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Selenium Commands For Automation Testing


Selenium Commands For Automation Testing


一、Element Locators(定位器)

  • id=id

id locator (Select the element with the specified @id attribute in HTML).

  • name=name

name locator(Select the first element of the same @name attribute elements in HTML).

  • identifier=id

identifier locator (First,select the element with the specified @id attribute in HTML.IF it is not extant,then Select the first element of the same @name attribute elements in HTML).


  • dom=javascriptExpression

dom locator (Using javascriptExpression locate the element of HTML. Note:must start by 'document').





  • xpath=xpathExpression

xpath locator (Locate the element in HTML by XPath. Note:must start by '//')



        xpath=//img[@alt='The image alt text']


  • link=textPattern

link locator (Select the link (anchor) element which contains text matching the specified pattern).



        link=The link text

  • Default

Without an explicit locator prefix, Selenium uses the following default strategies:

              dom, for locators starting with "document."

              xpath, for locators starting with "//"

              identifier, otherwise





Imitate user's actions: Action have two format: 'action' and 'actionAndWait', action will execute at oncebut 'actionAndWait' will wait for a setting time to get the response of this action. 'open' can deal latency time itself.



  • click




- Click link,button,radio or checkbox button.

- If needing latency time for new page response ,please use "waitForPageToLoad"





  • open



- Open page using URL in Borwer, the action could receive two formats of relative path and absolute path.






  • type


type(inputLocator, value)

- Imitate the process of user typing, type value to inputLocator.

- also is fit for radio or checkbox.


  • contextMenu



- Right-click link, button, radio or checkbox button.


三、Execute JavaScript(执行JS脚本)



Launch page, then using selenium Server execute JavaScripte code for some useful function.



  • getEval


getEval(String script)

- script: some JavaScript code string.

- getEval: execute script and get the return value.



selenium.getEval("return document.getElementById('test').attribute('value');");



四、Execute Flex Script(执行Flex脚本)





Launch page, then using selenium Server execute JavaScripte code to call Flex function APIs.



  • getEval


getEval(String script)

--Precondition: The flash object is in current executing page and this flash has function APIs.

--First: Using javascript DOM find the locator of flash object id.

- Second:         Exectue the function of Flex function APIs of this object locator.

- Third:         GetEval function execute script and get the return value.



String text = "selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('testFlash').addNode('nodename','parentNodeName','true');";




五、Using XPath(如何使用XPath定位元素)



Show some useful method to locator element using XPath. 



  • Don't using id locator unless the id of this element is stable or you can't find other ways.




(If the id is not stable, your code is not safe.)


  • Common useful Path Expression


Locate all children nodes of this node


Locate all node for root node


Locate node from current select node, don't care about the location of selected node.


Choice current selected node


Choice parent node of current selected node


Locate node using attribute







Locate all children nodes of the node named 'booknode'


Locate root node named 'booknode'


Locate all node named 'book', don't care about the location of selected node.


Locate node named 'book' and attribute of value equal 1.



  • Useful function of location


--text(): Return text value of the element. Like <span>ddd</span>, return ddd.

--contains(String A, String B): If A contains B return true, else return false.


--last(): Return the last node of choice nodes.



selenium.click("xpath=//div[contains(text(),'Released Projects')]");

(Click the div which text contains 'Released Projects' string.)


  • Some XPath Instance


--First: xpath=//span[contains(text(),'Released Projects')]/../..//img[@class='dijitTreeExpando dijitTreeExpandoClosed']

(Locate an image tag which is a sub node of the parent node of the parent node of span node which text contains 'Released Projects'.)


--Second: xpath=//label[@title='level1FolderName']/../../../..//label[@title='level2FolderName']/../../../img


--Third:  xpath=//span[@class='dijitDialogTitle' and text()='Users/Groups Filter']





--W3School:               http://www.w3school.com.cn/xpath/xpath_syntax.asp

--SpringSide:                     http://wiki.springside.org.cn/display/springside/Selenium+Reference

--Selenium Official site:   http://seleniumhq.org/projects/remote-control/





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