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  • 性别: Icon_minigender_1
  • 来自: 北京


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<script type="text/javascript">

    function startLink(productId){
       return true;
    return false;
    function stopLink(productId){
       return true;
    return false;
     function deleteLink(productId){
       return true;
    return false;
    function goPagelink(){
    var go = document.getElementById("goPage").value;
        return true;   
<div style="color:red">
  <s:form action="productList" name="productListForm" method="post" theme="simple">
<div class="mainbox list">
<div class="morearea">
<a href="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/product/toAddProduct.action">发布产品信息</a>
    <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="table" bordercolor="#cccccc">
        <th width="10%">编号</th>
        <th width="25%">产品名称</th>
        <th width="20%">创建时间</th>
        <th width="20%">结束时间</th>
        <th width="25%">操作</th>
<c:forEach items="${cfProducts}" var="cfProduct">
<tr style=" width : 747px;">
        <td><c:out value="${cfProduct.proId}"/></td>
        <td><c:out value="${cfProduct.proTitle}"/></td>
        <td><fmt:formatDate value="${cfProduct.proCreatTime}" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"/></td>
        <td><fmt:formatDate value="${cfProduct.proEndTime}" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"/></td>
        <td class="operate">
        <a href="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/product/toUpdateProduct.action?proId=${cfProduct.proId}">修改</a>
        <s:if test="cfProduct.proIsLock==0">
        <a onclick="startLink('${cfProduct.proId}')">启用</a>
        <a onclick="stopLink('${cfProduct.proId}')" class="operate">停止</a>
        <a onclick="deleteLink('${cfProduct.proId}')" class="operate">删除</a>
        <td colspan="5">
            <div class="page">
            <span class="disabled">第<s:text name="page.currentPage"></s:text>页</span>
            <span class="disabled">共<s:text name="page.totalPage"></s:text>页</span>          
            <s:if test="page.hasPrePage">
            <a href="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/product/toAppointPage.action?goPage=1">首页</a>
            <a href="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/product/toAppointPage.action?goPage=${page.currentPage-1}">上一页</a>           
            <span class="disabled">首页</span>
            <span class="disabled">上一页</span>
            <s:if test="page.hasNextPage">
            <a href="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/product/toAppointPage.action?goPage=${page.currentPage+1}">下一页</a>
            <a href="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/product/toAppointPage.action?goPage=${page.totalPage}">尾页</a>           
            <span class="disabled">下一页</span>
            <span class="disabled">尾页</span>
            <span class="disabled">到</span>
            <s:textfield name="goPage" id="goPage"></s:textfield>
            <span class="disabled">页</span>
            <a onclick="goPagelink()">Go</a>
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<package name="product" extends="struts-default">
<action name="toAddProduct" class="productAction" method="toAddProduct">

<action name="addProduct" class="productAction" method="addProduct">
<interceptor-ref name ="fileUpload" >
                 <param name ="allowedTypes" >
                 </param >
             </interceptor-ref >
             <interceptor-ref name ="defaultStack" />
<result name="success" type="redirect">product/productList.action</result>
<result name="input">/product/product_add.jsp</result>

<action name="productList" class="productAction" method="listProducts">

<action name="toUpdateProduct" class="productAction" method="toUpdateProduct">
<result name="success">/product/product_updata.jsp</result>

<action name="updateProduct" class="productAction" method="updateProduct">
<interceptor-ref name ="fileUpload" >
                 <param name ="allowedTypes" >
                 </param >
             </interceptor-ref >
             <interceptor-ref name ="defaultStack" />
<result name="success" type="redirect">product/productList.action</result>
<result name="input">/product/product_updata.jsp</result>

<action name="startProduct" class="productAction" method="startProduct">
<result name="success" type="redirect">product/productList.action</result>
<result name="input">/product/product_list.jsp</result>

<action name="stopProduct" class="productAction" method="stopProduct">
<result name="success" type="redirect">product/productList.action</result>
<result name="input">/product/product_list.jsp</result>

<action name="toAppointPage" class="productAction" method="toAppointPage">
<result name="success">/product/product_list.jsp</result>

<action name="deleteProduct" class="productAction" method="deleteProduct">
<result name="success" type="redirect">product/productList.action</result>
<result name="input">/product/product_list.jsp</result>


* <p>ProductAction</p>
*  版权 (c) 2009
* <p>CFSW</p>
* 文件历史
* 日期                  作者             描述
* 2009-10-09        xiangcheng.yue      创建
package product.action;

import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.struts2.ServletActionContext;

import product.beans.CfProduct;
import product.beans.CfProductclass;
import product.service.ProductService;
import util.IdGenerator;

import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;
import common.beans.Page;
import common.util.ConstantUtil;
import common.util.PageUtil;

* 产品的查看,发布,修改,删除的Action.
* @author xiangcheng.yue
* @version 1.0
public class ProductAction extends ActionSupport {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 160 * 1024;
/** 产品Service。*/
private ProductService productService;
/** 产品对象。*/
private CfProduct cfProduct;
/** 企业对象。 */
//private CfCorporation cfCorporation;
/** 产品对象List。*/
private List<CfProduct> cfProducts;
/** 产品Id。*/
private String proId;
/** 产品修改页面是否修改产品图片标志,"0"表示没有修改,"1"表示修改。 */
private String updatePicFlag = "0";
/** 产品发布及修改页面是否修改企业信息的标志,"0"表示没有修改,"1"表示修改。 */
//private String updateCorporationFlag = "0";
/** 产品类型List。 */
private List<CfProductclass> productclassList;
/** 图片对象,为实现产品图片的上传及显示。 */
//private Picture pic = new Picture();
/** 分页对象,为实现产品List的分页。 */
private Page page = new Page();
/** 跳转页面。 */
private int goPage;
/** 为实现产品图片的上传及显示。 */
private File myFile;
    private String contentType;
    private String fileName;
    private String imageFileName;
    private String caption;
     * @since 2009-10-09
     * 初始化产品List页面,并按照条件对List进行分页显示。
     * @return String SUCCESS 显示产品List页面
private static void copy(File src, File dst)  {
        try  {
           InputStream in = null ;
           OutputStream out = null ;
            try  {               
               in = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream(src), BUFFER_SIZE);
               out = new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream(dst), BUFFER_SIZE);
                byte [] buffer = new byte [BUFFER_SIZE];
                while (in.read(buffer) > 0 )  {
            } finally  {
                if ( null != in)  {
                 if ( null != out)  {
        } catch (Exception e)  {
public String getExtention(String fileName)  {
        int pos = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");
        return fileName.substring(pos);

     * @since 2009-10-09
     * 初始化产品List页面,并按照条件对List进行分页显示。
     * @return String SUCCESS 显示产品List页面
public String listProducts() {
cfProducts = productService.findAll();
page = PageUtil.createPage(page,cfProducts.size());
goPage = 1;
cfProducts = productService.getListByPage(CfProduct.class,page);
return SUCCESS;

     * @since 2009-10-09
     * 确定要发布产品信息后,对新发布的产品的进行保存。
     * @return String SUCCESS 返回产品List页面
public String toAddProduct() {
cfProduct = new CfProduct();
productclassList = productService.findSortOfCfProductsort();
return SUCCESS;

     * @since 2009-10-09
     * 确定要发布产品信息后,对新发布的产品的进行保存。
     * @return String SUCCESS 返回产品List页面
public String addProduct() {
cfProduct.setProCreatTime(new Date());
imageFileName = new Date().getTime() + getExtention(fileName);
String picURl = ServletActionContext.getServletContext().getRealPath( "/uploadimages" ) + "\\" + imageFileName;
        File imageFile = new File(ServletActionContext.getServletContext().getRealPath( "/uploadimages" ) + "/" + imageFileName);
        copy(myFile, imageFile);
return SUCCESS;

     * @since 2009-10-09
     * 确定要修改产品信息后,初始化要修改的产品对象。
     * @return String SUCCESS 跳转到产品修改页面
public String toUpdateProduct() {
cfProduct = productService.findById(this.getProId());
productclassList = productService.findSortOfCfProductsort();
//cfCorporation = productService.findCfCorporationById(cfProduct.getProCorId());
return SUCCESS;

     * @since 2009-10-09
     * 修改产品信息后,对修改了的产品的信息进行保存。
     * @return String SUCCESS 跳转到产品List页面,并对该页面进行刷新。
public String updateProduct() {
if("0" == updatePicFlag){
return SUCCESS;
return SUCCESS;

     * @since 2009-10-09
     * 确定启用产品时,对产品的是否停用标志位进行修改。
     * @return String SUCCESS 刷新List页面。
public String startProduct() {
cfProduct = productService.findById(this.getProId());
return SUCCESS;

     * @since 2009-10-09
     * 确定停用产品时,对产品的是否停用标志位进行修改。
     * @return String SUCCESS 刷新List页面。
public String stopProduct() {
cfProduct = productService.findById(this.getProId());
return SUCCESS;

     * @since 2009-10-09
     * 点击分页标签时到确定页。
     * @return String SUCCESS 指定确定页的数据,并刷新List页面。
public String toAppointPage(){
page = PageUtil.createPage(page);
cfProducts = productService.getListByPage(CfProduct.class,page);
return SUCCESS;

     * @since 2009-10-09
     * 点击产品List页面,删除链接。
     * @return String SUCCESS 把要删除的数据删除标志位设为1,并刷新List页面。
public String deleteProduct(){
return SUCCESS;

public void setCfProduct(CfProduct cfProduct) {
this.cfProduct = cfProduct;

public CfProduct getCfProduct() {
return cfProduct;

public List<CfProduct> getCfProducts() {
return cfProducts;

public void setCfProducts(List<CfProduct> cfProducts) {
this.cfProducts = cfProducts;

public ProductService getProductService() {
return productService;

public void setProductService(ProductService productService) {
this.productService = productService;

public String getProId() {
return proId;

public void setProId(String proId) {
this.proId = proId;

public static long getSerialVersionUID() {
return serialVersionUID;

public String getUpdatePicFlag() {
return updatePicFlag;

public void setUpdatePicFlag(String updatePicFlag) {
this.updatePicFlag = updatePicFlag;

public Page getPage() {
return page;

public void setPage(Page page) {
this.page = page;

public List<CfProductclass> getProductclassList() {
return productclassList;

public void setProductclassList(List<CfProductclass> productclassList) {
this.productclassList = productclassList;

public int getGoPage() {
return goPage;

public void setGoPage(int goPage) {
this.goPage = goPage;

public void setMyFileContentType(String contentType)  {
        this.contentType = contentType;
    public void setMyFileFileName(String fileName)  {
        this.fileName = fileName;
    public void setMyFile(File myFile)  {
        this.myFile = myFile;
    public String getImageFileName()  {
        return imageFileName;
    public String getCaption()  {
        return caption;

     public void setCaption(String caption)  {
        this.caption = caption;

public void setImageFileName(String imageFileName) {
this.imageFileName = imageFileName;



* <p>ProductService</p>
*  版权 (c) 2009
* <p>CFSW</p>
* 文件历史
* 日期                  作者             描述
* 2009-10-09        xiangcheng.yue      创建
package product.service;

import java.util.List;
import common.beans.Page;

import product.beans.CfProduct;
import product.beans.CfProductclass;

public interface ProductService {
public void saveProduct(CfProduct cfProduct);
public List<CfProduct> findAll();
public CfProduct findById(String proId);
public List<CfProductclass> findAllRootNode();
public List<CfProductclass> findAllChildNodeByParentNode(String parentNode);
public List<CfProductclass> findSortOfCfProductsort();
//public CfCorporation findCfCorporationById(String cfCorporationId);
public void updateProduct(CfProduct cfProduct);
public  List<CfProduct> getListByPage(Class pojoClass,Page page);
public void deleteProduct(String proId);

* <p>ProductServiceImpl</p>
*  版权 (c) 2009
* <p>CFSW</p>
* 文件历史
* 日期                  作者             描述
* 2009-10-09        xiangcheng.yue      创建
package product.service;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import common.beans.Page;

import corp.corporation.dao.CfCorporationDAO;

import product.beans.CfProduct;
import product.beans.CfProductclass;
import product.dao.CfProductDAO;

public class ProductServiceImpl implements ProductService {
/** 产品Dao。*/
private CfProductDAO cfProductDAO;
/** 企业Dao。*/
private CfCorporationDAO cfCorporationDAO;

     * @since 2009-10-09
     * 保存产品对象。
     * @param CfProduct cfProduct
     * @return void 保存CfProduct对象。
public void saveProduct(CfProduct cfProduct) {

     * @since 2009-10-09
     * 得到所有的产品List。
     * @return List<CfProduct> 所有的产品List,即删除标志位为0的产品。
public List<CfProduct> findAll() {
return cfProductDAO.findAll();

     * @since 2009-10-09
     * 通过Id得到产品对象。
     * @param String proId
     * @return CfProduct 。
public CfProduct findById(String proId) {
return cfProductDAO.findById(proId);

     * @since 2009-10-09
     * 得到所有根产品类型,即父节点字段为空的数据。
     * @return List<CfProductclass> 所有的父节点为空的产品类型。
public List<CfProductclass> findAllRootNode() {
return cfProductDAO.findAllRootNode();

     * @since 2009-10-09
     * 通过产品类型表中的父节点得到该父节点的所有子节点。
     * @param String parentNode
     * @return List<CfProductclass> 该父节点的所有子节点的List。
public List<CfProductclass> findAllChildNodeByParentNode(String parentNode) {
return cfProductDAO.findAllChildNodeByParentNode(parentNode);

     * @since 2009-10-09
     * 通过产品类型表中的父节点得到该父节点的所有子节点。
     * @param String parentNode
     * @return List<CfProductclass> 该父节点的所有子节点的List。
public List<CfProductclass> findSortOfCfProductsort() {
List<CfProductclass> allRootNoteList = this.findAllRootNode();
List<CfProductclass> classOfCfCfProductclassList = new ArrayList();
if (allRootNoteList != null && allRootNoteList.size() > 0) {
for (CfProductclass rootNode : allRootNoteList) {
List<CfProductclass> clildNodeOfOneParentList = this
if (clildNodeOfOneParentList != null
&& clildNodeOfOneParentList.size() > 0) {
List<CfProductclass> formatClildNodeOfOneParentList = new ArrayList();
for (CfProductclass clildNode : clildNodeOfOneParentList) {
clildNode.setPsName("--" + clildNode.getPsName());
return classOfCfCfProductclassList;

     * @since 2009-10-09
     * 通过企业Id得到企业对象。
     * @param String cfCorporationId
     * @return CfCorporation 该Id对应的企业对象。
// @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
// public CfCorporation findCfCorporationById(String cfCorporationId){
// return cfCorporationDAO.findById(cfCorporationId);
// }

     * @since 2009-10-09
     * 通过class名和Page对象得到分页的数据。
     * @param Class pojoClass
     * @param Page page
     * @return CfCorporation 要分页显示的数据的List。
public  List<CfProduct> getListByPage(Class pojoClass,Page page){
return cfProductDAO.getListByPage(pojoClass, page);

     * @since 2009-10-09
     * 更新产品对象。
     * @param CfProduct cfProduct
     * @return viod 更新要更新的产品对象。
public void updateProduct(CfProduct cfProduct){

public void deleteProduct(String proId){
CfProduct cfProduct = cfProductDAO.findById(proId);

public CfProductDAO getCfProductDAO() {
return cfProductDAO;

public void setCfProductDAO(CfProductDAO cfProductDAO) {
this.cfProductDAO = cfProductDAO;

public CfCorporationDAO getCfCorporationDAO() {
return cfCorporationDAO;

public void setCfCorporationDAO(CfCorporationDAO cfCorporationDAO) {
this.cfCorporationDAO = cfCorporationDAO;



package product.dao;

import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.hibernate.LockMode;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.support.HibernateDaoSupport;

import common.beans.Page;

import product.beans.CfProduct;
import product.beans.CfProductclass;

* Data access object (DAO) for domain model class CfProduct.
* @see com.alu.test.model.CfProduct
  * @author MyEclipse Persistence Tools

public class CfProductDAO extends HibernateDaoSupport  {
    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CfProductDAO.class);
//property constants
public static final String PRO_TITLE = "proTitle";
public static final String PRO_STITLE = "proSTitle";
public static final String PRO_MODEL = "proModel";
public static final String PRO_IS_FLAG = "proIsFlag";
public static final String PRO_MATERIAL = "proMaterial";
public static final String PRO_ORIGIN = "proOrigin";
public static final String PRO_TRADEMARK = "proTrademark";
public static final String PRO_SPEC = "proSpec";
public static final String PRO_TYPE = "proType";
public static final String PRO_PRICE = "proPrice";
public static final String PRO_PIC_URL = "proPicUrl";
public static final String PRO_CLASS_ID = "proClassId";
public static final String PRO_NAVI_CONTENT = "proNaviContent";
public static final String PRO_CONTENT = "proContent";
public static final String PRO_COR_ID = "proCorId";
public static final String PRO_CLICK = "proClick";
public static final String PRO_ORDER_ID = "proOrderId";
public static final String PRO_IS_LOCK = "proIsLock";
public static final String PRO_IS_RECYLE = "proIsRecyle";
public static final String PRO_IS_TIPS = "proIsTips";
public static final String PRO_IS_TIPS_READ = "proIsTipsRead";
public static final String PRO_IS_INDEX_FLAG = "proIsIndexFlag";
public static final String PRO_IS_RECOMMEND = "proIsRecommend";

protected void initDao() {
//do nothing
    public void save(CfProduct transientInstance) {
        log.debug("saving CfProduct instance");
        try {
            log.debug("save successful");
        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
            log.error("save failed", re);
            throw re;
public void delete(CfProduct persistentInstance) {
        log.debug("deleting CfProduct instance");
        try {
            log.debug("delete successful");
        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
            log.error("delete failed", re);
            throw re;
    public CfProduct findById( java.lang.String id) {
        log.debug("getting CfProduct instance with id: " + id);
        try {
            CfProduct instance = (CfProduct) getHibernateTemplate()
                    .get(CfProduct.class, id);
            return instance;
        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
            log.error("get failed", re);
            throw re;
    public List findByExample(CfProduct instance) {
        log.debug("finding CfProduct instance by example");
        try {
            List results = getHibernateTemplate().findByExample(instance);
            log.debug("find by example successful, result size: " + results.size());
            return results;
        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
            log.error("find by example failed", re);
            throw re;
    public List findByProperty(String propertyName, Object value) {
      log.debug("finding CfProduct instance with property: " + propertyName
            + ", value: " + value);
      try {
         String queryString = "from CfProduct as model where model."
         + propertyName + "= ?";
return getHibernateTemplate().find(queryString, value);
      } catch (RuntimeException re) {
         log.error("find by property name failed", re);
         throw re;

public List findByProTitle(Object proTitle) {
return findByProperty(PRO_TITLE, proTitle);

public List findByProSTitle(Object proSTitle) {
return findByProperty(PRO_STITLE, proSTitle);

public List findByProModel(Object proModel) {
return findByProperty(PRO_MODEL, proModel);

public List findByProIsFlag(Object proIsFlag) {
return findByProperty(PRO_IS_FLAG, proIsFlag);

public List findByProMaterial(Object proMaterial) {
return findByProperty(PRO_MATERIAL, proMaterial);

public List findByProOrigin(Object proOrigin) {
return findByProperty(PRO_ORIGIN, proOrigin);

public List findByProTrademark(Object proTrademark) {
return findByProperty(PRO_TRADEMARK, proTrademark);

public List findByProSpec(Object proSpec) {
return findByProperty(PRO_SPEC, proSpec);

public List findByProType(Object proType) {
return findByProperty(PRO_TYPE, proType);

public List findByProPrice(Object proPrice) {
return findByProperty(PRO_PRICE, proPrice);

public List findByProPicUrl(Object proPicUrl) {
return findByProperty(PRO_PIC_URL, proPicUrl);

public List findByProClassId(Object proClassId) {
return findByProperty(PRO_CLASS_ID, proClassId);

public List findByProNaviContent(Object proNaviContent) {
return findByProperty(PRO_NAVI_CONTENT, proNaviContent);

public List findByProContent(Object proContent) {
return findByProperty(PRO_CONTENT, proContent);

public List findByProCorId(Object proCorId) {
return findByProperty(PRO_COR_ID, proCorId);

public List findByProClick(Object proClick) {
return findByProperty(PRO_CLICK, proClick);

public List findByProOrderId(Object proOrderId) {
return findByProperty(PRO_ORDER_ID, proOrderId);

public List findByProIsLock(Object proIsLock) {
return findByProperty(PRO_IS_LOCK, proIsLock);

public List findByProIsRecyle(Object proIsRecyle) {
return findByProperty(PRO_IS_RECYLE, proIsRecyle);

public List findByProIsTips(Object proIsTips) {
return findByProperty(PRO_IS_TIPS, proIsTips);

public List findByProIsTipsRead(Object proIsTipsRead) {
return findByProperty(PRO_IS_TIPS_READ, proIsTipsRead);

public List findByProIsIndexFlag(Object proIsIndexFlag) {
return findByProperty(PRO_IS_INDEX_FLAG, proIsIndexFlag);

public List findByProIsRecommend(Object proIsRecommend) {
return findByProperty(PRO_IS_RECOMMEND, proIsRecommend);

public List findAll() {
log.debug("finding all CfProduct instances");
try {
String queryString = "from CfProduct t where t.proIsRecyle = 0";
return getHibernateTemplate().find(queryString);
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
log.error("find all failed", re);
throw re;

    public CfProduct merge(CfProduct detachedInstance) {
        log.debug("merging CfProduct instance");
        try {
            CfProduct result = (CfProduct) getHibernateTemplate()
            log.debug("merge successful");
            return result;
        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
            log.error("merge failed", re);
            throw re;

    public void attachDirty(CfProduct instance) {
        log.debug("attaching dirty CfProduct instance");
        try {
            log.debug("attach successful");
        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
            log.error("attach failed", re);
            throw re;
    public void attachClean(CfProduct instance) {
        log.debug("attaching clean CfProduct instance");
        try {
            getHibernateTemplate().lock(instance, LockMode.NONE);
            log.debug("attach successful");
        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
            log.error("attach failed", re);
            throw re;

public static CfProductDAO getFromApplicationContext(ApplicationContext ctx) {
    return (CfProductDAO) ctx.getBean("CfProductDAO");

public List<CfProductclass> findAllRootNode(){
log.debug("finding all CfProductclass of rootNode");
try {
String queryString = "from CfProductclass t where t.psParentId is null";
return getHibernateTemplate().find(queryString);
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
log.error("find rootNode from CfProductclass failed", re);
throw re;

public List<CfProductclass> findAllChildNodeByParentNode(String parentNode){
log.debug("finding all ChildNode By ParentNode from CfProductclass");
try {
String queryString = "from CfProductclass t where t.psParentId =:parentNode";
Query query = this.getSession().createQuery(queryString);
query.setParameter("parentNode", parentNode);
return query.list();
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
log.error("find rootNode from CfProductclass failed", re);
throw re;

public  List<CfProduct> getListByPage(Class pojoClass,Page page){
log.debug("saving CfProduct instance");
String querySentence = "from " + pojoClass.getName() + " as t where t.proIsRecyle = 0";
        Query query = getSession().createQuery(querySentence);
return query.list();



package common.beans;

* @author xiangcheng.yue
public class Page{
    /** imply if the page has previous page */
    private boolean hasPrePage;
    /** imply if the page has next page */
    private boolean hasNextPage;
    /** the number of every page */
    private int everyPage;
    /** the total page number */
    private int totalPage;
    /** the number of current page */
    private int currentPage;
    /** the begin index of the records by the current query */
    private int beginIndex;
    /** The default constructor */
    public Page(){
    /** construct the page by everyPage
     * @param everyPage
     * */
    public Page(int everyPage){
        this.everyPage = everyPage;
    /** The whole constructor */
    public Page(boolean hasPrePage, boolean hasNextPage, 
                    int everyPage, int totalPage,
                    int currentPage, int beginIndex){
        this.hasPrePage = hasPrePage;
        this.hasNextPage = hasNextPage;
        this.everyPage = everyPage;
        this.totalPage = totalPage;
        this.currentPage = currentPage;
        this.beginIndex = beginIndex;

     * @return
     * Returns the beginIndex.
    public int getBeginIndex(){
        return beginIndex;
     * @param beginIndex
     * The beginIndex to set.
    public void setBeginIndex(int beginIndex){
        this.beginIndex = beginIndex;
     * @return
     * Returns the currentPage.
    public int getCurrentPage(){
        return currentPage;
     * @param currentPage
     * The currentPage to set.
    public void setCurrentPage(int currentPage){
        this.currentPage = currentPage;
     * @return
     * Returns the everyPage.
    public int getEveryPage(){
        return everyPage;
     * @param everyPage
     * The everyPage to set.
    public void setEveryPage(int everyPage){
        this.everyPage = everyPage;
     * @return
     * Returns the hasNextPage.
    public boolean getHasNextPage(){
        return hasNextPage;
     * @param hasNextPage
     * The hasNextPage to set.
    public void setHasNextPage(boolean hasNextPage){
        this.hasNextPage = hasNextPage;
     * @return
     * Returns the hasPrePage.
    public boolean getHasPrePage(){
        return hasPrePage;
     * @param hasPrePage
     * The hasPrePage to set.
    public void setHasPrePage(boolean hasPrePage){
        this.hasPrePage = hasPrePage;
     * @return Returns the totalPage.
    public int getTotalPage(){
        return totalPage;
     * @param totalPage
     * The totalPage to set.
    public void setTotalPage(int totalPage){
        this.totalPage = totalPage;

package common.util;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import common.beans.Page;

* @author xiangcheng.yue
public class PageUtil {
private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(PageUtil.class);
    public static Page createPage(Page page){
        return createPage(page.getEveryPage(), page.getCurrentPage(), page.getTotalPage());
     * Use the origin page to create a new page
     * @param page
     * @param totalRecords
     * @return
    public static Page createPage(Page page, int totalRecords){
        return createPage(page.getEveryPage(), page.getCurrentPage(), totalRecords);
     * the basic page utils not including exception handler
     * @param everyPage
     * @param currentPage
     * @param totalRecords
     * @return page
    public static Page createPage(int everyPage, int currentPage, int totalRecords){
        everyPage = getEveryPage(everyPage);
        currentPage = getCurrentPage(currentPage);
        int beginIndex = getBeginIndex(everyPage, currentPage);
        int totalPage = getTotalPage(everyPage, totalRecords);
        boolean hasNextPage = hasNextPage(currentPage, totalPage);
        boolean hasPrePage = hasPrePage(currentPage);
        return new Page(hasPrePage, hasNextPage, 
                                everyPage, totalPage,
                                currentPage, beginIndex);
    private static int getEveryPage(int everyPage){
        return everyPage == 0 ? 10 : everyPage;
    private static int getCurrentPage(int currentPage){
        return currentPage == 0 ? 1 : currentPage;
    private static int getBeginIndex(int everyPage, int currentPage){
        return(currentPage - 1) * everyPage;
    private static int getTotalPage(int everyPage, int totalRecords){
        int totalPage = 0;
        if(totalRecords == 0){
        return totalPage++;
        if(totalRecords % everyPage == 0)
            totalPage = totalRecords / everyPage;
            totalPage = totalRecords / everyPage + 1 ;
        return totalPage;
    private static boolean hasPrePage(int currentPage){
        return currentPage == 1 ? false : true;
    private static boolean hasNextPage(int currentPage, int totalPage){
        return currentPage == totalPage || totalPage == 0 ? false : true;





    java+hibernate实现分页 public String execute() throws Exception { System.out.println("Page:" + page); pagePlanList = ps.findPlantByPage(page, rowsPerPage); totalPage = ps.getPlanTotalPage...


    ### 使用Hibernate实现分页查询 #### 一、分页查询概念及原理 分页查询是一种在数据量较大的情况下,为了提高用户体验和系统性能而采取的一种技术手段。它将查询结果分成若干页显示,用户可以通过翻页操作查看不同...


    ### Hibernate 实现分页查询详解 #### 一、引言 在进行数据库操作时,为了提高用户体验和系统性能,分页查询是一项非常重要的技术。...以上就是关于Hibernate实现分页查询的具体介绍,希望对大家有所帮助。

    完整Struts2 HIBERNATE实现分页

    根据提供的标题、描述以及部分内文,我们可以梳理出关于如何使用Struts2与Hibernate实现分页功能的关键知识点。 ### Struts2与Hibernate简介 - **Struts2**:这是一个基于MVC架构的开源Web框架,它能帮助开发者...


    【Struts2+Hibernate实现分页详解】 在Java Web开发中,Struts2和Hibernate是两个非常重要的框架,它们分别负责MVC模式中的控制层和持久层。Struts2提供了强大的Action类和拦截器,使得业务逻辑处理更加简洁;而...


    本项目“Extjs+Spring+Hibernate实现分页”结合了三种强大的技术,以构建一个高效、灵活的数据分页系统。下面将详细介绍这三个技术以及它们在分页中的应用。 1. **ExtJS**:ExtJS是一个JavaScript库,专门用于构建...


    在Java Web开发中,"Struts+Hibernate 实现分页"是一个常见的需求,尤其是在处理大量数据展示时。...通过研究这些文件,你可以更好地理解和学习如何在实际项目中结合Struts和Hibernate实现分页功能。


    本篇文章将深入探讨如何在Struts框架中利用Hibernate实现分页功能,以提高应用性能和用户体验。 分页是大型数据集展示的关键技术,它允许用户逐步浏览大量信息,而不是一次性加载所有数据,这可以显著提升页面加载...


    本项目“struts+hibernate实现分页”结合了这两个强大的工具,旨在展示如何在实际应用中实现数据的分页显示,以提高用户体验并优化系统性能。 分页是Web应用程序中常见的功能,特别是在处理大量数据时。它将数据库...

    hibernate 实现分页

    本教程将详细介绍如何使用Hibernate实现分页功能。 首先,我们需要了解分页的基本概念。分页是将一个大的数据集分割成多个小的部分,每个部分称为一页。用户每次只加载一页数据,可以按需浏览或跳转到其他页。在...


    本教程将详细讲解如何使用Hibernate实现分页功能,这对于处理大量数据的Web应用来说至关重要,因为它能够有效地减少数据库负载,提高用户体验。 一、Hibernate分页基础 1. Hibernate的Query和Criteria API都提供了...


    以下将详细讲解如何使用这三个框架实现分页功能。 首先,Spring作为核心的依赖注入(DI)和面向切面编程(AOP)框架,负责管理应用程序的组件,包括SessionFactory的创建和管理。在配置文件中,我们可以通过Spring...




    根据提供的标题、描述、标签及部分内容,我们可以了解到这篇文章主要探讨的是如何在Struts2与Hibernate框架结合下实现分页功能。接下来将详细解析Struts2与Hibernate如何协作完成这一任务。 ### Struts2与Hibernate...


    ExtJs4.2+Mysql+Struts2+Hibernate3实现分页查询 1.libs目录缺少hibernate核心jar包 2.libs目录缺少struts jar 3.WebRoot目录缺少ExtJs4.2核心类库 以上信息我都在项目里面注明了,因为这些内容的文件太大了,CSDN不...

    Struts + Hibernate 实现简单分页功能



    **二、使用Hibernate实现分页** 在Hibernate中,我们可以使用`Criteria`、`Query`或者`JPQL`(Java Persistence Query Language)来实现分页。这里以`Criteria`为例: 1. **创建Criteria**:首先,我们需要通过...


    #### 四、dwr+hibernate实现分页技术的关键步骤 ##### 4.1 准备工作 在开始之前,确保项目中已经集成了dwr和hibernate两个框架。这通常涉及到添加相应的依赖库以及配置文件的设置。对于dwr,主要是引入必要的...

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