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正遇到了此问题不知如何解决, 多谢分享
public void assignDispatcherToThread() { Dispatcher.setInstance(dispatcher); }
/** * Store the dispatcher instance for this thread. * * @param instance The instance */ public static void setInstance(Dispatcher instance) { Dispatcher.instance.set(instance); }
/** * Provide a thread local instance. */ private static ThreadLocal<Dispatcher> instance = new ThreadLocal<Dispatcher>();
预处理完成后就判断是否有不需要处理的请求,如果有则 struts不处理,继续执行, 否则struts2过滤过来进行处理
if ( excludedPatterns != null && prepare.isUrlExcluded(request, excludedPatterns)) { chain.doFilter(request, response);
request = prepare.wrapRequest(request);
为什么要包装requst呢?因为是为了处理文件上传 multipart/form-data
public HttpServletRequest wrapRequest(HttpServletRequest oldRequest) throws ServletException { HttpServletRequest request = oldRequest; try { // Wrap request first, just in case it is multipart/form-data // parameters might not be accessible through before encoding (ww-1278) request = dispatcher.wrapRequest(request, servletContext); } catch (IOException e) { String message = "Could not wrap servlet request with MultipartRequestWrapper!"; throw new ServletException(message, e); } return request; }
public HttpServletRequest wrapRequest(HttpServletRequest request, ServletContext servletContext) throws IOException { // don't wrap more than once if (request instanceof StrutsRequestWrapper) { return request; } String content_type = request.getContentType(); if (content_type != null && content_type.contains("multipart/form-data")) { MultiPartRequest mpr = null; //check for alternate implementations of MultiPartRequest Set<String> multiNames = getContainer().getInstanceNames(MultiPartRequest.class); if (multiNames != null) { for (String multiName : multiNames) { if (multiName.equals(multipartHandlerName)) { mpr = getContainer().getInstance(MultiPartRequest.class, multiName); } } } if (mpr == null ) { mpr = getContainer().getInstance(MultiPartRequest.class); } request = new MultiPartRequestWrapper(mpr, request, getSaveDir(servletContext)); } else { request = new StrutsRequestWrapper(request); } return request; }
String content_type = request.getContentType();
public class MultiPartRequestWrapper extends StrutsRequestWrapper { protected static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MultiPartRequestWrapper.class); Collection<String> errors; MultiPartRequest multi; /** * Process file downloads and log any errors. * * @param request Our HttpServletRequest object * @param saveDir Target directory for any files that we save * @param multiPartRequest Our MultiPartRequest object */ public MultiPartRequestWrapper(MultiPartRequest multiPartRequest, HttpServletRequest request, String saveDir) { super(request); multi = multiPartRequest; try { multi.parse(request, saveDir); for (Object o : multi.getErrors()) { String error = (String) o; addError(error); } } catch (IOException e) { addError("Cannot parse request: "+e.toString()); } } /** * Get an enumeration of the parameter names for uploaded files * * @return enumeration of parameter names for uploaded files */ public Enumeration<String> getFileParameterNames() { if (multi == null) { return null; } return multi.getFileParameterNames(); } /** * Get an array of content encoding for the specified input field name or <tt>null</tt> if * no content type was specified. * * @param name input field name * @return an array of content encoding for the specified input field name */ public String[] getContentTypes(String name) { if (multi == null) { return null; } return multi.getContentType(name); } /** * Get a {@link java.io.File[]} for the given input field name. * * @param fieldName input field name * @return a File[] object for files associated with the specified input field name */ public File[] getFiles(String fieldName) { if (multi == null) { return null; } return multi.getFile(fieldName); } /** * Get a String array of the file names for uploaded files * * @param fieldName Field to check for file names. * @return a String[] of file names for uploaded files */ public String[] getFileNames(String fieldName) { if (multi == null) { return null; } return multi.getFileNames(fieldName); } /** * Get the filename(s) of the file(s) uploaded for the given input field name. * Returns <tt>null</tt> if the file is not found. * * @param fieldName input field name * @return the filename(s) of the file(s) uploaded for the given input field name or * <tt>null</tt> if name not found. */ public String[] getFileSystemNames(String fieldName) { if (multi == null) { return null; } return multi.getFilesystemName(fieldName); } /** * @see javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest#getParameter(String) */ public String getParameter(String name) { return ((multi == null) || (multi.getParameter(name) == null)) ? super.getParameter(name) : multi.getParameter(name); } /** * @see javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest#getParameterMap() */ public Map getParameterMap() { Map<String, String[]> map = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); Enumeration enumeration = getParameterNames(); while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) { String name = (String) enumeration.nextElement(); map.put(name, this.getParameterValues(name)); } return map; } /** * @see javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest#getParameterNames() */ public Enumeration getParameterNames() { if (multi == null) { return super.getParameterNames(); } else { return mergeParams(multi.getParameterNames(), super.getParameterNames()); } } /** * @see javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest#getParameterValues(String) */ public String[] getParameterValues(String name) { return ((multi == null) || (multi.getParameterValues(name) == null)) ? super.getParameterValues(name) : multi.getParameterValues(name); } /** * Returns <tt>true</tt> if any errors occured when parsing the HTTP multipart request, <tt>false</tt> otherwise. * * @return <tt>true</tt> if any errors occured when parsing the HTTP multipart request, <tt>false</tt> otherwise. */ public boolean hasErrors() { return !((errors == null) || errors.isEmpty()); } /** * Returns a collection of any errors generated when parsing the multipart request. * * @return the error Collection. */ public Collection<String> getErrors() { return errors; } /** * Adds an error message. * * @param anErrorMessage the error message to report. */ protected void addError(String anErrorMessage) { if (errors == null) { errors = new ArrayList<String>(); } errors.add(anErrorMessage); } /** * Merges 2 enumeration of parameters as one. * * @param params1 the first enumeration. * @param params2 the second enumeration. * @return a single Enumeration of all elements from both Enumerations. */ protected Enumeration mergeParams(Enumeration params1, Enumeration params2) { Vector temp = new Vector(); while (params1.hasMoreElements()) { temp.add(params1.nextElement()); } while (params2.hasMoreElements()) { temp.add(params2.nextElement()); } return temp.elements(); } }
ValueStack stack = ctx.getValueStack(); if (stack != null) { attribute = stack.findValue(s); }
我们知道,当struts2处理文件上传时,支持多文件上传,而且只要在我们的 action中声明
File[] file,
String[] fileName即可,
public interface MultiPartRequest { public void parse(HttpServletRequest request, String saveDir) throws IOException; /** * Returns an enumeration of the parameter names for uploaded files * * @return an enumeration of the parameter names for uploaded files */ public Enumeration<String> getFileParameterNames(); /** * Returns the content type(s) of the file(s) associated with the specified field name * (as supplied by the client browser), or <tt>null</tt> if no files are associated with the * given field name. * * @param fieldName input field name * @return an array of content encoding for the specified input field name or <tt>null</tt> if * no content type was specified. */ public String[] getContentType(String fieldName); /** * Returns a {@link java.io.File} object for the filename specified or <tt>null</tt> if no files * are associated with the given field name. * * @param fieldName input field name * @return a File[] object for files associated with the specified input field name */ public File[] getFile(String fieldName); /** * Returns a String[] of file names for files associated with the specified input field name * * @param fieldName input field name * @return a String[] of file names for files associated with the specified input field name */ public String[] getFileNames(String fieldName); /** * Returns the file system name(s) of files associated with the given field name or * <tt>null</tt> if no files are associated with the given field name. * * @param fieldName input field name * @return the file system name(s) of files associated with the given field name */ public String[] getFilesystemName(String fieldName); /** * Returns the specified request parameter. * * @param name the name of the parameter to get * @return the parameter or <tt>null</tt> if it was not found. */ public String getParameter(String name); /** * Returns an enumeration of String parameter names. * * @return an enumeration of String parameter names. */ public Enumeration<String> getParameterNames(); /** * Returns a list of all parameter values associated with a parameter name. If there is only * one parameter value per name the resulting array will be of length 1. * * @param name the name of the parameter. * @return an array of all values associated with the parameter name. */ public String[] getParameterValues(String name); /** * Returns a list of error messages that may have occurred while processing the request. * If there are no errors, an empty list is returned. If the underlying implementation * (ie: pell, cos, jakarta, etc) cannot support providing these errors, an empty list is * also returned. This list of errors is repoted back to the * {@link MultiPartRequestWrapper}'s errors field. * * @return a list of Strings that represent various errors during parsing */ public List getErrors(); }
protected Map<String,List<FileItem>> files = new HashMap<String,List<FileItem>>(); // maps parameter name -> List of param values protected Map<String,List<String>> params = new HashMap<String,List<String>>(); // any errors while processing this request protected List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>(); protected long maxSize;
public File[] getFile(String fieldName) { List<FileItem> items = files.get(fieldName); if (items == null) { return null; } List<File> fileList = new ArrayList<File>(items.size()); for (FileItem fileItem : items) { File storeLocation = ((DiskFileItem) fileItem).getStoreLocation(); if(fileItem.isInMemory() && storeLocation!=null && !storeLocation.exists()) { try { storeLocation.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { if(LOG.isErrorEnabled()){ LOG.error("Cannot write uploaded empty file to disk: " + storeLocation.getAbsolutePath(),e); } } } fileList.add(storeLocation); } return fileList.toArray(new File[fileList.size()]); }
2012-12-16 20:53 1436ActionMapping创建完成,就开始执行exece方法。 ... -
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2012-12-14 23:01 1060初始化Dispatcher完成, init.init ... -
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2012-12-14 21:59 1369Struts2架构图 Struts2部分类介绍 ... -
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2010-07-23 15:29 1137Struts2其实并不是一个陌 ...
在Eclipse中关联Struts2.1.8源码,可以帮助开发者更好地理解和调试代码。步骤包括: - 下载Struts2.1.8的源码包。 - 在Eclipse中,右键点击项目,选择"Build Path" -> "Configure Build Path" -> "Libraries" -> ...
孙卫琴 struts 源码 孙卫琴 struts 源码 孙卫琴 struts 源码
通过深入研究Struts源码,我们可以了解到框架如何处理请求、执行业务逻辑以及如何将数据呈现给用户。这对于提升Java Web开发技能,理解MVC模式,以及进行性能优化都有着极大的帮助。同时,熟悉源码也有助于开发者更...
最新版的Struts2源码可以从GitHub的Apache官方仓库获取,这为我们提供了深入理解其内部工作原理和定制功能提供了可能。 Struts2的核心特性包括: 1. **Action与结果**:在Struts2中,业务逻辑处理主要由Action类...
8. **OGNL(Object-Graph Navigation Language)**:Struts2使用OGNL作为默认表达式语言,用于在Action和视图之间传递数据。 9. **Struts2插件**:Struts2允许开发者通过插件扩展框架功能,例如国际化、上传下载等...
Struts2 源码分析 Struts2 是一个基于MVC 模式的Web 应用程序框架,它的源码分析可以帮助我们更好地理解框架的内部机制和工作流程。下面是Struts2 源码分析的相关知识点: 1. Struts2 架构图 Struts2 的架构图...
深入理解Struts2的源码对于提升Java Web开发技能,尤其是在面试中讨论底层实现时,具有非常重要的价值。 首先,我们来看看Struts2的核心组件和设计理念: 1. **Action**:在Struts2中,Action类是业务逻辑处理的...
8. **异常处理**: Struts2提供了一套完整的异常处理机制,包括全局异常映射和Action级别的异常处理。这使得开发者可以集中处理可能出现的错误,提高应用的健壮性。 9. **国际化(Internationalization, i18n)**: ...
本资料“struts2学习 源码”旨在帮助初学者理解Struts2的核心概念和工作原理,通过来自达内的详细代码实例来提供直观的学习体验。 Struts2框架的关键特性包括: 1. **动作(Action)**:在Struts2中,业务逻辑通常...
这里的"struts-1.3.9 源码"指的是Struts 1.x系列的第9次次要版本的源代码。Struts 1.3.9是在2008年发布的,它提供了许多增强和修复了之前版本中的问题,以提高框架的稳定性和安全性。 首先,我们来看看`LICENSE.txt...
在深入理解Struts2的工作原理时,源码分析是必不可少的步骤。Struts2的核心设计理念和设计模式相比Struts1.x有了显著的变化,这使得它成为一个独立且成熟的框架。 首先,Struts2的架构基于WebWork的核心,这意味着...
通过对Struts 1.2.9源码的深入学习,开发者可以了解Web应用的典型开发流程,掌握如何有效地组织和管理复杂的业务逻辑,以及如何优雅地处理用户交互。虽然Struts 1已逐渐被Struts 2和Spring MVC等更新框架替代,但它...
在深入理解Struts 2的源码之前,我们需要先了解其核心概念和组件。 1. **Action类与ActionMapping** Struts 2的核心是Action类,它是业务逻辑处理的中心。每个Action类对应一个用户请求,处理后返回一个Result。...
struts2.0工程源码(完整的struts2.0学习工程源码) 这是一个完整的工程源码,包括所用到的jar包和发布配置文件。 导入到eclipse里几个运行,struts2.0入门学习工程,适合struts2.0广大爱好者和初学者学习和交流。
孙卫琴 struts 源码 孙卫琴 struts 源码 孙卫琴 struts 源码 103m