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6 Ways to improve your eye contact skills
6 Ways to improve your eye contact skills
Talking to a group –
When talking to a group of
people it is great to have direct contact with your listeners. Don’t
make the mistake of maintaining eye contact with just one person as
this will stop the other members of the group from listening. To get
past this, focus on a different member of the group with every new
sentence. This way you are talking to all of the group and keeping them
all interested.
Talking to an individual –
It is great to
maintain eye contact when talking to a person however it can become a
bit creepy and uncomfortable if you stare intensely at them. To combat
this, break eye contact every 5 seconds or so. When breaking the eye
contact don’t look down as this might indicate the ending of your part
of the conversation. Instead, look up or to the side as if your are
remembering something. Try it just now: don’t move your head, and think
about the first time you started school. You will notice your eyes
might move up or to the side as you try to remember this. So when your
listener sees this they will think you are trying to remember something
and keep on listening to you.
Listening to someone –
When you are listening to
someone it can be off putting for the talker if you stare at them too
hard. The technique I use when I am counseling someone is to use what I
call ‘The triangle’. This is when I look at one eye for about 5
seconds, look at the other eye for 5 seconds and then look at the mouth
for 5 seconds and keep on rotating in this way. This technique coupled
with other listening skills such as nodding, occasional agreement words
such as ‘yes’, ‘Uh –huh’ ‘mm’ etc is a great way to keep the talker
talking and to show them you are interested in what they are saying.
Arguing –
Arguing with someone is a skill in
itself and if you want to compete in an argument holding the gaze shows
strength. If you look away when arguing with someone you have all but
lost the argument. Obviously this depends on who you are arguing with
but in general it is better to hold the gaze whilst you are making your
point and also when you are listening to the other person. We have all
come across the person who is great at arguing and making you feel
small, you will notice that everyone who is like this try to stare you
out. Stare back, it will surprise them, piss them off and put them off
what they are trying to say. Staying silent and staring at someone who
is trying to rile you is also an effective way to win an argument
without saying a word.
Attracting someone –
When you are trying to
attract someone and show them you are interested you can talk and
listen with your eyes. When a person you like is speaking use the whole
face as your focal point. Look at their eyes, listen to what they are
saying, smile in the appropriate places, raise your eyebrows in the
appropriate places. If you feel you are staring at them move to their
other features such as their lips, their cheeks, their nose and then
back to their eyes. Smiling when listening to someone is a great way to
show you are interested in them, obviously don’t smile when they have
just told you their pet died last night. You have to listen with your
ears as well as listening with your eyes (yes I did mean listening with
your eyes, you listen to someone’s body language with your eyes).
Loving someone –
My wife and I often share a
prolonged gaze into each others eyes and it is a very special thing to
just stare without talking. My wife’s pupils will dilate and she can my
pupils dilating. It creates a strong bond between us. To make your
pupils dilate even more you can try this: as you are staring at your
partner imagine yourself going inside their body and your two souls
making love. You are trying to touch their very soul. This will release
adrenalin and make your pupils dilate even more.
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