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  • 来自: 上海

A get color value tool

A small tool: get color value.



    There is apparently some malware going around that blocks execution of Cheat Engine (Saying file missing, check filename, etc...) If you have been a victim of this then try this windows repair tool to...

    Amplify Shader Editor1.5.4 最新版

    Amplify Shader Editor (ASE) is a node-based shader creation tool inspired by industry leading software. An open and tightly integrated solution, it provides a familiar and consistent development ...

    C 语言编缉神经网络工具

    a CGA, but in theory you should be able to get something there too. Ensure that the necessary driver files are all present in the directory from which HINTON.EXE is run: HINTON.EXE EGAVGA.BGI ...

    Visual C++ 编程资源大全(英文源码 控件)

    ColourPickerCB.zip A combobox derived class that provides a simple color picker(36KB)<END><br>68,ComboBoxInit_src.zip Learn how to programmatically initialize a combo box.(3KB)<END><br>69,...

    VB编程资源大全(英文源码 控件)

    Label3D.zip This is a Label 3D user control that works like the standard VB label control, but you can define the 3D look of the control.<END><br>14 , D-Tray101.zip This is a useful tool to ...


    Passmark's BurnInTest is a software tool that allows all the major sub-systems of a computer to be simultaneously tested for reliability and stability. Status ====== This is a shareware program. ...

    vs 2005 10款插件

    Perhaps you reuse an example of how to get an enum value from a string or a starting point on how to implement a certain pattern in your language of choice. PInvoke.NET P/Invoke is the process ...

    FastReport.v4.9.81 for.Delphi.BCB.Full.Source企业版含ClientServer中文修正版

    Once you purchase FastReport, you get more than just a report generator. Depending on FastReport edition, you get the following products that can be used in your application independent of FastReport:...


    - FIX: The value of some string flex-properties that began with a parenthese or curly bracket had no apostrophe at the end; that caused an error when reading. (fixed TPropList.SavePropValue for the ...

    曲线拟合工具CurveExpert 1.0

    + The scrollbar did not get reset to the top when the user read in a new data file. Fixed. + The structure of the code has been undergone some major changes to ease porting to Windows 95 and ...


    AutoFlowchart is a excellent tool to generate flowchart from sourcecode.Its flowchart can expand and shrink. and you can pre-define the the width , height,Horizontal spacing and vertical spacing...


    <!...--STATUS OK--><html><head>;..._position:;min-height:100%}#head{...list-style:none}body,form,#fm{position:relative}td{text-align:left}img{border:0}a{color:#00c}a:active{color:#f60}.bg{background-image:url...

    VB编程资源大全(英文源码 其它)

    A cool simulation for anyone who might think about playing the stocks and spending money and get a general idea how the system works. <END><br>83,LoanExpert.zip A bank loan type project that lets ...


    例如,`switch $color {red {puts "Red color"} green {puts "Green color"}}`。 - `while`:循环直到条件不满足。例如,`while {$count $count; incr count}`。 - `for`:迭代指定次数。例如,`for {set i 0} {$i...


    //save frame , the frame will be get by PC Tool to preview on PC screen //frame format: /dev/frame_x (x:0~21) if(cap->cmd == SAVE_FRAME || cap->save_status == ON ) { if(cap->cmd == SAVE_FRAME){ ...


    // CDC drawing tool class CPen; // a pen / HPEN wrapper class CBrush; // a brush / HBRUSH wrapper class CFont; // a font / HFONT wrapper class CBitmap; // a bitmap / HBITMAP wrapper class ...


    |------ 4.A Tool Bar |------ 4.B Status Bar |------ 4.C Dialog Bar |------ 4.D 利用AppWizard创建并使用ToolBar StatusBar Dialog Bar |------ 4.E General Window |------ 4.F 关于WM_NOTIFY的使用方法 +-- 第...

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