standard procedures.

Some random tips which mostly appeared in Oracle10gDapper.
HTTP Interface

Now for creating users / schema / ... you have a nice http interface to do it :

No more need of java. If like me you install this Oracle database on a server without a graphic X server, you may need to use a SSH port forwarding
ssh -L 8080:localhost:8080 user@IP_of_your_server

Personally, I (MarkCarter2), use Edgy Server, and use putty from Windows to connect to my Ubuntu box. I then do "sqlplus sys as sydba" to administer accounts that way. For me, it's much less fiddle than either method mentioned above

Apparently, here are 3 packages to select from:
oracle-xe - Oracle Database 10g Express Western European Edition
oracle-xe-client - Oracle Client 10g Express Edition
oracle-xe-universal - Oracle Database 10g Express Universal Edition

I copied the above information from Oracle10gDapper, but I am not sure of the significance of these. You can probably ignore this, as the method I have outlined on this page seems to be adequate anyway.
Installation Troubleshooting

NFS: see Requirements for NFS, above. Others: the directory /usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server/config/log contains the logfiles of the sql scripts run to initially set up the database. If you are having problems with oracle not starting up, check these files. ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist If this Error appears while connecting, check the following thing: If the command "bc" is installed. if not type
sudo apt-get install bc
aptitude purge oracle-xe-universal
apt-get install oracle-xe
or (apt-get install oracle-xe-universal)

If you now get an error saying that your Swap space is to small please look at the Swap Documentation Entry.
See Also

Oracle How to Install on kubuntu : http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/linux/install/xe-on-kubuntu.html Oracle10gDapper - Oracle Express Edition 10g R2 / on Ubuntu Dapper 6.06 LTS RevTech Zero's Database Blog - Oracle 10g R2 / Enterprise / Standard on Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon 7.10 http://revtech0.webonsites.com/blog.html http://mapopa.blogspot.com/2006/03/installing-oracle-on-ubuntu-breezy.html Oracle FAQ, Forum, Wiki, etc. at http://www.orafaq.com/



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